Title: Remote work is over, Chihiro-san!
Author: Jun Tawawa
Author twitter: https://twitter.com/wool103/
Author Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/23209862
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Agreed. If people weren't selfish and stupid, we all could take a break starting from 20th century and onwards.
But here we are. In a world, where even exponentially growing human productivity means nothing when you have to pay bills.
She's is my spirit character for today. It's just too real, especially the part where I have no energy to even clean my home after getting off work (or eating healthy).
Alternate ending : Then the woman decided her current lifestyle was unhealthy as she quit her job decided to become a Vtuber. Her virtual character has something to do with shark and she likes to sing and play minecraft sometimes horror games. Now everyday she living her life while making other people smile.