Remarried Empress - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

Aug 25, 2019
What a scheming little btch
Effen trash, characters like rashta just makes me so damn mad and annoyed especially with that innocent act but behind it is actually a damn demon
Nov 2, 2019
Drama is so forced it's painful tbh. Can't expect anything original from these third league webcomics I suppose. Drawings are nice toh
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
Ohh that Trashta is annoying af. Time to go read the novel cuz I want to see that divorce!
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
i think it's more obvious than the novel translations that sovieschu is holding on to some sort of childhood love for empress and is kind of forcing a love triangle on them because of this. but the thing is, empress (navier) isn't getting that and is trying to clearly (to which i appreciate greatly compared to other protags that don't clear it up) tell sovieschu that she isn't interested in such trivial things. sovieschu just wants navier to be jealous, but it's not going his way, and he's very obstinate and keeps trying to provoke navier. sovieschu could be so much more if he wasn't so obstinate in how he goes about trying to get navier. his actions come across as obnoxious and ignorant and makes everyone including me dislike him.

tl;dr sovieschu is using trashta to make navier jealous, but navier has been educated as an empress to be dignified and not care.

also. we all know trashta is trash, but i can't believe the characters in the setting don't get that. her innocence is "pure" and she's simply "ignorant" in their eyes, because who the fuck gets happy about their polygamous husband yelling at his original wife without coming off as fucking delusional and psychotic? lmao. dumb bitches gets stitches in the end. gl surviving the shit you've dug yourself, trashta. take the leftovers that is sovieschu after navier gets out of this shitty relationship.
Jan 31, 2018
The meme Perfectly illustrate my emotions right now. 🤣🤣🤣
And made my day at the same time. Hope you guys don't stop scanlating this series just because of this irritating annoying af emperor and his concubine.
Nov 28, 2019
The panel with the trash is literally me right now. I want to throw my phone so bad because of his stupidity UGH
Active member
May 6, 2019
The edit at the end made me feel better ☺️

But, I've been thinking since the 2nd chapter... HE NEVER ACTUALLY TALKS TO HER! Even if you were never lovers, dear god *you're running a country together!* In any relationship, yes including platonic, and *especially* business/political, communication is key
You can't just yell and then leave. Or operate based on rumors without learning the situation. Being informed should be *key* to any leader!
I mean really. How is this country not in ruins by now?! Does he have really good advisors? If so, why hasn't Rashta's tutor guy (who clearly understands how ridiculous this all is) reported to the Emperor

*throws hands in exasperation*
*goes back to look at that pic again*
Active member
May 6, 2019
Hearing about the original novel setting helps ...a little
But makes me feel even worse re:communication. Pick up you balls and just *ask* the Empress how she feels instead of waiting to see it on her face!!

I don't think I've been this upset/commented so vehemently before orz

Anyways, love everyone's comments and wish there was a like button to show you 💕💕💕
Active member
May 6, 2019
Thought I was good, but 1 last salt:
The Empress has emotions. She can show them, and be vulnerable. But only in a place she feels *safe*
YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HER SAFE SPACE but you're an idiot, so instead she has a chair and a bird(-turned-love interest)
Dec 3, 2018
Haaaa I'm so pissed off but I know those two asshats will get bitch slapped later on so I'll endure this idiocy

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