Risou no Himo Seikatsu - Vol. 17 Ch. 69 - Change

Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Firstly he may be ambitious but from what we can deduct he is also massively competent, secondly being ambitious is not a crime, you can't get rid of everyone with a bit of greed from the political landscape or you'll end up with no one left, thirdly he is already pretty powerful so even if they wanted to they can't root him out without a solid reason and not risk a civil war
True but competent and ambitious generals in medieval societies don't mix well, if the troops are loyal to the general and not the Nation you're always one propaganda campaign away from an armed rebellion.

But in defense of appointing him, Aura is if i remember well the first female ruler they ever had she either has to bring untold prosperity to the kingdom or navigate the political game very well to keep her place, she can't afford to piss as much of the nobility as a male ruler can afford, after all we're one moderately sized mistake away from the traditional/conservatives families with blood ties to the royals to try and usurp her and install some male ruler in her place.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
Man, you could've tell her in goo goo gaa gaa analogy, like telling fish to walk on land, or dragging pollar bear to desert and expecting it to live in it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2018
Honestly I'm not really worried about him, at least his ambitions are obvious so it won't come out of nowhere. And the Twin Kingdoms Royals were just discussing a possible invasion from the Northern Continent so having a powerful military will be beneficial.
His wife is the bigger problem imo; he basically just got a surgical-precision diplomatic tool available all the time.
Active member
May 12, 2023
I think people are overlooking the new girl on the cover. Finally a new waifu that has chest armor (pun intended). The other two princesses were either petite or flat and just felt lackluster next to Aura.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
Call me World Building!
Love that image. No idea where it is from, but looks like it'd for perfectly in an SNES or N64 era game. I do think it is too high in fidelity for that though.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 3, 2018
It's not like they can't get tree seeds anyway, they don't exactly strip-search diplomats before they leave...
It would become obvious that they stole the seeds without permission when they stop buying wood or suddenly have a big plot of land with lots of trees growing on it, and that would harm relations and absolutely become something held against them. It would also give a reason for war (even if it is flimsy, a reason is a reason). Not what you want with a close ally, especially when you sort of have to wait for wood to grow (not to mention that the amount of seeds a single person could smuggle away isn't enough to supply a kingdom with a single generation of trees) so there would definitely be a period where they would be extremely vulnerable.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The general is a massive downside to this. Why keep allowing all his ambition when it's clearly getting in the way of mc an aura.
Because if you get rid of everyone competent just because they are ambitious you end up with modern day Russia eventually, a paper tiger that folds to it's own corruption as much as outside influence.

Being ambitious is fine as long as he remains loyal and don't set his eyes on the throne or go start pointless wars. It is a risk that all countries where the military heads have political power must face.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It would become obvious that they stole the seeds without permission when they stop buying wood or suddenly have a big plot of land with lots of trees growing on it, and that would harm relations and absolutely become something held against them. It would also give a reason for war (even if it is flimsy, a reason is a reason). Not what you want with a close ally, especially when you sort of have to wait for wood to grow (not to mention that the amount of seeds a single person could smuggle away isn't enough to supply a kingdom with a single generation of trees) so there would definitely be a period where they would be extremely vulnerable.
Especially since they want said ally to be a buffer zone to the northern countries they are expecting in the future.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It would become obvious that they stole the seeds without permission when they stop buying wood or suddenly have a big plot of land with lots of trees growing on it, and that would harm relations and absolutely become something held against them. It would also give a reason for war (even if it is flimsy, a reason is a reason). Not what you want with a close ally, especially when you sort of have to wait for wood to grow (not to mention that the amount of seeds a single person could smuggle away isn't enough to supply a kingdom with a single generation of trees) so there would definitely be a period where they would be extremely vulnerable.
They aren't buying wood from Capua anyway. Never have. It was just an idea, but a difficult one because of the great distance (without using teleportation). Duke Bilbo himself suggested coal, which would make it somewhat more plausible.

At the end of the day, if the TwinKingdoms don't have forests, it's because the environment can't support them or they chopped them all down. In the former case, they won't have them either. In the latter case, they would just be restoring something that used to be, so who would blame them for it? Such blaming has never led to any real consequences in our world, has it? Even more gross examples didn't change anything, such as cheap labour countries copying product designs from older industrialised countries and then selling the copies as their own. It has caused a lot of fuming, but that's all. And that's a much worse case than someone planting a forest.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2023
The general is a massive downside to this. Why keep allowing all his ambition when it's clearly getting in the way of mc an aura.
I’m of the exact opposite opinion; I don’t understand why they’re so consistently nervous of him. He’s ambitious, sure, but that’s no crime in either a noble or a military man, and given that he’s now reached the pinnacle of his ambition — the only way to improve on being Marshal is to join the royal family, which he can’t do — what’s the problem?

