In the manga it states that Sumire found the phone in Shiika's room.
(I had to split it) (1/3)
We have no proof that this is true and even less evidence to even suggest it could be possible given we can actually see Yuri's room and not only do we not see the phone just randomly out there in the open when he walks in on her, but her corpse had to be removed and neither him nor his mother were in any state to do that + the police would be called in to investigate meaning there is no way her phone would magically be hidden in a spot Sumire or Shiika can somehow find it but no one else could and not only that find it while not a single person noticed either sneak into the room. Which would be even more weird given one of those two is the daughter of the main suspect, and both would be of similar ages meaning them being so small would have stuck out and made people want to prevent them from seeing Yuri.
As for Sumira being jealous as you have stated it is spelled out very clearly in the Manga and it is well known that jealousy will cause people to do a myriad of stupid things. Jealousy has led people to commit murder (~12% of murders are committed due to Jealousy (The Atlantic 2024))
I'm assuming you mean
this article which you didn't feel like just hyperlinking which doesn't even support what you said since it says
About a third of the time, the couple had argued right before the homicide took place, and about 12 percent of the deaths were associated with jealousy.
which is information from
here with The Atlantic not even linking to their source (with the USA CDC one having 10 citations and is very weirdly formated so I have no idea if these citations are even legitmate), all types of homocide combined 12% is jealousy related like you claim. The USA CDC one is also only talking about minority groups in the south-east of the US specifically with two outliers in the north-west which is a really specific pool of study that is oddly excluding huge populations of the ethnicities they are focusing on (which is suspicious) and by no means indicative of IPV-homocides more generally even within the USA. So if we instead go to look at
an actual peer reviewed paper citing 68 sources we see that none of this even begins to hold up or is even suggested to be 12% given the only 12 it mentions in data are 12 non-felony cases and 0.12% of unknown sex or gender among
suicides amongst victims of IPV. Please don't just
cherry pick to attempt to prove a non-existent point.
which is the most heinous crime one can commit
you know our protagonist here committed murder right?
With extensive research showing that there are certain emotions are highly associated with criminal acts of violence.
which you link none of....
Some of the primal and instinctual emotions associated with violence are pride, jealousy, lust, and resentment. However, and consistent with the General strain theory (GST) of crime,
the GST actually says pride, jealousy, and resentment are present in both women and men with them being attributed exclusively to men and subsequently violent crime being a male only response to stress with lust never being mentioned. And on top of that it completely ignores women who commit violence or women in general who show stress responses that are attributed to men here. Which is all the biggest critique basically everyone has with GST that it is extremely complex to point of being virtually untestable with the theory itself never actually even explaining the
why does someone commit a crime(s). Is it because socially they are pushed to be more violent and as such will have larger degrees of violence? Is it because there is some societal pressure pushing people to be possessive of things that leads to violent outbursts from not being taught how to manage stress? No one knows because even Robert Agnew, the creator of GST, doesn't know.
contemporary research reveals that these human emotions are most likely to lead to violence and anger (Bonn, 2017)
again which you never link and I don't know what Bonn, 2017 could be since there is no papers labeled that so the only thing I can assume is you maybe mean
this? If so this is not an actual paper, its a blog on a psychology magazine site and has no sources or credits meaning he just made it up himself, self published to advertise his book, and has no proof any of what he says is true
As far as Shiika not turning the phone over to the authorities she might have felt that it was her only connection to Kazuma (her possible savior).
again this ignores how she even got the phone in the first place which was in Yuri's room when she died and as such Shiika would not be able to even get there given she has never even been to their house as no one recognises her or knew she was friends with Yuri so either this is a major retcon, a complete oversight on the author, or is not possible. This is especially true since we know he says "they never found the phone" meaning they looked for it in the first place
There wasn't any video shown on the phone but just a voice recording that was played and without the pictures it is hard to prove that she had child pornography.
there is nothing requiring video or photography to be child pornography when "phone sex" and "sexting" a child being considered child pornography even in Japan. And even disregarding that she outright admits to what the recording is and as such admits to having. In my country article 163.1 of the criminal penal code states
any written material, visual representation or audio recording that advocates or counsels sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act
any audio recording that has as its dominant characteristic the description, presentation or representation, for a sexual purpose, of sexual activity with a person under the age of eighteen years that would be an offence under this Act.
