On the whole I'd say it was pretty good, but really just feels a bit like a waste of potential. I think I'm in the minority here, but I liked the political bits. Having an MC who is OP in the combat department but well and truly an idiot be thrust into the realm of politics and diplomacy is a good way to make an interesting story while still having a bit of a power fantasy in there. Though, I guess it backfired for a lot of readers who came in wanting a power fantasy and were frustrated when it turned out not to be that. That being said, I thought the pacing was great and it had a nice mix of combat, intrigue, and fluffy down time as well as plenty of interesting characters that didn't feel like the flat tropes that often populate fantasy LNs.
Up until the end I was really enjoying the series, but that ending just feels rushed. It turns almost solely into a battle manga, blitzes it's way through the payoffs and reveals set up up to that point, then ends in a way that leaves a million little plot threads dangling. I came to the comments hoping someone would tell me that, no, this is just the ending of the manga adaptation and the LN continues and gets really good, but that's not looking likely. Besides, this ending feels like the rush you get when the axe is looming over your head, so my hopes were not high.
For anyone reading these trying to figure out if they should read it: If you just want a typical power fantasy LN then give it a miss, because it isn't that. If you enjoy power fantasy LNs but wish they weren't so masturbatory and had the MC actually be challenged in interesting ways then this is much more for you. Or if you just want something a bit different, then give this a look. It has its flaws and its oddities but at the very least I can't say I've read another manga quite like this.