S-Kyuu Boukensha ga Ayumu Michi: Tsuihou Sareta Shounen wa Shin no Nouryoku 'Buki Master' de Sekai Saikyou ni Itaru - Ch. 3.1

Aggregator gang
Nov 28, 2024
Which I'm also totally okay with, it's just with other banishment stories I've read in the past, it's not often we see two opposing parties repeatedly clash like this and have the banishing side not be a group of annoying assholes (which is about half-right with Sasha's party here from the looks of it). But yeah, even if Sasha's sincere about reflecting on her mistakes and Hyce doesn't forgive her, what's important here is that she got her point across and tries to forgive herself before moving forward. Granted, she'll likely still be hung up on her love for Hyce to interfere in his relationships and still try to get back to being a part of his life, young as she is to not move on to the point of being annoying, I imagine, but it will honestly be amusing to me to see her struggle reconciling with Hyce while not really taking accountability of her words and actions.
ohh I see that make sense

And Sasha actually doesn’t really forgive herself either. The past can’t and shouldn’t be forgotten and it lead to a conflict I found quite nice for the relationship

But Sasha does try to face and reflect sincerely and not let herself from making the same mistake again during the 2 year incident.
Group Leader
Feb 22, 2020
Uhhh sir, idk how to break this but I've read the novels (for a good bit) and idk if you knew but...

Piazolla is lesbian
Wow thanks for telling me that without using a spoiler tag!

Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2018
You're right, it's absolutely his fault that the people he thought were his friends gave him the boot the instant he stopped being useful to them, then sent him to his death before not even acknowledging that they did these things until he became someone important.
"But that wasn't their intent," you exclaim.
Intent is irrelevant.
It's like you and I are reading different manga or something. Lets to back to chapter one shall we?

1: Sasha and Hyce are close childhood friends, it also looks like they're basically the only 'family' they have left. They have a shared childhood dream to "make the best and strongest team together [and help tons of people]". So far, so standard.

2: Skill ceremony/baptism thing where they get their blessings. At this point, they're twelve years old. They're still children, even by 'medieval fantasy' standard. Hyce effectivly gets a completely useless skill (a skill that you can't use, is not useful after all). Next to Sasha's 'Sword Saint' skill, He can't really help much in direct combat.

3: Despite the above, they stay together for the next two years, working to turn their shared dream into a reality. Hyce's skill is still 100% useless; even if he could use it at this point, he doesn't know how. The party they've formed is B rank, so by this time, they should be fairly well experienced at this whole adventuring thing.

[[ 3a: WHY he has to carry everyone's gear is stupid, and I 100% blame poor writing. "IF we have to carry the luggage, how will we fight?" Uhh. you drop the gear then fight? It's not difficult. Or maybe you get a pack mule, or extra baggage handlers? But it's here because the author seemingly couldn't find a better reason why a skilless normie is still in a B-rank team. ]]

4: Sasha, contrary to popular opinion, isn't a heartless bitch, she still cares for Hyce. During the 30min break (which she calls, so Hyce can rest, 'cause Hyce is clearly struggling), you see her looking sad, not mean, not arrogant, SAD about deciding to let Hyce go. She still cares for him, but, as you'll see soon, Hyce isn't so much holding the group back (he's not), he's basically defenceless, which means he's got a much higher chance of dying than the rest of them. To someone who cares about him, that's a bad thing, so it's not surprising that that someone (Sasha) would want to keep him safe the best way she knows how, by kicking him from the group so he can go back and live safely back in the village or something.

5: Arrival at the Queen Cobra's cave. This is where we start to see how stupid Hyce is. Remember that this is a B-rank group. Hyce has been part of it from the start (He and Sasha started as a duo, then the group grew from there). They've been doing this for TWO YEARS, plenty of time to work out how to get things done, and who does what. They arrive at the Queen Cobra's cave and do a quick, basic briefing of who does what; nothing fancy, just more a pre-battle pep-talk/preparation to get everyone's head in the right place. Hyce is a non-combatant, the baggage carrier, he should know by this time that he's not part of the combat team. TWO YEARS they've been doing this, even if the full group has only been there for like six months or something, he should know he's a non-combatant, especially for the tougher jobs they'd be taking. Yet here he is, still yelling "b-but what about me! what can I do! How do I help with the combat that I've got not place in!!". Some people will claim that Sasha was a bitch when she told Hyce to wait there, but others (like myself) would see someone trying to keep a defenceless non-combatant who she cares about, safe. It's also possible she's tired of having to tell the twit the same thing yet again, but that's just a guess.

