Sairin Yuusha no Fukushuu Hanashi

Apr 6, 2020
On ye' olde time, a wise man once said "No matter how bad the graphic/art is, anything can be good if accompanied with good story"
But I can't go with this manga pass 3 chapters. Cool premise, but feels bland

idk if the author even trying
Nov 7, 2018
The description made it looks interesting. The moment I read a few pages of chapter 1 though, I instantly stopped reading...

The art is so bad that I can't differentiate between MC's angry face and a monster, so 2/10 I guess...
Jan 19, 2018
Story is fine, usual isekai.

Art is bad though, there seems to be some improvement later on but it's still bad.

I didn't think I'd see this kind of art on a serialized manga...

The kinds of errors and bad depth usage causing misplacements on characters and object interactions are things I'd see on someone who just started learning how to draw as a hobby for at least a week or so.
Mar 27, 2020
it's so garbage. Its more garbage than the garbage I've already wasted my life on.. so why did I keep reading??? I swear power fantasy self-inserts are like cocaine.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
A series can be masterpiece even with bad art sadly this is not the case the story is bland n generic n the art just makes you hate it even more
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2019
I say this as an avid consumer of revenge garbage: this is trash
it's not even entertainingly edgy like raoul's wild ride or rapey healer
it's just boring and ugly
Apr 5, 2019
This is my first time seeing a manga with a score of 4
wtf is this and why is it on frontpage
Mar 3, 2020
Holy shit I accidentally started reading without checking score because it was on top watched 24hr, I guess im never making that mistake again.
Fed-Kun's army
May 30, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Holy shit. That's some bad isekai-revenge trash. 😂 It's so bad I can't stop smiling. And I couldn't stop reading it either. Bad beginning...really bad...and a slight upward trend in the later chapters. Though it is still in the realm of trash till now.

[ul][*]The Drawing-Style: Well, I've seen better. I've also seen far worse. Some panels are quite bad. Some are really bad. Yet most of the panels are at least decent in quality, but don't expect a Berserk or Witch Hat Atelier.
[*]The Pacing: Urg...This needs work. The story jumps all over the places. Literally. And it jumps in time, too. One scene is there and then suddenly it's the next scene somewhere else. I can't really put my finger on it, but the transitions somehow felt off/bad. Also we get a revengestyle-crispy-burned-corpse garnished with a "happy, yet remorseful"-self-tormented MC and in the next chapter a dango-eating-competition. Oww..edgy darkAHHHhhBright!TheLightItHurts.😅 Well, yepp. The pacing sucks.
[*]The Dialogs: Cringe-worthy bits. Everywhere! And then again some dialogs, that are good enough to keep you engaged. Well, just good enough.
[*]The Predictability: As I foresee most developments of nearly all stories from miles away, I can't say much in that regard, but it did seems to be on the more predictable side of the spectrum. Except the dango-eating-competition. I didn't see that one coming.
[*]The Character-Design: Rather flat and generic. Arch-types everywhere. Even the MC and MS(upport)Cs still have to find themselves, but at least there are hints of development. And the villains...senselessly over-the-top evil. "I had a slightly reasonable reason to betray the MC, so I did it and while I was at it I also burned babies and puppies. And now that it looks like I have the upper hand, I tell MC all about it! Kekeke. OHNO! MC has got the upper hand now! Pleeeeaaase spaaaare my liiiife!!! HAHA! Now that I escaped I'm evil again!"
[*]The Logic: This might be the darkest part of the story. Some things really don't add up or are outright nuts. E.g.: MC let one of the villains go, to be persecuted by his own people, which backfired on him because he somehow convinced them he is innocent, duh! Everyone would have seen that coming, nobody would have left that alone, except MC.[/ul]This looks like the author has been pressured by his bosses into writing a isekai-revenge story and he delivered "something" and his editor was like, "I don't care.", and the publisher was like, "Fine. We take it.", and the author was totally like, "WUT?!"

Well, I see why most readers are not "comfortable" with the story, but I also have the feeling, that it got a bit better as the story progressed. The drawings, the pacing, the character design (for the MC and the MSCs at least) and the logic got a bit better imho. Especially the logic, as MC doesn't tend to make huge mistakes anymore. Maybe the author started to put some effort into the story or maybe it started to grow onto him or he has the feeling, if he has to publish more chapters, he can at least make it worthwhile. If that's the case, he has quite some work before him to undo the damage of the first few chapters.

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