Saihate ni Madou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I don't think the girl wants to take revenge on him, I don't think she thinks highly of him either. If anything she proly hates her life XD

Its really easy to obsess over the things you've done, whether those were good or bad its not relevant, it only matters how oneself thinks about them. Of course assassinating the rapist of your younger sister is hardly something reprehensible by rational outsiders, all he sees himself as is the murderer of someone's parent and the reason of his mothers hardships.
He's mistaken but his bases are correct, he did something in the heat of the moment a everyone paid for it, he went to jail and I'm pretty sure he spent all that time tormenting himself for what he did, there's no hard evidence to prove that he did good, "the kid was surely going to be next" sending the "guy" to jail would've been enough for that, "that would've been more than he deserves"? yeah but the point is that there were better ways to go around this, as such what the MC did was a mistake even if his goal wasn't wrong.
I say its a mistake because he didn't achieve anything by that, all there's to show for it is two corpses and 3 tormented people.
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2019
There's alot of stuff about how the protag did nothing wrong, and honestly, yeah. Boy had a reaction that alot of people relate to with some asshat scumfuck raping your sister and driving her to hang herself, especially at such a young age. The issue comes in which people are trying to enfore that "he did nothing wrong" thing to a person who by all means feels he did the wrong thing. Broski murdered a rapist and all he got out of it was relief of his first instinct.

"but he might've targeted the daughter too" and honestly, that's a fair point. tbh. Its a reasonable assumption, especially with how these stories usally go and the fact that the rapist was lying his ass off as soon as protag got there. Yet the point isn't whether or not Broski should stop beating himself up about this, but how his actions have cascaded into other people's suffering and his own. You beat up a guy who's been messing with your shit and now he's in the hospital. Of course your actions are gonna feel justified but the fact you hurt someone in that way with their own families suffering from it is gonna fuck you up, no doubt. 7 years in the joint certainly isn't gonna help you get over it either.

Overall, he's a tramautized, fresh out of prison and now has to face the girl of the man he killed, horrid guy or no. The circumstances aren't gonna matter much from a third person perspective when the guy at hand is fucked up tremendously.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2020
From what I'm seeing I think she doesn't hold anything against him, she might even feel really horrible about what her father did to a girl that was probably the same age she is right now. She probably wants to talk it out with the brother but doesn't know how to bring it up. He brought it up but has the wrong idea about her (at least I think and hope), so hopefully this leads a good long talk and they can both move forward.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
What I hope is that this girl doesn't spout her anger at this guy. He might have completely derailed her life, but that's honestly on her dad. This guy kicking himself enough for what he did. He isn't proud at all what he did. The guilt is eating him alive.

I really hope that we have a story of two wounded souls building a loving familial relationship that was robbed from them because the POS dad. Rest is Piss.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
hope it isn't drama over drama and actual character development. Most mangakas been going to the dark seinen route just for shock value, but it can get boring over time.
Yeah, the premise is really interesting, but it's only going to work if the author really just focuses on the characters and how they can try and move past it all, whether they succeed or fail in the end.
I'm especially worried they'll go the route of many other mangas and try to keep it interesting or make it longer by adding stupid plot twists that only ruin the story.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
I feel like the conversation here is missing something kinda important. The inital basis for his guilt isn't the innocent people who were hurt, his mother and the guy's daughter, by him killing the rapist. His guilt started with him getting the idea that he's at fault for his sister getting raped in the first place, that he wasn't there or notice the warning signs. Since he already had that basis of guilt, everything else just rolls into it.

So, I think it's a misunderstanding to focus so much on what happened when he killed him. From his perspective, he was already at fault, so everything bad that happened after is also his fault.

