@sleepyfoxscanlations Makes sense. Well, thanks for the reply, and I'll be looking forward to those. A fluffy Christmas is what we all need in these troubling times, I fear...
Shitty fucking ending. Glad I dropped this a while back. Thanks for the translations though, I will always appreciate the TL's for their contributions.
Ain't satisfied to the ending, I was already prepared for the drama in future lmao. Though I don't mind, atleast it's confirmed that their feelings are mutual.
Good read, the premise is actually really good if the author did try to complete it until they are adults.
This was a good read, wasn't satisfied with the ending at first, then I remembered they're still n middle school so there's still room for progress, and they like each other and are basically dating at this point so yeah, this was a day well spent!
Thank you translators (Who first picked up this series and to sleepy fox for continuing it <3) and thank you author for this awesome work <3
Oh well... i kind of got a bit too excited when i saw she was using the pendant last chapter. But really, ended as expected considering how progression went. Was too late to work now, if it did would feel shallow. But its still quite frustrating to end like this after all that happened. Mostly if u think about it logically he wont sit next to her for long. They could even go to a different high schools. Its implied but also too open as it is.
the series was fun tho, really fun. The end was disappointing, but whatever. At some point i was already expecting to end like this.