5: Queen Cobra fight. Hyce stupidity +100%. Despite being told to wait outside. Despite knowing that he's got a (currently)100% useless skill. Despite being a defenceless non-combatant, he STILL dumbly follows them into the cave. The combat group is there doing combat group stuff, working together, covering each other back, killing giant snakes etc.Then there's Hyce, gormlessly plodding around thinking of what he can do, barely paying attention to his surroundings. He almost gets his head bitten off by a giant snake. Remember that this wouldn't have happened if the skilless non-combatant with two years of experience didn't mindlessly follow the rest of the team into the cave, despite being told to wait outside. Have you ever seen a situation where a child almost gets horribly injured or killed, but gets out of it unharmed, and their parent get angry at them? That's not anger coming from being a heartless asshole, that's anger coming from the fear that comes from almost losing their child. This is basically where Sasha is coming from when she tells Hyce (after she saved him from his own stupidity) to "Stop causing trouble and stay still!!!". Despite ignoring orders to wait outside, Hyce went where he shouldn't have been and almost died. It's not wonder that Sasha wants to kick him from the group, both for his own safety, and so Sasha doesn't have to keep looking over her shoulder to make sure Hyce isn't wandering off into some danger of his own making.

And we're still in chapter 1.1.

[[ Sidenote: Hyce's ability is fucking stupid. I could be wrong, but so far it looks like it only works if he just happens to find a random 'guns'n'ammo' magazine or whatever, in a world that doesn't seem to have guns. But whatever, it's a dumb plot thing to poorly justify the story. I'm sure the author could have done this better but, like the baggage carrier bit above, he didn't. ]]

6: Hyce getting kicked from the party. I'll readily admit that Sasha handled this like shit. She could, and should, have handled this differently. In her defence (somewhat), she did almost see someone she cares about almost die (through his own stupidity). She's also still a kid (fourteen). Hell, for all we know, the whole team is still under eighteen, so they're all still kids (it's hard to tell sometimes with manga art). But Sasha 100% should have handled this better. Hyce then, understandably, has a childish tantrum due to being kicked out of the group, seemingly out of nowhere (remember, 14 years old, still a kid). Sasha accepts being hated if it means Hyce lives. "I don't want Hyce to die so this is fine, even if he ends up hating me for it." (ch1.2, page 11).

7: Two month time skip. White Clover, dragon attack etc. "BuT SaShA sHoUlD hAvE KnooOOnn aBouT teh Dwaagon!" cries are all stupid. If Sasha 'should have known', then Hyce ALSO should have known. They've both been adventuring in the same group for two years. This happened ONLY two months after Hyce was kicked. Unless Sasha did a lot more info gathering than Hyce (I wouldn't be surprised at this point, since Hyce is an idiot), I think it's fair to assume they'd have roughly similar knowledge about the surrounding areas. We also don't see Hyce taking any kind if personal responsibility to find out more about the area he's heading to.

8: Hyce's conclusion that Sasha wanted him dead is understandable. He's still depressed he got kicked from the group, by someone who was basically his only family at that stage, and his 'childhood dream' is basically in tatters. This leads to him being more influenced by the "hurr durr, that's the guy who got kicked from that group, he must be crap and they hate him, hurr durr" type rumours we hear. He's also being attacked by a frickin dragon. He's also a fourteen year old kid.

