Good thing there would not be any popup ads anytime soonoh no rona, you're starting the billboard ad revolution
huh, we read the same chapter right?Oo, it's not even an isekai and we still get the "Japanese culture > all!" tropethis manga be manga-ing
I hope she sharesSo when will she find rule34 of herself?
well luckily viruses only previously 'crashed' on her like with that dragon boss fight as opposed to like short circuiting her mind or so briefly, interesting she's able to open up multiple screens like that, but i would've expected another Onii-chan ad to come again lol (tho you'd think her 'S rank' of the 'internet' would come with a built in ad blocker XD)The World is in a critical need of Ad blockers lmao
I thought Konoha was a guy. I'm weirdly disappointed.