He’s never shown a hint of disloyalty. On the contrary, during that business with the forbidden hallway, he absolutely went to the mat for Zenjirou, refusing to let insults to his liege lord stand unanswered even as Zenjirou himself was trying to downplay them.

So yeah, he’s a big scary dude who wants to do well. And given that he’s on their side, that’s a good thing to have.
Double-page supporter
Sep 19, 2019
They want to take the trees from a tropical country... and grow them in a desert? If big trees could grow there, it wouldn't be a desert. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Especially if you want to grow them on a large scale as a consumable good. Even present humanity struggles with insufficient irrigation in many places.

All of this only makes sense if the purpose of this was some mind games move about testing the MCs capabilities or something like that.

On another note: "I hope my existence isn't changing the world too much" but also "Lemme advance glass making and work with the dude who wants to revolutionize magic tool production in order to mass produce magic tools in full awareness of their use as tools of war."
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
True but competent and ambitious generals in medieval societies don't mix well, if the troops are loyal to the general and not the Nation you're always one propaganda campaign away from an armed rebellion.

But in defense of appointing him, Aura is if i remember well the first female ruler they ever had she either has to bring untold prosperity to the kingdom or navigate the political game very well to keep her place, she can't afford to piss as much of the nobility as a male ruler can afford, after all we're one moderately sized mistake away from the traditional/conservatives families with blood ties to the royals to try and usurp her and install some male ruler in her place.

It's not true that they don't mix well. Autocratic societies, which include monarchies, have always rely on ambitious and capable generals. That very quality that makes soldiers loyal to a general is what keeps them loyal to the nation and the crown.

The key point is giving said generals, and other influential figures, enough to feed their ambition. That means political support, money, lands, and so on. This is quite literally the basis of the feudal system which yokes nobles to the crown using lands and assets. The nobles provide their own support in turn in various ways, but predominantly in military assets. The vast majority of soldiers owe their loyalty to feudal lords or marshals.

When a nation evolves its political system enough, the military begins to become centralized, and marshals rather than feudal lords take command of armies. They can do this because in a much more evolved society, which Capua is becoming, the legitimacy of the rule by the sovereign is supported by far more than military power. An armed rebellion is pointless when the judiciary, executive, legislative and civil institutions, particularly the latter, all refuse to support it. This is not something a mere single propaganda campaign can overturn, even for an unpopular monarch. In this sense Capua is similar to the fairly stable and institutions based monarchies of the Byzantine Empire or the various Chinese dynastic empires.

People often cite historical examples like the French Revolution as to how unstable monarchies can be once people get it into their minds that change is needed. In actual fact, the French Revolution was the result of slow erosion of the power of the French Crown due to serious economic, social and political factors, possibly over 60~70 years. Hardly a single propaganda campaign.

The fact that Napoleon later instigated his own coup...this time almost entirely military in nature...is further evidence of all the above. The newly formed government in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution was factitious and had hardly established its own legitimacy, with little established civil or political support. This, not the previous primary French Revolution, is the prime example of when a simple charismatic military commander is able to take over.

In this case, they're giving Puyol the position of Marshal to feed his ambition in the hope it's enough to sate it. Even letting him go ahead with his recruitment plan is part of that, headache as it is, to give him a sense of power, lest he seek others who can give it to him. They already implied it was partially to feed his ego after all. That's power he shares in part with those who support him, who also are kept happy, and so on. Obviously his ambitions can't be ignored, which is why they're so cautious. But this man becoming too powerful by himself is ultimately not as much of a threat as two steps from a coup. Else never mind not appoiting him, the position of Marshal wouldn't even exist.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
His wife is the bigger problem imo; he basically just got a surgical-precision diplomatic tool available all the time.

I think she's actually 'good' influence, she's clearly putting limits on his recklessness.
In the hallway incident she was the one who reminded Puyol to weigh between getting ego win on the spot vs 'debt' from the other side.
And in this one her putting limit on his recruitment ensure it get approved (Puyol still get his army and there's no impact on rural productivity)

She still supports her husband but she's also working as a leash to prevent him from running too wild.

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