9: "But Sasha should have apologised! She had TWO YEARS!" HAhaha, like Hyce would have listened. but lets start with Sasha.
How responsible YOU think Sasha is for the dragon attack is irrelevant, what matters here is how Sasha feels about it. Feelings of guilt can be a weird thing, so lets take a real world example. Years ago I had a mate who loaned his car to another friend. A tire blew out while the second friend was driving down a back road and the car rolled. Thankfully there was no major injuries, but for MONTHS the first friend constantly felt guilty about it, because it was HIS car that failed. Sasha gave Hyce the idea to get the white clover, so it wouldn't be at all surprising if she carries a lot of guilt about it, and not knowing how to deal with that (people deal with this stuff differently), combined with Hyce avoiding everyone and working solo, finding the 'right time' or opportunity to apologise might not be as easy as some people seem to think.
As for Hyce, he is in no way, shape for form willing to accept any kind of apology. By this time (Hyce and Sasha are sixteen now) it's basically hardcoded in his head that Sasha wanted him dead. Hyce has even been told 'countless times' by the Guildmaster, that Sasha didn't want him dead, and only kicked him from the group to keep him safe (ch2.1 page 10), but still finds it hard to accept and rejects the idea.

Sure, Hyce has understandable reasons for feeling wronged etc. But this massive hate-on 80% of these comments have towards Sashs is obnoxious, idiotic, and seems to completely absolve Hyce for his own stupidity. You will never convince me that the person most responsible for his situation now, is himself. (excluding the author, obviously). I'm going to keep reading this anyway, for now at least, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to stop reading the comments, since I think less about most of them than I do Hyce.

Fuck that's a lot of text. I probably shouldn't even post this (but I did anyway).
Dec 4, 2024
ok guy i get it, you guy love this manga/wn so so much, 3 ep almost 300 comment on .3 in fact i already go finish wn lol
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
That is some dedication.
Guess where the spoilers come from :lul:

Sure, Hyce has understandable reasons for feeling wronged etc. But this massive hate-on 80% of these comments have towards Sashs is obnoxious, idiotic, and seems to completely absolve Hyce for his own stupidity. You will never convince me that the person most responsible for his situation now, is himself. (excluding the author, obviously)...
The person most responsible to the near-death experience is Sasha. Hyce already received his consequences of being a foolish weakling by getting exiled from the party. In a way, he is the one who threatens both's dream from being achievable.

There are two different cases here, being the young Hyce who was a deadweight of the party, and Sasha who unknowingly sent her childhood friend away and almost (fortunately) got him killed. Each are guilty in their respective cases, but for the dragon attack incident, the fault lies at Sasha.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
Ik there are a lot of people who think differently but im personally hoping he and sasha make up. Its not like any other generic isekai betrayal story where she hates his guts and intentionally sent him to that field to die. She literally had no clue that there was a dragon there and she only kicked him from the party out of genuine concern for his wellbeing. like be for real for a second at the time he was more or less on the same level as some random ass villager. Sasha is by no means perfect and she obviously fucked up a good few times but its not like shes a grown ass woman either of course shes going to be stupid and make mistakes.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2023
It's like you and I are reading different manga or something. Lets to back to chapter one shall we?

1: Sasha and Hyce are close childhood friends, it also looks like they're basically the only 'family' they have left. They have a shared childhood dream to "make the best and strongest team together [and help tons of people]". So far, so standard.

2: Skill ceremony/baptism thing where they get their blessings. At this point, they're twelve years old. They're still children, even by 'medieval fantasy' standard. Hyce effectivly gets a completely useless skill (a skill that you can't use, is not useful after all). Next to Sasha's 'Sword Saint' skill, He can't really help much in direct combat.

3: Despite the above, they stay together for the next two years, working to turn their shared dream into a reality. Hyce's skill is still 100% useless; even if he could use it at this point, he doesn't know how. The party they've formed is B rank, so by this time, they should be fairly well experienced at this whole adventuring thing.

[[ 3a: WHY he has to carry everyone's gear is stupid, and I 100% blame poor writing. "IF we have to carry the luggage, how will we fight?" Uhh. you drop the gear then fight? It's not difficult. Or maybe you get a pack mule, or extra baggage handlers? But it's here because the author seemingly couldn't find a better reason why a skilless normie is still in a B-rank team. ]]

4: Sasha, contrary to popular opinion, isn't a heartless bitch, she still cares for Hyce. During the 30min break (which she calls, so Hyce can rest, 'cause Hyce is clearly struggling), you see her looking sad, not mean, not arrogant, SAD about deciding to let Hyce go. She still cares for him, but, as you'll see soon, Hyce isn't so much holding the group back (he's not), he's basically defenceless, which means he's got a much higher chance of dying than the rest of them. To someone who cares about him, that's a bad thing, so it's not surprising that that someone (Sasha) would want to keep him safe the best way she knows how, by kicking him from the group so he can go back and live safely back in the village or something.

