Rengoku no Karma

Aggregator gang
Apr 3, 2020
Wow I came here to figure out whether I should finish this series since I read all the available chapters that were out about 2 years ago, but these comments and that rating are pretty damning. I really hope this manga gets better, even if the ending is (supposedly) not great.
Dec 6, 2018
Not worth your time, had a good concept then completely fucked it. 2/10
Aug 29, 2020
I don't even care what i read at this point, As long as the word isekai and isekai related are not within it.

5/10 it's like isekai that tries to grab you with a twist but then gets more slippery then water on skin
Group Leader
May 2, 2020
Idk if its because of the TL but I didn’t really get it. The second arc was so rushed it was probably because it was axed
Feb 1, 2018
The complexity of this kind of subject makes it very hard to make an "fair" depiction of it but the way its presented here is horrible.
It tries to question "is suicide worth it?" then keeps one sidedly pressing you to one side like when it harshly blames the mc regarding "karma" of his suicide yet ignores what "supposed karma" would do regarding the bullies side. I mean that kind of bullying must bring some right? or karma only works against his suicide?
Regarding the first case :
I get it that in real life people don't change that easily and that limited time/space limitation forces you to be concise but the mc turning "idealistic" even after being cornered to suicide and suffering from all that happened after it makes no sense (While dead he had the courage to get beat up to protect the dog, "carry" the locker to protect the little girl and to shout at the courtyard to his father face his death only to after being revived reverse his personality to one that do nothing even after seeing another student being bullied as he was, getting to the peak by shaking hands with the leader of the bullies that had no interest to atone or change)
I get it that not anyone must have its commeuppance or redemption but why the mc was the only one pressured to have one?
If the demon just wanted to have "fun" and "test" humans since she changed the rules as she pleased the why didn't she do the purgatorio thing with another character that has an opposite mindset of the mc to make they clash? I may be taking this manga too seriolys tho. Wasted potential.
May 18, 2020
Highly recommended
to read other titles rather than wasting your time on this one.
Apr 16, 2018
Highly recommended.
It's a learning experience for everyone in how to detect trash manga.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
I feel like this manga got overly hated man, i liked the guilt aspect of this one but i can at least see where it got knda dumb with i mean the whole plot, but i mean it's not as a bad as a trash isekai one ya know? Idk i felt like this at least needed a 7 out of 10 like come on
Active member
Mar 14, 2020
wanted to read it because of the description, but guess the i will not read it because some people said the ending is shit and rushed. and look at that rating lmao
Aug 31, 2020
Good pacing in that it keeps the energy going but treating suicide so lightly is foul. Gets a bit philosophical about whether suicide is right or not but mostly makes it seem like people who consider suicide are selfish/inconsiderate and should feel bad about it. Would certainly not recommend for friends who actually deal with these thoughts, but if you're interested in ntr and feeling mad/sad for poorly-treated characters, this might be for you, otherwise I would skip right over this.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Copy pasting my comment from chapter 12

>This chapter is everything wrong about this manga. Like fuck me how can you make the dad looks like the victim here??? Fucking hell his son is being bullied at school, the school that he himself is a principal of, he beats his son without asking why, and he's the one suffering? Fuck me mate I swear to god the author is a retarded dumbfuck. Why is is the guy responsibility to save his father? Fuck it's supposed to be the other way around. Dropping this piece of shit. Anyone lucky enough to find this comment should do the same.


Mar 30, 2020
first of all suicide is not a sin. And it shouldn't ever be one. If you dont have any options or your life is literal hell then go on do it. If your being bullied like nasase in this manga then you should do it. And the fuckers who think that suicide is a sin then go fuck yourselfs you pieces of shit cuz u dont know what it is like being bullied for real, im not saying i do but i know the feeling of Really, Really wanting to kill yourself. But if your just a person who's friends laughed at you cuz u did a embarissing mistake then no. dont do it, it wont ruin your life? no it wont. so ye suicide shouldn't be a sin. it should be a last resort.
Apr 17, 2019
first of all suicide is not a sin. And it shouldn't ever be one. If you dont have any options or your life is literal hell then go on do it. If your being bullied like nasase in this manga then you should do it.
big oof. also no, suicide is a sin for the same reason murder and rape are sins
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2020
What religion are u talking about tho?
From what I know(nothing at all) suicide is a sin

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