Ruri Dragon - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Don't Need to Be Besties

Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Ruri isn't actually an introvert, though. She's shown many times that she's very extroverted with people she knows. Her problem is exactly what Maeda says: She doesn't care enough about other people to start making connections with them. That isn't an introvert trait. It's mild antisocial behavior, especially for a Japanese teenage girl. It's probably a side effect of her hikki trait which according to mom might be a dragon personality trait.

Maeda is the only proper introvert so far.
Being introverted isnt being shy with everyone including friends. Its also not a personality type that they all must adhere to. It just means you value your time alone to rest and recharge.
An extrovert feels recharged and energized after talking to people, and introvert is the opposite. Not a binary either, people can be inbetween.

She isn't "extroverted with people she knows", shes just comfortable with good friends. Practically all introverts do that.

Ruri is simply not outgoing at all. She has her friend and she's happy with that. Doesn't need that many friends since she is satisfied with having her close best friend when she needs to socialize (she is still part human after all) and happily spends the rest of her time chilling by herself
Apr 10, 2023
BuyVelomobiles is a troll/asshole who bitches about every manga they post on for translation quality while stating generally completely out of left field criticisms of the material
It only seems out of left field if you can't actually read the source material.
and sssr is tired of them too and snapped.
I'm just one person.
Hell he argued last chapter that Maeda isnt an asshole because like most normal people Ruri has a level of associative prosopagnosia
This is news to me. Ruri is face blind?

I feel like I'm triggering a serious case of the Mandela Effect, since last chapter, I was pointing out, yet again, that the "Localizer" Is adding in slang where none exists, and another guy pointed out that he even changed their personalities.

This is the second time I've noticed someone just imagine me saying things I didn't say in a thread.
it took me 12 years and i still dont believe i could actually associate the faces of all my classmates from k-12 with their names.
I'm literally autistic, and face blind, and I could do it just fine. Weird that you couldn't.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2019
The only reason I remembered all of my classmates' names was because I had to when I became the class rep for one year. Otherwise I would only remember the names of 8 people seated adjacent to me.
I know the feeling. In college, I just try to remember their face and voice due to how many different people taking the same class. Even being forced to work in groups will make me bound to forget. I only start remembering their names if we are on the same classmates on other classes or the same course.


Aggregator gang
Feb 2, 2018
This is a long rant. I can tell you can't read Japanese. I don't know how to discuss this with you if your only point of reference is the English version and their expressions, and your default position is "Fuck you, are you stupid, you dumb dumb translator man? Have you considered not being dumb?"

The Japanese version has her dreading attention, and passively avoiding interactions with people. Even when she speaks up, like in the case of her mom in Chapter 1, when the horns came in, her responses are flat, and matter-of-fact. A flat "だよな” (Right/I figured/etc.) turns into a sarcastic "Nothing escapes you".
Yeah, I can tell your level of japanese comprehension is pretty dang low if you think "だよね" doesn't have a sarcastic flair to it, especially in that situation. "Hey, what do you think about these?" "Looks like horns" "...I figured" is somehow not sarcastic to you? Like, you think she actually thought it was a good comment from her mom?
Apr 10, 2023
Yeah, I can tell your level of japanese comprehension is pretty dang low if you think "だよね" doesn't have a sarcastic flair to it, especially in that situation. "Hey, what do you think about these?" "Looks like horns" "...I figured" is somehow not sarcastic to you? Like, you think she actually thought it was a good comment from her mom?
"I figured" sounds sassy. ”だよな” does not. The two carry similar meaning; they are not the same. The same way "I figured" can be sarcastic in English, and "Osoi" can mean both "Slow" and "Late" in Japanese: 1 to 1 matches are rare between English and Japanese.

In the end, it's not sarcasm. The Japanese don't do sarcasm. It's such a rare thing, it has to be pointed out when it actually does happen. The joke in that section isn't that mom is slightly confused by the situation, then stating the obvious, it's that she's comically underreacting. I know you read sarcasm into the English translation, but this is you imposing your own impression on what's necessarily an approximation of what she said, entirely divorced from the cultural background. Ruri expected more of a reaction from her mother, but all she got was a perfectly calm, straightforward answer to her question about the obviously extraordinary things she's got.
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Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
In this week's episode of "I'm a Localizer, not a translator"....

The "Localizer" realizes she's actually supposed to be bad with people and has to try making her more socially awkward.
And that's what I have pointed out in my comments in the previous chapters.
By making her witty and quick to use comebacks, the localizer portrayed her to be the exact opposite of what the author intended!
Now what?
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
What the flying fuck are you talking about? I'm now rather convinced you have very shitty English comprehension. There is nothing different in the English version of Ruri. She is just as shy and she also prefers avoiding attention because she's shy. She isn't any meeker in the Japanese version and we can tell that from the way her face looks whensver she overcomes her shyness. Ruri is a mildly antisocial extrovert in that she clearly prefers being with other people, which makes her an extrovert, but is too shy to initiate connections, which makes her slightly antisocial. The fact that she can't remember names is exactly the same in both Japanese and English versions. She just doesn't care enough about making connections with other people like Maeda says, unless when she's forced by someone like Maeda or Kashiro to actually try. When she does try, her forceful extroverted personality comes out. You can see in her serious expressions that the forcefulness in her words matches the intent of the mangaka. Nowhere in the manga so far is it implied that there's anything calculating about her behavior. THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS CHAPTER IS HER TRYING TO FIX THIS FLAW OF HERS! You're either literally making shit up or just don't understand how English dialogue works. This is getting fucking annoying. If you have a problem with this manga, just stop reading it, per fuck's sake!
This is what he's talking about.
In this thread I go into details explaining why the localization doesn't understand or doesn't care about the original script and just tries to shift the characters' personalities to fit a dialogue flow that doesn't match the story.

