Seirei-tachi no Rakuen to Risou no Isekai Seikatsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Assuming a spirit's age based on appearance. Psssh, what a noob.
Active member
Oct 30, 2018
Is that a grown up bell on the cover...
Oh man that's on hell of a spoiler
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@ Nogoodimaginativename
I've given some thought about item box loop holes before. What would and would not be considered "living" by them? For example, are you familiar with scions? A young shoot or twig of a plant, especially one cut for grafting or rooting. All apples we eat today are clones made from grafting scones on to root stock. You can buy them on the internet for 1/10th the price of a whole fruit tree in a big box store. But they are basically fresh green STICKS. Would that count or not count are living to a item box? If it counts then would you never be able to put green firewood in the item box.

What if you have a fatally injured team mate? They would survive if given the right medical treatment by an expert but you are far from help. Could you put their fresh body in the item box and give them CPR to restart their heart and breathing once you take them out?

Lastly, there are always millions of unseen microbes on people, objects, everywhere. If living things can't enter item boxes, does that mean I could use it as a means of sterilizing things like bandages or canning jars? Would a contaminated piece of meat with parasite in it (something common when hunting wild game, it's why they recommend always thoroughly cooking meat you hunt) become safe to eat if put in a item box because the living, harmful things would be left out of the item box and only the clean edible meat go into it?

I have a feeling the author didn't give it much thought. It's such a common trope I seen over and over that I can't help but wonder about it from time to time.
Active member
Oct 30, 2018

i can tell you have never had a planted fishtank before.
In soil, there needs to be nitrifying bacteria.
In scientific / farming terms, its called the nitrogen cycle.

Its not just any bacteria, its a specific type of bacteria used to convert NO2->NO3

The Gnome obviously meant this, the author probably didnt want to go into a large science debate about it, but without these bacteria, the soil is basically useless.
Here is how complicated and important these bacteria are...

This is also why they needed a pre existing soil with bacteria.

But how he put the soil with bacteria in a bag which should of filtered out the living bacteria is a x-files loop hole.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Mojo This comes up a lot in videogames, you're often expected to store away plant seeds, eggs, or saplings, for use in some event or game mechanic, and unless stated otherwise, food still spoils in your inventory. So there should still be some living matter, and bacteria, in a videogame character's storage, which should also apply to most isekai MCs.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
@mojo @aigomorla maybe the whole "living being" refresh to things with a "conscious", not barebones living (does bacteria decide if it wants to do the chemical reaction thing, or it just does chemical reactions to survive, but nothing else from there). It still dumb, but it's a theory. Maybe if I knew what the Japanese they used to write "living being" implied it'd help, idk.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
@Aichan - You may be right, this might be like an isekai farmville (while i've never played any fb game, I assume its like this?) or some similar type game. Still kind of a fun SOL read, though.
Also, does Ai-chan always speak in third person? It's not that I dislike it or anything; just curious.
Jun 5, 2018
Jokes aside, his intention to revitalizes the dead land are very noble.
Active member
Jun 18, 2019
@Kisato yeah, when he asked old mate if there was an option other than healthy soil to seed it, I was totally expecting that.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@aigomorla Actually my sister was a manager for a pet store I've seen her set up salt water coral tanks at home including the plant life. And I am well aware what the nitrogen cycle is, hell I even inoculated my peas/beans with beneficial bacteria before planting them in the garden so to be doubly sure I'm getting optimized nitrogen fixing in the soil. Hint, when a person brings out terms like "scions" they are most likely to be a gardening otaku or have a home garden, or worked in a plant nursery. Or all three in my case.

I think that @CountryMage or @JJTheWeeb have it right. It's either that the author is copying some game mechanic where the item box doesn't' freeze time and/or the item box defines living beings differently. Bacteria are living beings but don't have a consciousness like a mouse or a human. I'd also like to have a more detailed translation of the kanji used in "living being" it might indeed give a hint as to what the author meant.

Any way thanks all for the replys 😀
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
@Nogoodimaginativename Probably because they're considered part of a non-living thing (the soils) and thus their characteristics are ignored
That's what I mean, it seems kinda poor reasoning...

Thanks for the chapter btw :)

Yeah totally agree with you on all the abusing and exploiting of the time-freeze mechanic

But how he put the soil with bacteria in a bag which should of filtered out the living bacteria is a x-files loop hole.
Exactly my point

@mojo @aigomorla maybe the whole "living being" refresh to things with a "conscious", not barebones living (does bacteria decide if it wants to do the chemical reaction thing, or it just does chemical reactions to survive, but nothing else from there). It still dumb, but it's a theory. Maybe if I knew what the Japanese they used to write "living being" implied it'd help, idk.
I like this reasoning the best, define it by consciousness, or at least a minimum degree of consciousness.
Double-page supporter
Feb 11, 2019
ther's something about stories of reviving dead land that I just absolutely adore. You can do it!

Everyone in this manga is such a cutie though. I love it!

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