High quality for me, low is just like suicide. But i prefer moderate if it takes too long for the high quality ones (1 chap per 1,5 month is too long. If its the case go for moderate one). Never go low.
Btw, what i mean Moderate is not the same with low. Low = translate + typeset, no a single attemp at redraw. Moderate = just like low but clean, not a single piece of japannese text here and there, maybe theres some blanks, but get covered with some photoshop/paint/and shit.
I know its too much of me to ask you for it so grandly since i just read it for free. but i like this manga, as much as you do, i want you to know that your work mean so much for me and many people who feel the same. I want to keep liking it, and it means i want it to stay good (at least in the likeable level for me). And i want to keep reading it till the end, and it means i want you to stay working in it, which mean you just do the way you like it...