5: Arrival at the Queen Cobra's cave. This is where we start to see how stupid Hyce is. Remember that this is a B-rank group. Hyce has been part of it from the start (He and Sasha started as a duo, then the group grew from there). They've been doing this for TWO YEARS, plenty of time to work out how to get things done, and who does what. They arrive at the Queen Cobra's cave and do a quick, basic briefing of who does what; nothing fancy, just more a pre-battle pep-talk/preparation to get everyone's head in the right place. Hyce is a non-combatant, the baggage carrier, he should know by this time that he's not part of the combat team. TWO YEARS they've been doing this, even if the full group has only been there for like six months or something, he should know he's a non-combatant, especially for the tougher jobs they'd be taking. Yet here he is, still yelling "b-but what about me! what can I do! How do I help with the combat that I've got not place in!!". Some people will claim that Sasha was a bitch when she told Hyce to wait there, but others (like myself) would see someone trying to keep a defenceless non-combatant who she cares about, safe. It's also possible she's tired of having to tell the twit the same thing yet again, but that's just a guess.

5: Queen Cobra fight. Hyce stupidity +100%. Despite being told to wait outside. Despite knowing that he's got a (currently)100% useless skill. Despite being a defenceless non-combatant, he STILL dumbly follows them into the cave. The combat group is there doing combat group stuff, working together, covering each other back, killing giant snakes etc.Then there's Hyce, gormlessly plodding around thinking of what he can do, barely paying attention to his surroundings. He almost gets his head bitten off by a giant snake. Remember that this wouldn't have happened if the skilless non-combatant with two years of experience didn't mindlessly follow the rest of the team into the cave, despite being told to wait outside. Have you ever seen a situation where a child almost gets horribly injured or killed, but gets out of it unharmed, and their parent get angry at them? That's not anger coming from being a heartless asshole, that's anger coming from the fear that comes from almost losing their child. This is basically where Sasha is coming from when she tells Hyce (after she saved him from his own stupidity) to "Stop causing trouble and stay still!!!". Despite ignoring orders to wait outside, Hyce went where he shouldn't have been and almost died. It's not wonder that Sasha wants to kick him from the group, both for his own safety, and so Sasha doesn't have to keep looking over her shoulder to make sure Hyce isn't wandering off into some danger of his own making.

And we're still in chapter 1.1.

[[ Sidenote: Hyce's ability is fucking stupid. I could be wrong, but so far it looks like it only works if he just happens to find a random 'guns'n'ammo' magazine or whatever, in a world that doesn't seem to have guns. But whatever, it's a dumb plot thing to poorly justify the story. I'm sure the author could have done this better but, like the baggage carrier bit above, he didn't. ]]

6: Hyce getting kicked from the party. I'll readily admit that Sasha handled this like shit. She could, and should, have handled this differently. In her defence (somewhat), she did almost see someone she cares about almost die (through his own stupidity). She's also still a kid (fourteen). Hell, for all we know, the whole team is still under eighteen, so they're all still kids (it's hard to tell sometimes with manga art). But Sasha 100% should have handled this better. Hyce then, understandably, has a childish tantrum due to being kicked out of the group, seemingly out of nowhere (remember, 14 years old, still a kid). Sasha accepts being hated if it means Hyce lives. "I don't want Hyce to die so this is fine, even if he ends up hating me for it." (ch1.2, page 11).

7: Two month time skip. White Clover, dragon attack etc. "BuT SaShA sHoUlD hAvE KnooOOnn aBouT teh Dwaagon!" cries are all stupid. If Sasha 'should have known', then Hyce ALSO should have known. They've both been adventuring in the same group for two years. This happened ONLY two months after Hyce was kicked. Unless Sasha did a lot more info gathering than Hyce (I wouldn't be surprised at this point, since Hyce is an idiot), I think it's fair to assume they'd have roughly similar knowledge about the surrounding areas. We also don't see Hyce taking any kind if personal responsibility to find out more about the area he's heading to.

