Just discovered the author did publish a loli r*pe h-doujin before starting this series...
One can only hope that bro reformed his ways :meguuusa
I wasn't aware of the author's previous works; I'm surprised, but perhaps I shouldn't be. This certainly has more respect for heavy topics and how they affect people than a hentai would, though it still strives to tackle those topics outright. I wonder what the author's endgame is.
Ooh my favorite plot device has arrived. Everyone suddenly becomes retarded so shit can happen.
I'd say no one is acting quite normal because they all struggle with guilt, ptsd, and remorse related to rape and murder. Perhaps they're all just struggling to stay composed, and because of that aren't sure what to do right away when her half-brother comes out of the blue. As one of the characters said, a lot is happening at once, and it's putting the pressure on,
Kazuma's guilt has made him hesitate, as following his own judgement might result in him hurting more people. Though in spite of those circumstances, he kept thinking about the issue and discovered the lies left by his guest..
This is an odd direction for things to go, but that ultimately might pay off in the long run. I hope it does.