Regarding Group Delays and Harassment

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Feb 17, 2018
Like, the delay page even links you to the scanlators' website where you can read the chapter, no delay. What the hell are you complaining about? Show some love, yo.
Oct 13, 2018
Death Threats/Nasty E-mails over stuff over Delays? People don't know how to grow up.
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
They don't want to lose any groups, accommodating scanlators is one of the primary goals of the site. And whether they could handle it privately or not (there are circumstances where that's infeasible), either way it doesn't mean it's bad for mangadex to come out and say it doesn't support that behavior. At the very least they're just covering their ass, while addressing potential future incidents of more serious harrassment and disincentivizing shitty behavior in general.

The only possible downside is the "they're trying to generate sympathy" angle, but I and others are genuinely sympathetic? Even if it is just a casual "kys" or other sorts of casual harrassment, I still don't think any group deserves that for how they choose to distribute their work regardless of whether I agree with it.

Also it's pretty clear here you have a bias. Like maybe you have legitimate grievance with Jamini's Box or whatever other groups with delays but do you really want to make that stand here? Even if you think the harassers in question weren't a serious concern at least SOME of them were clearly being assholes. Seemingly making excuses for them just comes across as really petty and detracts from your stance. And in combination with the tone used towards pretty much everyone involved, it straight out just seems immature/inappropriate - as much if not moreso than the supposed groups you're accusing.

Ultimately there's no downside to Mangadex stating they don't support that sort of behavior, regardless of your opinions on the legitimacy or circumstances behind it. At the very least they're just covering their ass, while addressing potential future incidents of more serious harrassment and disincentivizing shitty behavior in general. You can continue to feel how you want about the groups in question but that doesn't necessitate taking a stance against the announcement itself.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2018
I was about to say ignore those stupid 12 yo brat who sent a death threat to someone who just gave you a free translated chapters. But I remember there's so many idiot out there who would do that for their own ego and selfishness. Stop bitching and translate it by yourself dumbass
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
God dammit, internet, death threats are fucking stupid. It's starting to feel like any time someone does something online they get death threats. What's the point?
Dec 8, 2018
To be honest, I think such emails or comments should be ignored, I don’t think Adults or teenagers (15+) in this case would send such stuff, just simply ignore then under the thought that they are full-fledged retards :) ;)
Apr 23, 2018
@Jacough read it in context. The point was some retarded people get serious about the stupidest things. I already stated that I doubt they were serious, and if they were, they probably arn't intelligent enough to look up where they live (less its posted on the website). My only point was that some people are really just that weird. If there are documented cases of people killing others over a slice of pizza, I see no reason why we should be questioning weather or not some idiot posted a death threat online (with the added anonymity) bc he is salty.

And the reference above it to a pvp killing turning to actual murder for revenge was just to point out that it does happen. Sometimes we have a psychopathy online that finds out where you live and attempts to murder you. Its dumb, but people are even dumber, so it happens.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
I mean, I just vent my frustration at the delays by not giving their group pages a thumbs-up, but I guess death threats work too..?
Apr 18, 2018
wtf??? it is as simple as clicking the link to go to their site. I agree with the ban. death threat in general should be severely punished.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
Seriously... internet is a cesspool full of shit. When one thinks he is anonymous and wont be held accountable for what they say and do - this happens. Whenever I read about that kind of violent behavior I consider what would it be if there was no anonymity on the internet.
May 26, 2018
Well, disregarding all the virtue signaling we do see this kind of behavior in the otaku (for the lack of a better word) fandom. Western fujoshi sent death threats to the Tokyo Ghoul author to make their yaoi headcanon official, people from /v/ were spamming Kitaeri with pictures of their dicks on social media etc etc.

What I think is the core issue here isn't toxicity or anything like that but a lack of self-insight. It'd be one thing if you were actually commissioning or contributing to the scanlators/fansubbers since then you'd naturally have an interest in getting your money's worth and have some actual say, but when you're basically a leeching without contributing (which isn't a problem in and of itself) you have very little ground to make demands on. Scanlators aren't obligated to give you anything just like you aren't obligated to give them anything whether it be attention or funding, it's an entirely voluntary relationship.

It's completely fine to levy some constructive criticism even as an outsider, but people on the internet who demand things of others and attack them for not conforming to their personal beliefs (which we see plenty of in current year) are nothing but entitled brats and needs to be shamed as such.
Jan 10, 2019
I gotta wonder if this is the group that has a two week delay. Add the fact that they were delaying releases until they got their reader ready and they are not a group that I want to give any form of support to. I use mangadex because the site does uphold the scantalators wishes but 2 weeks seems excessive. I'm not going to go to their website but I'm not going to another less savoury site to read them either.

I wouldn't send anyone death threats over... Well anything really. This did rile me up enough to finally make an account to see if there is a way I can filter out all said groups releases. Wouldn't want to help them even accidentally.
Jan 21, 2018
@A_Common_Crab @Northern @kn1000a

I think you're all starting with the wrong baseline here. Mangadex could do just fine with no comment section at all. It's a place to read manga not comment on manga first and foremost.

You can always just go to reddit or any of many other place that are designed for content discussion. Not boxing yourself into mangadex is the actual freedom. Orweillianism is impossible when you're free to leave. Nothing is mandatory when you don't have to be here.

Any avenue for commenting on Mangadex is a courtesy not a right, and any thoughts counter to that are the same kind of entitlement that results in scanslators getting death threats in the first place.

That's why any comment system Mangadex does have, should fight that sense of entitlement by engendering a sense of positivity.

It wouldn't be a forced positivity because most users are already positive. It's just a matter of promoting positive comment over negative ones, not changing the ratio of positive user to negative users.

Mangadex has no obligation to take negative comments, just because it wants positive ones.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
On "death threats"... what exactly constitutes one? I can't quite imagine the average manga reader actually mailing someone threatening to murder them. Even if it happened, I'd find it more comically pitiful than anything, as it sounds like something an edgy 12 year-old would do.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
The best way to deal with these fuckers is just to ignore them. They're probably just a bunch of retards and attention-seekers with too much time on their hands. Block/filter their comments and emails and never speak a word about them.

Also, it would be great if the upvote/downvote button becomes a thing on MangaDex so the community can weed out cancer from the comments section.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
If I add French captions to a blockbuster movie, I do not own the rights to that movie. I cannot decide who can sell the movie now, or when they're allowed to sell it. Scanlators on the other hand believe they own the rights to their mangas, simply because they photoshopped some text and cleaned up some lines. If Mangadex wants to play along with scanlators putting rules on when and who is allowed to upload, that's fine. There are other websites who understand the reality of the situation. Death threats are too far, but using another website isn't.
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