Logically, you could say that it's the rapists fault and that they should be able to trust a teacher who's left alone with children on a daily basis to not abuse the kids. Logic doesn't solve trauma though.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
Bro killed the rapist that attacked his own sister who then killed herself as a result. None of it was his fault. Why in the FUCK am I supposed to empathize with the idea that he's this guilty dude trying to "atone" and that I'm supposed to care if the guys daughter wants "revenge"? Why would she want revenge? On what grounds? Like, dude, her dad was the lowest of scum and deserved what he got. She should be thanking the MC since she probably would have been next. It'd be more believable if she was the one that felt guilty because of her fathers actions that destroyed the family she currently lives with. None of this makes sense. The drama here feels incredibly forced and exaggerated, lol.
That's how it looks for you from third view perspective, the brother is carrying the guilt of not being able to save her sister and having her mother called mother of a murderer, he's more concerned about how much his existence is affecting the people near him, He wants to kill himself because it would be for the better. He doesn't regret killing that man.

And why he asked the girl to take her revenge is fairly simple. He was her father before being a rapist and let's not forget that he was her only parent and the worst thing you could do to a child is take away their parents. Most importantly, The brother killed him while she was watching. That would be extremely traumatic for a young toddler. It wouldn't be out of ordinary to fuck up her psychological state of mind. The brother didn't kill just a rapist but a father too. It's not weird she'd want revenge.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Bro killed the rapist that attacked his own sister who then killed herself as a result. None of it was his fault. Why in the FUCK am I supposed to empathize with the idea that he's this guilty dude trying to "atone" and that I'm supposed to care if the guys daughter wants "revenge"? Why would she want revenge? On what grounds? Like, dude, her dad was the lowest of scum and deserved what he got. She should be thanking the MC since she probably would have been next. It'd be more believable if she was the one that felt guilty because of her fathers actions that destroyed the family she currently lives with. None of this makes sense. The drama here feels incredibly forced and exaggerated, lol.
In a way I don't disagree with you, and I think there's a fair chance the girl really does feel guilty too and isn't actually planning on killing him, but you make things way too easy.
He was still her father. For all we know, he could have been the most loving and sweetest father to her, and if he was, no matter how 'right' killing him was, it would not be weird at all for her to resent his murderer.
What's more he was killed right in front of her eyes. That would be traumatic even if the person was someone you hated, all the more so for a little kid.
Yes, the fault mainly lies with the teacher, and that's something you can get a glimpse of when MC is browsing 2chan too. But, however much we like to joke about it, we do live in a society, and society has rules.
In society, killing another person is always wrong (the only possible exception would be if it was to protect yourself or someone else, and even then there's endless ways of going too far).
Of course, this 'wrong' just refers to the law. Ethically, many would argue in favour of killing a rapist, and morally most people would agree with it, and might even be willing to do it themselves. But even then, there would still be room for argument.
It's just a mess, as life often is.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
I'm not fond of how he had 7y to take it in and west let out but still react as if trauma was super recent (not that it's not realistic, not sure he had access to mental care in any form, JP jail is famously stuck in the past).
you CLEARY have no fucking idea how trauma bloody efing works! like who told you that some one get’s over trauma of THIS KIND in bloody jail for 7 years!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2020
The internet in this chapter is actually very real... they didn't hunt for the boy but seeking the poor legacy of the rapist... his daughter. Not many aside from stupid aunty next door will condemn the brother action as the rapist has this coming to the very last second of his life.

I hope the story will be around the daughter who make atonement for her dad crime by saving another 2 victims from the action of her father the rapist while in turn the mother and brother will be the missing family she needs in her life.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Genius revenge plan, Lelouch is trying to frame the daughter for murder so that he ruins the teachers legacy as well.
Feb 13, 2023
I am very scared of an "Usagi drop ending", I am getting te vibe that at some point he will do to Shiika what was done to his sister.
I really hope not, since I am very interested in the story and premise so far. AND THE ART IS JUST 👌
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2020
why is he not even thinking that his mother will have more suffering when all her child suicide? kinda dumb mc
jesus, wtf is this comment? what? did you jusy ignore EVERYTHING in the story and understood nothing?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
The best revenge would be if the girl raped him and then framed it as him raping her. But anyway that's a cute loli.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2018
this is a good drama, I like this. pls go for better ending, I would like to see Shina really becoming his little sister after all this.

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