Sekai de Tada Hitori no Mamonotsukai ~Tenshoku shitara Maou ni Machigawaremashita~ - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Alliance

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
Seems like MC is fully aware that he's gonna be "used" by that queen. MC is really impulsive, but he's not dumb. He knows he gon' reck that oyakodon someday.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
I really hope they end up having the daughter ascend to the throne. She didn't seem to submit after a punch like that. She's got fucking balls. The queen on the other hand is so untrustworthy. Anyone who is willing to sacrifice their child to further their own agenda is not trustworthy. Someone like that will instantly turn on you the second you let your guard down or if they can benefit from it. I hope the MC can at least she that she is the most unreliable ally possible. I can respect the daughter for putting her own life on the line, even if it was by her mother's order, but the queen is just revolting. Can't trust a fucker like that.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Kayriel Yeah but that's country wise. I wouldn't have a problem with having the Queen as well my queen, because she puts her country before everything else. Being a general citizen of her country would be great. Of course she might have to make sacrifices here and there, but nothing that would endanger the majority of the population. But I would NEVER trust her as an ally. She is extremely unreliable, because she will gladly yeet you off a cliff for her own goals. She is simply untrustworthy. Anyone willing to sacrifice their own daughter to further their own goals, cannot be trusted. That's not the kind of person I would want to be allies with. While she is a efficient ruler/leader, she is not a good ally by any means or metric. You could argue that because she cares so much about her country she wouldn't try to anger the MC, considering the havoc he could wreak upon it, but if there is a chance to eliminate him after he stops being useful, she would take it. That makes her a sucky ally. A non aggression pact is something I would entertain, but an alliance is just a big fat no. I'm assuming MC is ight with it because they plan on exploiting each other.

Edit: I'm mainly saying she is untrustworthy because they are about to enter a war. If this was in times of peace, trust is negligible. At most they could fuck you over in a trade deal if you aren't careful. But you wouldn't want to start a war allied with a country that you have no history with. That's just begging for trouble. Perhaps if they had a history, the Queen's actions could be overlooked. Plus if the countries have a history, its less likely for them to betray one another because of public opinion, trade relations, political marriages, etc. But they are fucking strangers. Offering your daughter's life to a stranger is beyond untrustworthy. You simply don't value human life. Especially when you think you can quantify it by comparing the worth of one human to another. This bitch is crazy.
Active member
Jan 3, 2019
i don't get why people hate the queen relationships between nations is based on benefits not blind trust or friendship and she is a prime example of this it's not that she is bad but she is acting for her country benefit only at least she isn't stupid like the king who killed the mc parents rather than use them as hostages or try to find a middle ground
and the part about her daughter she knew the mc is a naive and stupid punk who wouldn't kill kids that's why she chose a kid
and currently it's not like she want to harm the mc or get on his way she just want to use him to eliminate a common enemy like a legit rulers used to do
and yeah she may be greedy but aren't all kings like that
Sep 30, 2020
Notice that she paused before answering her daughter's question.
I think she actually wanted him to kill her daughter, so she can demand "something of equal value" from Grandizire.

I mean that's how royalties who can smile like that usually are in manga, so..
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Even agreeing to replace her with something of equal value was dumb on the MC's part but at least he can just kill her and dump her mother with an undead version of her daughter entirely loyal to him if he has to. I mean really, she pushes something/someone he didn't even want on the guy and she gets to demand he replace her if something happens? GTFO here with that bullshit.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

Oh, absolutely. She is not someone to be trusted in the slightest. Frankly, no ally is unless it's someone who has everything to gain by your success and everything to lose by fucking you over. 'Allies' are just enemies that can be held at bay by a piece of paper long enough to fight off other issues together, really.

Diplomacy is just the art of saying, "If we fight, both of us are going to be hurt, and someone else can easily stab us both and take our shit." between 'allies'. And diplomacy with those weaker than you is simply, "Work together/for me and get rich. Don't, and I'll kill you." but wrapped in terms of righteousness.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@Kayriel I agree with what you are saying, especially this: everything to gain by your success and everything to lose by fucking you over. That's the kind of ally our MC should be looking for when he is just starting out. Not some kind of powerhouse that can throw him around like a ragdoll and still be gucci. She really doesn't even really need him to take out the Empire, its just that with his power its more efficient and less risky on her end.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 16, 2020
I say kill them all, hate when the mc gets used for shitty agendas like the queens
Dex-chan lover
Jun 29, 2019
Calling it now, at some point the princess is gonna turn against her mother and help the MC kick their ass
Active member
Jun 30, 2018
Well the comment section saw that coming as soon as the meeting started
Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2019
Phase 1-Kill the emperor Phase 2- Make the princess in charge Phase 3-??? Phase 4-Profit
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
@me474 history shows though that the peasants may not necessarily be benefiting from that claim. Historically, according to the economic historian, Michael Hudson, most peasants did not consider themselves as members of a nation, but instead viewed matters locally/provincially. The people who benefitted from the arbitrary lines of nation states were those in power, the ruling class. In fact, this is why fascism and other forms of nationalism ultimately have been historically in the benefit of an oligarchy as opposed to the multitudes.

The current situation in the US is a prime example of this—who benefits from the imperialist wars? By and large, any benefits the multitudes received from these wars ultimately do not benefit them, & by and large can be viewed ultimately as further forms of exploitation by an oligarchy that further enriches themselves at the detriment to the multitudes.

As such, I've yet to see evidence that supports your claim/her claim that she cares at all for her country/people. If they mattered meaningfully, and love was a powerful force, would she be using these tactics in the first place? Would someone from her side volunteer? Would she even have the power to decide on her own?

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