Characters get their personalities switched up, pauses for thought are removed or added where they don't belong, subtleties that inform character personalities and/or might foreshadow things to come are completely erased, slangs are inserted where none existed and removed where there are in the original script, and the dialogue is consistently made to portrait how people talk online in America instead of how people talk face to face in Japan.

I have 16 years of Japanese studies, 3 years as an online tutor for Japanese students, 5 years as a freelancer translator and currently work as an assistant for a mangaka that doesn't speak English. I have used the raws from rawkuma to make that comparison, so you can verify it yourself.

The localization does not portray the character Shindou Masaoki wrote correctly, it rewrites the character quite severely.
Aggregator gang
Jan 26, 2018
Double-page supporter
Jan 13, 2019

The people who could read the raws and understand the difference between the original and the translation/localization are rightfully pissed about the difference, the people who couldn't read the original doesn't care and are enjoying the translation/localization anyways. Bit of a dilemma huh?


Aggregator gang
Feb 2, 2018
"I figured" sounds sassy. ”だよな” does not. The two carry similar meaning; they are not the same. The same way "I figured" can be sarcastic in English, and "Osoi" can mean both "Slow" and "Late" in Japanese: 1 to 1 matches are rare between English and Japanese.

In the end, it's not sarcasm. The Japanese don't do sarcasm. It's such a rare thing, it has to be pointed out when it actually does happen. The joke in that section isn't that mom is slightly confused by the situation, then stating the obvious, it's that she's comically underreacting. I know you read sarcasm into the English translation, but this is you imposing your own impression on what's necessarily an approximation of what she said, entirely divorced from the cultural background. Ruri expected more of a reaction from her mother, but all she got was a perfectly calm, straightforward answer to her question about the obviously extraordinary things she's got.
bud, i lived in Japan and have studied Japanese for years. First of all, she says “だよね” not な. Second, it absolutely can be taken as sarcasm. the idea that Japanese people don’t use sarcasm is a myth perpetuated by the idea that they don’t say one thing while meaning the opposite. For example, joking that something was a pain in the ass when it was actually no problem. Which, by the way, they do this just as much as any other nation.

i mean, the notion that they don’t use sarcasm is completely ridiculous. Think about how many times you’ve read or seen something that’s supposed to be scary fall flat for someone and they reply “怖い〜" you would have to think Japanese people are robots who don’t express emotions to not think they practice sarcasm.

i went back and reread the raw just to be sure, but ruri is 100% being sarcastic to her mom. a more literal translation would be “…obviously,” but there’s no reason not to gussy it up a little. It fits with her personality and the dead pan humor she uses. Not to mention it sounds like something someone her age would say.
Apr 10, 2023
You know Velo, with the effort you spend complaining about this translation in the comments, you could probably just make your own translation and post it for comparison.
Yeah, but it's licensed. I don't do licensed works.

To boot, there's always a bunch of angry morons who complain about my work because they've decided the original was the correct translation. The latest one was Harem Choukyou 48, where the TL openly admitted to "Taking liberties" with certain lines, translated "hey" as "Henlo", turning the character into a retard, and ruined the joke in the last page. Guess who still has morons popping up in random threads telling me mine was the bad one. (Hint: Me)

Not a lot of incentive to break my "No licensed works" thing.
I have 16 years of Japanese studies, 3 years as an online tutor for Japanese students, 5 years as a freelancer translator and currently work as an assistant for a mangaka that doesn't speak English.
Well I know who I'm inviting to my next gaming session! Anyway, I find that by this point in the conversation, telling them you do, in fact, understand Japanese is pointless. Between the primacy effect, and this type of reader not actually caring about the source material, they'll just double down and tell you that you're making things up.
bud, i lived in Japan and have studied Japanese for years. First of all, she says “だよね” not な.
Oh my god, but of course! There aren't a lot of sarcastic statements in japanese, but だよ? Oh yeah, she picked the most sarcastic one right off the bad! I can be so stupid sometimes.


Thanks for the correction. I mean it. But... so?

. the idea that Japanese people don’t use sarcasm is a myth perpetuated by the idea that they don’t say one thing while meaning the opposite.
Yes, that's literally the basis of sarcasm.
For example, joking that something was a pain in the ass when it was actually no problem. Which, by the way, they do this just as much as any other nation.
That's banter, not sarcasm. The difference between the two is thus:

I do something easy, and tell you it's a pain, It's a joke/banter.

When you do something I think is easy, and I tell you it sounds like a pain, intending for everyone to know that I actually mean it's easy, and you're exaggerating/whining, that's sarcasm.
Think about how many times you’ve read or seen something that’s supposed to be scary fall flat for someone and they reply “怖い〜" you would have to think Japanese people are robots who don’t express emotions to not think they practice sarcasm.
Never been used sarcastically. Plenty of times a woman's said it to put on a meek act in front of a man, and keep the conversation going.
i went back and reread the raw just to be sure, but ruri is 100% being sarcastic to her mom. a more literal translation would be “…obviously,”
No, that would be "Atarimae da". That would be suitably rude/deadpan for the situation, and would imply the force of character that the "localizer" wants to give her. She just plainly concurred with mom, because the joke is that mom is comically underreacting. This isn't a Manzai bit.
but there’s no reason not to gussy it up a little.
The only time you "Gussy a line up" is when it doesn't translate fully. This translated just fine.
It fits with her personality and the dead pan humor she uses. Not to mention it sounds like something someone her age would say.
You're projecting your own cultural values onto her, and validating the "You don't care about people" complaint that she got, when in the original, it was inaccurate.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
She just needs Maeda or WhatsHerName to draw her idea, add a dragon on the top of the waterfall maybe too.

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