Rokudou no Onna-tachi

Active member
Jul 29, 2019
This still feels like Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters with fighting insteadof card games
Active member
Mar 8, 2019
This latest chapter is basically what happens when you set up two parties with two different guilds while playing on a pvp map.
Double-page supporter
Feb 16, 2018
Suddenly, the that bit of chaos makes sense. I am disappointed yet relieved...
Apr 1, 2020
Don't feel very strongly about this manga one way or the other (though between 'like' and 'dislike' it's probably the former most days of the week), so I wont give it a rating.

Just popped in because I wanted to say that with how colonel dresses he deserves not only to be bullied and beaten each and every single day of the week (by his peers, parents and distant family memebers), but also be subjected to non-lethal maulings on less frequent but still permanent basis.

Made it to chapter 40 before quitting and every time he appeared I wanted see him being punched (which sadly didn't happen that often).
Jul 15, 2020
Wow I had completely forgot that I read this manga years ago. Saw this in the main page and I decided to read it. Only realized a few pages into the first chapter, that I had already read quite a bit of it. It isn't a bad manga, but nothing stands out either. 6/10 I guess. Kind of repetitive.
Jul 19, 2020
This arc is so fucking bad. Just end it already! The curse of the moneyhungry mangaka strikes again. Fuck so annoying when they milk it and they just wont stop! This arc is just painful!
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2020
Been long since I found a good enjoyable manga. the whole of 198 chapters were interesting. The MC is weak but he improved a lot during these 198 chapters. Especially his 2 best friends, I thought they gonna drag the MC but they have grown alongside him.

I had some doubt before reading like, " is it gonna be one of that Naive MC type" or "some shitty haram werenMC keep girls around until the end and dump all except one" or " is it gonna get boring after 50 or so chapters", but it been a fun ride, I was worried about the number of chapters but finished it in 2 days.

I recommend it, MC might look naive for first 4 to 5 episodes but hold on and keep reading till 10, I will promise you that its not gonna waste your time.
Group Leader
Apr 14, 2018

vol.22 cover teaser LQ
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
One of the very few manga I would describe as "irredeemable garbage". In the two dozen chapters I have read, nowhere could I find even a single quality that could justify even the cost of the paper wasted on this horror. A premise stolen from the creepiest NTR story, a set of unbelievably flat and badly written characters (MC's two best friends have literally nothing beside their nicknames), nonsensical interactions and plot (MC gets bullied, bully decides to beat him up, MC just stands there getting punched, until the bully admires and befriends him), terrible pacing (months pass by in between 2 pages), and truly terrible "wacky" stuff thrown in (a literal grade-school girl is somehow introduced as the most terrifying banshou of the region). As a honest advice, don't waste your time here. There's too many truly good manga out there.
Jul 31, 2020

I disagree, this story does have bad characters and bad plot, but I believe the premise is interesting, and the very fact that there are all of these "random" things going on is what makes it so great.

It constantly has the loner to boner feel (which is why I dropped it) but the story's essential backbone of MC's superpower is pretty entertaining to look at.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
@Mielly I don't blame you or anyone else for disliking this series. I don't, however, see how this is "irredeemable garbage", as if it's as shocking as an ero-guro doujin or a pro-rape isekai type series. It's ultimately a very dumb and ridiculous action romcom at worst. Which again, you're absolutely entitled to dislike. I just feel the hyperbole's a bit much.
Jan 18, 2018
@Mielly You read 24 out 200 chapters. Your's opinion is worthless. Especially to those who know that Rokudou learns kung-fu (not masters, just learns) with his friends.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
You read 24 out 200 chapters. Your's opinion is worthless.
This right here has to be the most asinine, annoying and genuinely nonsensical retort of all. Like I've already stated, there are way too many good series to waste time reading even one bad chapter, let alone of this level of bad writing and drawing. I have read the first 24 chapters of this garbage, my opinion is absolutely relevant in that I've only analyzed the part I've read.
A mangaka who shamelessly put out twenty chapters of this nauseating trash won't suddenly turn into a decent artist and writer, and as to prove me right, in the chapters 19X, the art has barely evolved, the paneling is still as uninspired, the dialogue unnatural and ranty, the characterization bland and the dumb "friendship" speeches are still there taking up entire bubbles for nothing. And here's the real kicker: even if a trash series miraculously becomes better, it still doesn't justify reading through trash and it doesn't change the foundations of the story will lay on trash.
I'll kindly disregard your rudeness, and consider your weird defense of this trash a symptom of sunken cost fallacy: you've already wasted so much time on this series you feel attached to it, despite its obvious lack of merit. As a tip I'll invite you to read the first 20 chapters of a good series.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
@Phantonic I can't really debate your personal taste regarding the premise, though I personally feel this "make every bad girl love you" both creepy and stupid from a writing view: what's precisely a "bad girl"? This artificial hard line separation between "bad" and "good" people seems laughably childish, and reading some recent chapter dialogue saying "oh no if X turns back into a good person, she won't be subjected to my power!" as if people being "good" or "bad" is a quality so clear-cut and defined you can switch them voluntarily. The absolutely stupid and Manichean view of morality this brings simply drowns any possibility of nuanced characterization or story writing.
Though you and me both agree on this series being bad, and both dropped it, so we're of the same mind I'd say.
@Greg_no_Gregory Though it may have read as an hyperbole, I completely honest in my statement. At no point have I found any quality to this series, nothing at all. I feel your comparisons slightly inadequate, as ero_guro (which I've never read) appeals to some, I'd say "uncommon" kind of tastes or personalities, and must fill a specific niche for its readers. Your comparison to "pro-rape isekai" is interesting, because I've also thought of this comparison: both series have a weird rapey premise (Rukodou's hypnosis power belongs to some NTR hentai), and both read like some weird power fantasy (loner gets admired and respected by everyone through sheer plot). It indeed is a very dumb action romcom, but a so badly written and drawn one nothing would justify reading this over all the other better series.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
@Mielly I still disagree with that assessment, though hey, to each their own. As said before, you're free to dislike it. I aint gonna change that.


Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Crazy how some people can completely ignore context. The power could be abused to take advantage of others, but it is its subversion which drives this series. Due to this power, which mind you Rokudou does not abuse and hardly even likes, he is put into a situation where he has to interact deeper with people he would have earlier dismissed as as bad under his black and white view of the world, and through that interaction he comes to learn that other people are much more complicated and have layers to their personality, not just him. Through this he is capable of growth of his character and his confidence, the sheer contrast between Rokudou at the beginning of the series and in the latest arcs is to me at least amazing and it's what makes me appreciate this work.

And it's really not just him as the MC, the main girls throughout the arcs are capable of growing themselves, as the current arc perfectly illustrates, in examples such as

Minami abandoning her money to lure the owl into a corner, which is some neat symbolism.

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