probably the swindler girl who the king saved 2 chapters ago (which got him into this mess in the first place), she could probably use illusion magic or something
In older days people wouldn't get prosecuted just for kamehameha on the street. @mothaiba Hey, you be damsel in distress just one time and next thing you know is that you're a damsel till the end of the series. Girl's intuition is top notch.
Page 14. That moment when you realize that the little girl has bigger stones (and more reason to have them) than 95% of the other characters in this (or any) manga.
Finally a release! .... but a day after i broke down and read the raws
tfw best girl's daughter is on her way to becoming best girl
an extremely minor spoiler for you (just about saliy's presence in this arc)
she's out doing a job for elrob, so she's not around until after it's over. i was hoping she'd show up too. still, you get to see some cool stuff from other characters