8: Hyce's conclusion that Sasha wanted him dead is understandable. He's still depressed he got kicked from the group, by someone who was basically his only family at that stage, and his 'childhood dream' is basically in tatters. This leads to him being more influenced by the "hurr durr, that's the guy who got kicked from that group, he must be crap and they hate him, hurr durr" type rumours we hear. He's also being attacked by a frickin dragon. He's also a fourteen year old kid.

9: "But Sasha should have apologised! She had TWO YEARS!" HAhaha, like Hyce would have listened. but lets start with Sasha.
How responsible YOU think Sasha is for the dragon attack is irrelevant, what matters here is how Sasha feels about it. Feelings of guilt can be a weird thing, so lets take a real world example. Years ago I had a mate who loaned his car to another friend. A tire blew out while the second friend was driving down a back road and the car rolled. Thankfully there was no major injuries, but for MONTHS the first friend constantly felt guilty about it, because it was HIS car that failed. Sasha gave Hyce the idea to get the white clover, so it wouldn't be at all surprising if she carries a lot of guilt about it, and not knowing how to deal with that (people deal with this stuff differently), combined with Hyce avoiding everyone and working solo, finding the 'right time' or opportunity to apologise might not be as easy as some people seem to think.
As for Hyce, he is in no way, shape for form willing to accept any kind of apology. By this time (Hyce and Sasha are sixteen now) it's basically hardcoded in his head that Sasha wanted him dead. Hyce has even been told 'countless times' by the Guildmaster, that Sasha didn't want him dead, and only kicked him from the group to keep him safe (ch2.1 page 10), but still finds it hard to accept and rejects the idea.

Sure, Hyce has understandable reasons for feeling wronged etc. But this massive hate-on 80% of these comments have towards Sashs is obnoxious, idiotic, and seems to completely absolve Hyce for his own stupidity. You will never convince me that the person most responsible for his situation now, is himself. (excluding the author, obviously). I'm going to keep reading this anyway, for now at least, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to stop reading the comments, since I think less about most of them than I do Hyce.

Fuck that's a lot of text. I probably shouldn't even post this (but I did anyway).
Talk your shit the hate boner that people have for sasha is genuinely insane. like if you think rationally for even a second and actually LOOK AT THE PANELS its clear as fuck that all the hate shes getting from readers is totally unwarranted. I genuinely more sorry for her more than i do for hyce i just really hope the two make up eventually
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2023
Good one.

Please do not look ever at my internet browser history.
Translators get a free pass of "doing research" for a translation. Go nuts. I won't judge.

Talk your shit the hate boner that people have for sasha is genuinely insane. like if you think rationally for even a second and actually LOOK AT THE PANELS its clear as fuck that all the hate shes getting from readers is totally unwarranted. I genuinely more sorry for her more than i do for hyce i just really hope the two make up eventually
It'd really be a lot less painful for both of them if she moved on instead of repeatedly reopening old wounds for him.
Aggregator gang
Nov 28, 2024
Truthfully I do agree with your points but they are a few points that I disagree with.
1: Sasha and Hyce are close childhood friends, it also looks like they're basically the only 'family' they have left. They have a shared childhood dream to "make the best and strongest team together [and help tons of people]". So far, so standard.

3: Despite the above, they stay together for the next two years, working to turn their shared dream into a reality. Hyce's skill is still 100% useless; even if he could use it at this point, he doesn't know how. The party they've formed is B rank, so by this time, they should be fairly well experienced at this whole adventuring thing.

4: Sasha, contrary to popular opinion, isn't a heartless bitch, she still cares for Hyce. During the 30min break (which she calls, so Hyce can rest, 'cause Hyce is clearly struggling), you see her looking sad, not mean, not arrogant, SAD about deciding to let Hyce go. She still cares for him, but, as you'll see soon, Hyce isn't so much holding the group back (he's not), he's basically defenceless, which means he's got a much higher chance of dying than the rest of them. To someone who cares about him, that's a bad thing, so it's not surprising that that someone (Sasha) would want to keep him safe the best way she knows how, by kicking him from the group so he can go back and live safely back in the village or something.

