I like it! Not a very interesting title, but I think it´s more of a chamative catalyst for Shioyama to show the main character and idea they want to show, which by itself is not a bad thing. The protagonist is quite interesting, with his whole ´´freedom`` motivation. And yes, I do understand the immediate problem with Maria, but that is a sad constant of the genre, so we can only hope they at least keep treating her like nothing but a child. I think that the dungeon in the mordern world is a fun take that I don´t really see that often, and the political aspect (even if nothing but a short anecdote to act as a reason for secrecy) is pretty fun as well. All in all, a pleasant surprise in the story department, and I do want to see more.
Now for the art. As far as my research went, this is the first work of Tobata, and in that case it´s quite impressive! The main character is more of a ´´cutesy`` type, which yet again, you don´t see that often in this kind of work. Maria, as sad as the character as a product is, is reasonably complex with the whole hair, dress, hat and whatnot. The backgrounds and effects do leave a bit to be desired, but that´s only natural, assuming of course that this is indded Tobata´s first work. All in all, works pretty well alongside the story, and they may be an artist I will keep my eyes open for in the future.
TL;DR: a fun surprise, of which I hope to see more of.