to which she absolutely falls under
The one picture they did show was a picture of Shiika with a bruise on her back which would have shown the child abuse by her father
everyone knows she is a victim here and blaming her is absurd by any means
I would also like to know why this was on Yuri's phone. It would make you think that she was collecting evidence to call CPS on Shiika's father about the abuse occurring to Shiika
while she may have been doing this, the actual recording never suggests this as when Sumire plays the audio it immediately plays her screams which means it's either edited (which is tampering with evidence of a rape) or was specifically recorded to record her screams. Either way it makes no sense why it was on her phone as if the father took it then it would make no sense he would allow her to leave with the phone or alive for that matter given the crime of rape in japanese has the same consequences as homicide does in the japanese penal code
which says he could have even gotten the death sentence which is execution by noose and is noteably what our protagonist would have gotten given he committed aggravated murder which has a guarenteed sentence of execution, but was reduced to normal homocide due to understanding he did it in response to his sister being raped and from there reduced even further in a lienant sentence
Sumira is doing this as she is jealous of Shiika
Her name is Sumire not Sumira, and just being jealous doesn't give you the right to traumatise someone who is not even related to her goal given her actual goal, as she states herself, is that she doesn't dislike Shiika because she stole the limelight from herself. She dislikes her because she specifically sees Shiika as a murder. Not her father is a murder. Not her soon-to-be brother is a murder (who she knows is convicted of murder). Not that her father is rapest. No she thinks specifically Shiika is a murderer and murdered Yuri. Something so outlandish even my argument of her father being a murderer by my country's laws and not Japan's penal code which would say he wasn't a murder sounds like a solid argument in the 最高裁判所 since her argument would get thrown out as nonsense in a heartbeat.
because Shiika has stolen the one person in her life that was paying any attention to her and as I said previously that is enough of a motive to commit a crime even
that isn't why she dislikes Shiika in the slightest given in her own words she is fine with not being the mother's favourite since she just wants her to be happy. And the one time you actually link a source it's to a news article with no citations.... You know I said it before, but please stop
cherry picking as all its doing is proving your
confirmation bias and making you look like a
texas sharpshooter instead of actually providing real solid evidence to prove your point and show there is a correlation there. Since everything you've shown at absolute best has been
circumstance evidence with no broad correlation you claim there to be, and at worse it's falsified or missleading data that comes to it's conclusion via texas sharpshooting which is not proving anything....
I don't think that there is a problem so far with the way the author is writing the Manga. So far the author has given you a novel plot with a few side stories to keep interest in the overall plot, which is a man being released from prison after killing a pedophile and upon arriving home he is now confronted with the daughter of the man he killed. He later finds that his mother plans to adopt this girl and make her a part of the family. After this new revelation a few sub plots begin to emerge such as her being bullied at the orphanage and now her half-brother appearing out of the blue. So far the sub-plots have supported the overall plot and came back around to provide new information to the main plot. With the main plot and sub-plots being surrounded by the main themes of family (destruction and rebuilding), guilt, anger, fear, and jealousy.
none fo this is even remotely true to what you are trying to say. Just because you like something doesn't mean it can't be bad. Right now we have a story that starts a plot with a man murders someone 7 years prior to then be released in the present time of the story with a little girl having caught him that prevented him from taking his life immediately after which is set up for the reveal not long after of this being his new little sister to be.
This then leads to him wanting to die due to being consumed by guilt which is latter payed off by showing him having a panic attack from his guilt consuming him in public when they are eating together as a family. He wants his new little sister to be to kill him to release him of his curse of not being punished enough in his mind as he promised to meet Yuri in the after life and has not for over 7 years now, to which she freaks out as anyone would but she pretends to not be actually the child of his murder "victim" to set up a reveal that isn't actually a reveal given the mother confirms its her when they first meet.
This making the whole pretending to be not her pointless with it just serving to create tension and drama between them when both know the other knows and as such the tension of "is she is she not?" is non-existent and is only there because the author tells you (or forgot they revealed it) where the actual tension should absolutely be a daughter living with her father's murderer and the murderer likewise having to live with someone who he sees as a victim of his crime (which she actually is) and sees Yuri in her which clouds his ability to process her being here as he already lost one sister he never got ot process the grief for so having another sister that he himself caused to suffer (in his mind) is just double the strain on his already fragile mental state.
This right here absolutely should have been the focus entirely instead of being the underlying theme that turned into the focus since this was actually what made me praise this manga originally for showing how traumatic grief is and how japan is incredibly bad at helping people with mental health especially after a traumatic even so a japanese author calling attention to that is very nice to see given it is a common complaint the japanese themselves voice. In japan people are so hestitant to even say they're depressed they will actually go to a doctor and ask for a medical record saying they have a unspecified disease which they will then refer to as a disease instead since no one will take them seriously if they don't and just say it's a mental health problem. It's that bad. So bringing attention to that via some of the worst circumstances one could suffer it is a great premise to use and expand upon. Unfortunately this isn't what happens.