Sekai Saikyou no Assassin, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru

Dec 3, 2018
I swear I hate those knight characters that just rush in to basically kill whoever happens to be in the vicinity of the person they are protecting, it's like holy shit do they just not have the common sense to try and understand a situation before waving around a sword.

already dislike the hell outta that one character for such a stupid move.
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018

I don't know how far have you been reading but for me this story is pretty good actually. He later on created some technique to kill the hero. The first technique that he use is when some guy from a different country invade his waifu's homeland. He pretends to be a knight from the territory and ask for a duel with the leader of the invader. Before he starts the duel he ask the opponent couple of questions to buy some time for the skill to arrive. Just when the duel about to start he reveals that he is not a knight but an assassin so he won't be having a chivalry duel, and then the skill arrives from the top of the opponent's blind spot and supposedly instant kill his opponent and surrounding enemy soldier(he had ally soldier to stand back far away from the radius of the skill). The skill name is called God Spear 'Gungnir'. Before he went to duel he already activate this skill, he use magic to lift a spear on to the sky, let it fall to build up velocity and hit the target.The skill sound simple yet difficult. The skill required large amount of mana, time and precise calculation for the target location. The attack is supposedly instant kill his opponent since it come from blind spot with power of a meteor strike. After the devastating blow he check for his opponent vital status under the hole and found nothing was in it, his opponent somehow got teleported somewhere and could be a survivor. He later found out that his opponent is a guy that receive some fraction of hero's power.
== I could spoil more until he receive hero's power but after that I haven't read yet.==
Aug 23, 2018
Hmmm not bad. Although very cliche. The ol' main character dies, reborn to an infant, already highly intelligent and skilled below ten. Already a OP 'badass'. Like I dont mind these mangas but sometimes it feels like your reading the same ones. I just hope the pacing is right. That the MC doesnt become an OP Mary Sue with every female character falling in love at first sight. Which again is fine for the right reasons. I like Harem/Romance etc but give reason to fall in love and not the 'badass' stands his ground, 'badass' kills OP enemy with a single sword swipe.

Will have to wait & see. Thanks for the update
Aggregator gang
Dec 26, 2018
@mismarca thank you im on the part of
of the business thing havent read it a month i stopped cause of i got bored at some point i really dont know why maybe because im reading the novel of the another world's magic is delay btw tnx for the spoiler :D i appreciated it
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
the goddess keeps acting all evil in 1.1
wish the aritist made her a bit subtle and not look like some huge talking exposition,

and why is it always a loli teacher for magic?
Are authors there a hive mind or something?
No feedback from readers?
Maybe people there are just too repetitive to an autistic level?
Thats it I've had enough of isekai..

1 hour leter...
ooh look a new manga, Iwonder what isekai is?😳
May 7, 2018
Is it necessary to sexualize every f*cking thing? I mean, It's just the first time experiencing the transformation of his magic AND THEY'RE CHILDS! OMFG.
Mar 15, 2018
There's a pedo organisation that uses that same logic... This is how you should start all your replies from now on, "The pedophiles and I believe...", it'll give your argument all the credibility you ever deserved.
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
I just wish I can 1* bomb this along with inferior eye bullshit.
Making pedophilia mainstream must never happen, you're really only making more pedophiles by conditioning the mind to accept it is normal even if it is fantasy.
There is an increase of pedophiles lately and it is getting really scary, looking at news nowadays you will never not see a child molested in it.

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