I get what you’re pointing out here I really do. Ofc Sasha didn’t want her childhoodfriend to die. But in doing so she not only lash out at him she did something worst to him. In all this time while enduring her stress he’s been trying best to help sacred. All for the sake of her dream. Even though the help he could provide was limited. He still wanted to help how ever he could. Yet that effort was never recognized for it. Endure abused, yet still tried to help. But ultimately got exiled .

Hyce has even been told 'countless times' by the Guildmaster, that Sasha didn't want him dead, and only kicked him from the group to keep him safe (ch2.1 page 10), but still finds it hard to accept and rejects the idea.

While it true was to protect from dying it also true in her and sacred eyes he was viewed as too weak.

Like even if she exiled him to protect hyce
It undeindable fact that she view him as to weak And gave up on him. Gave up on the dream they shared

While she may have the best intentions. She couldn’t be honest with hyce and came to birth the circumstances in the first place. She looked down on him thinking there would be no way for him to fulfill there dream. And decided things for Hyce like he would give and would understand why she exiled him.

But her strength and pressure of being a leader prevent her from seeing what this would do to hyce. There would be no way Hyce would be happy about it. He would rather struggle for it than give up. Cause it was there dream together. Ultimately it her exiling him ended up being worst than death.

And something I thought about recently this is a wn spoiler fyi

Reynold said that if he was in the party they would have had to protect him. But were you protecting him or codling him because you didn’t have faith in him. Cause you saw him as weak. But this just my personal opinion cause he awaken his ability after he left 👀

Even if would’ve been annoying and teidous he had a master ability
Instead of treating him as weak they should work with him and help him become strong.

9: "But Sasha should have apologised! She had TWO YEARS!" HAhaha, like Hyce would have listened. but let’s start with Sasha.
How responsible YOU think Sasha is for the dragon attack is irrelevant, what matters here is how Sasha feels about it. Feelings of guilt can be a weird thing, so lets take a real world example. Years ago I had a mate who loaned his car to another friend. A tire blew out while the second friend was driving down a back road and the car rolled. Thankfully there was no major injuries, but for MONTHS the first friend constantly felt guilty about it, because it was HIS car that failed. Sasha gave Hyce the idea to get the white clover, so it wouldn't be at all surprising if she carries a lot of guilt about it, and not knowing how to deal with that (people deal with this stuff differently), combined with Hyce avoiding everyone and working solo, finding the 'right time' or opportunity to apologise might not be as easy as some people seem to think.

So I get what you’re saying and all. but a big reason why hyce was so angry was because she left and didn’t say anything for 2 years. They were childhood friends and yet she only apologized when he was a position of power. You can’t honestly tell that not mess up. Or the fact that your childhood friend just collapsed after nearly dying. And yet she went on a request.

I get it she felt guilty fear, and sad. Over what happened. And she couldn’t face him at the time. But that doesn’t make it any less mess up.
Even if her guilt ruled her even if she was terrified and couldn’t do it on that day she still had 2 whole years
Cause now only when he in a position of power she apologizes which make things insincere

As for Hyce, he is in no way, shape for form willing to accept any kind of apology. By this time (Hyce and Sasha are sixteen now) it's basically hardcoded in his head that Sasha wanted him dead.
Even if she was scorned,shout at and cursed out. Even if he wasn’t in his right mind. She still should said something that day

Regardless of how hyce felt about it. Even if he reject her. It would made things easier to accept and forgive honestly.

This is wn spoiler fyi for much later in the story

he actually later comes to accept and understand it was an accident but can’t forgive it. Since whether it was an accident or not the circumstances that nearly got him killed was because of sacred. And that she left without saying anything.

Now I don’t want you think I’m a hardcore Sasha hater I quite like her and character growth.

These just my views on Sasha cause while i understand why doesn’t mean I accept it.

