Sayonara Mangadex, putting down our rose colored glasses.

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Power Uploader
May 2, 2018
this could have been prevented if more of us got in together and sniped anjou san. lets kebaba her together.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2018
As a scanner, who uses his own money to buy raws to rip up and scan for the world... I would be sad if a good site went away for [insert whatever comes of it here].
Out of context is some thing I've very familiar with. As those who know me personally have to have a filter to not take things I say initially to heart sometimes because it comes off weird, or w/e. Hell I apologized to someone today because I started a conversation about them looking familiar to me, and some how made it sounds like, "Hey do you recognize me too?!" Who knows what Holo meant by this. I won't assume. Words are words, and actions are separate things.
I do scans because I love manga, and want to share that love with the community.
There are a hell of a lot of hate out there, especially in the comment sections, ( just look at Cat Scan releases ). Just because we have RL lives and can't update that fast. But I don't do this stuff for the people who aren't grateful for the work. Its for the people who are. Whether or not they voice it or not. We share because we can, not because we have to. The thanks are a welcome after thought.

IF MD did go legit, I might rethink using the site. But the bottom line is they have not right now. And if Holo's plans of manga world domination come true I'll plan then.
Thats then, this is now... And I don't base my decisions of the present to be determined on 1 possible outcome of many.
Jan 17, 2018
Posting screenshots completely out of context to get people riled up is an immediate way to get me to not care about whatever it is you're complaining about. If you want anyone to take your complaints seriously, how about you dont present them like a highschool kid would.
Group Leader
Aug 15, 2018
@Equilibrium wtf $55 for magazine cost??? my sides! the mag costs ¥260 (aka, about $2.50) But no, they gotta pay for the guys transportation costs. Help, I'm dying. it hurts XD
Feb 6, 2019
Briefly reading over this post, I think most users, like myself, just want a centralized location that tells me when a new chapter for something I'm reading comes out, without relying on 20 different discord servers or websites. As someone who has never posted on this forum, but was dragged over to this post from multiple announcements on discord, could someone enlighten me on the legal or technical issues with either of these solutions/compromises:

Is there any issue with going with a novelupdates-like compromise of being a (curated) directory for those sites that wish to host on their own?
Scanlators get the traffic/attention that they want and readers get a centralized feed. Works from groups that still want MD hosting should see no major change in interface. AFAIK, this solution would require a very minimal amount of development work, but with the downside of potentially opening the site to directing towards malicious sites.

Is there any reason why MD doesn't host raws or cleaned/textless?
If MD did so, it wouldn't be too far off from being able to do distributed/crowdsourced-style scanlations with "softsub"-like translations. (IIRC danbooru has this kind of feature?) i.e. Rather than having a bunch of independent scanlation groups per comic (or multiple groups due to multiple languages), MD could host and sanction the stages of the scanlation process all on this site. If MD hosted raws, anyone who wants to clean/redraw can drop by, download the raws, and upload cleaned/textless. Rather than typesetting, someone can come through and set bounding regions for text to be filled in, and translators can come through and fill in those boxes. Community editors/proofreaders can drop by to suggest or edit in fixes. This method would take out much of the redundant work in cleaning/redrawing. The downside is that this direction has a mountain of software development work associated with it (e.g. text alignment and consistency across platforms), and an even bigger mountain of potential advanced features to develop such as:
[ul]Version control
Localization style switches (e.g. a toggle to change between onii-chan, big brother, or <character name>)
OCR+MTL support
Maybe even go as far as to work on autonomous/AI cleaning+redrawing[/ul]
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019


sending some love your way
Nov 7, 2018
@JRPG yeah i feel like there will be a decent amount of people who would default to using aggregate sites rather than the scanlators site. While it's easy tojoin their discord server or frequenting r/manga, i understand that it could be a hassle to bounce from server/site to another.

i guess only time will tell whether it's a smart move from the scanlators, or whether it's the opposite.
Feb 28, 2019
What a mess!!
I as a reader, can't really understand what's the problem, if there is a problem many readers will be happy to change site. THE END-
Group Leader
Jan 26, 2018
I don't like the smugness of holo and another admins, of course, Zeph is just straight up an asshole. They definitely do think that they are gods gift to the scanlation community. He does make a good point though in that y'all have a bit of a "for-profit" model going on. Most scanlation groups can operate without requiring donation/ad models, because raws are relatively cheap and if you have a sizeable enough group you can probably share the minuscule load together anyway. Also, JB, you're the fucking worst - don't come to me and say that early jump raws cost lots, you shouldn't be scanlating that and you fucking know it.

People would respect this move if any of you weren't for-profit groups and just had an overall interest in scanlation, but holo and his staff are also self important assholes so I can understand why people would just be like screw you guys I'm going home
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
Scanlation drama is just super petty business so it would have come to this eventually anyways.
Group Leader
Apr 16, 2018
I don't particularly care for this website's administration (read: this page is just incredibly convenient and the only good option post-batoto)

but also the people signing this are also the scanlation groups with very active patreon pages that have obnoxious advertising in their personal pages as a means of garnering ad revenue on top of said patreons

i'm not saying I disagree with your interest of making money doing what you love, but don't try to make a case that someone trying to make money on what is essentially also a passion project, is somehow a sin

this is the dumbest thing i've read and your petty knee-jerk reactions will probably hurt the general community more than help it

all y'all should be ashamed, is this a middle school fight?
Active member
Mar 24, 2018
Now we wait for Jaimini's Box to start hosting other scanlation groups and try to make the best site themselves, lol.
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