He wanted to go 200 years in the future, because then he wouldn't be hated for his eyes. And now what does he do? He presumes people still hate people with his eyes. Herp derp!
It's that I fking bored because I have to stay at home due to corona... otherwise I'd have insta dropped this. What a fking shit logic...
he went expecting people to be able to compare to him in power, from what he has read it's reverse so people are weaker and he thought amber eyes were still feared, people of the past didn't hate they feared the amber eyes
@Fnoop Maybe I'm being overly generous but I think that rather than expecting people won't hate those with amber eyes, he expected that 200 years from now the world would've advanced enough that there would be methods available to those with amber eyes to hide their eye color and thus avoid discrimination.
Instead of Feared Ridiculed ....Me thinks he will Prefer Fear. @Psychronia because wishing not always as good as getting. Its like a girl with a hot body. They hate all the Attention then they put on some weight get ignored and soon start doing anything to loose weight .. Grass is always greener next hill over.