Now do I think the out of proportion hate is valid no absolutely no but my points might be why people hate Sasha so much
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023
.9: "But Sasha should have apologised! She had TWO YEARS!" HAhaha, like Hyce would have listened. but lets start with Sasha.
How responsible YOU think Sasha is for the dragon attack is irrelevant, what matters here is how Sasha feels about it. Feelings of guilt can be a weird thing, so lets take a real world example. Years ago I had a mate who loaned his car to another friend. A tire blew out while the second friend was driving down a back road and the car rolled. Thankfully there was no major injuries, but for MONTHS the first friend constantly felt guilty about it, because it was HIS car that failed. Sasha gave Hyce the idea to get the white clover, so it wouldn't be at all surprising if she carries a lot of guilt about it, and not knowing how to deal with that (people deal with this stuff differently), combined with Hyce avoiding everyone and working solo, finding the 'right time' or opportunity to apologise might not be as easy as some people seem to think.
As for Hyce, he is in no way, shape for form willing to accept any kind of apology. By this time (Hyce and Sasha are sixteen now) it's basically hardcoded in his head that Sasha wanted him dead. Hyce has even been told 'countless times' by the Guildmaster, that Sasha didn't want him dead, and only kicked him from the group to keep him safe (ch2.1 page 10), but still finds it hard to accept and rejects the idea.

I'm pretty sure most of us that hates on Sasha hates her because she didn't apologize in 2 years. It's not about what she feels, it's about her action. Say whatever you want about feeling guilty or responsible, but at the end of the day, the fact of the matter is, for 2 whole years, Sasha didn't try to apologize to Hyce. From Hyce pov, it was until he has become S-rank that Sasha all of a sudden comes and apologize, and again, why now? Why only after he becomes S-rank that she apologizes? No shit he's not willing to accept any apology like that.

Even if Sasha apologizes way back then, sure there'll still be chance that Hyce didn't accept it right away, but she can try again, and chances are Hyce would be more willing to accept it rather than cutting off all contacts, wait for Hyce to gain fame and high rank, then suddenly apologize.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
Uhm ackshually it's "An S-rank", not "A S-rank". ☝️:geek:
(I know this was a joke, but to be the next That Guy...)

This is a very common error as people see a consonant and "everyone knows that a consonant is preceded by 'A' and a vowel by 'An'". Yes, but it's not the consonant itself but the consonant sound. The spelling for "S" when said as a word or syllable is E-S-S. As Ash might say, It is a smart decision to shop at an S-Mart.

There are some words which are a little tricky because they involve silent consonants:
  • A Hero, not An Hero (voiced H)
  • An honorable death, not A honorable death (silent H which exists to make it "ah-no-ra-bal" instead of "on-or-a-bal", or something like that as I am not a linguist but can play one in manga forums because I had an etymology class 40+ years ago in high school...)
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
With his newfound immortality, Hyce's ambition grew, and he yearned for greater challenges. He turned his gaze towards the realm's creator, the author himself, and challenged him to a duel.

The duel between Hyce and the author was an epic clash of power and skill, a battle that transcended the boundaries of the realm. However, Hyce's skill, though exceptional, was not enough to match the author's divine power.

Defeated, Hyce returned to his homeland, his heart heavy with disappointment.

He still ignore his childhood friend though.


And the cartoon peril was no more.

CDN media
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2021
I am at chapter 79/362 on the novel, so this everything I know so far.

Sasha realizes during her royal quest that banishing Hyce wasn't the best option and she could have trained him to awake his ability and also she may had looked down on him with that half hearted apology. After the completion of the quest, she doesn't apologise to him for now but built a new relationship with him, more as rival to reach their own goal.

They both support each other and the distance between get smaller little by little each time they interact, though they still are clumsy. It's clear they want to be close again but even if Hyce acknowledged it was an accident, he still can't forget he almost died and the lost of his right eye. He also can't forgive her for the exile, the abuse and the fact she didn't apology. But deep down he respect her as an adventurer.

Sasha is aware of her feeling for Hyce in chapter 42 or 43, but still feel guilty for what happened to him.

Reynold is a prick whenever he meets Hyce with Sasha, and Piazzolla is still a bitch.
It would have been nice to have seen what went on in Sasha's head when he told Myuane that he worked alone and when he asked her how it could be "our dream" when she was the only one living it. It seemed like those were major shocks to her. Was there anything about that in the Web/Light Novel? I really like seeing characters feeling anguish for what they've lost due to their bad decisions and actions, especially if it's from some type of betrayal (intentional or not).

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