Senken no Majutsushi to Yobareta Kenshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Aran1 It cannot equally be a "both sides" issue when the problem was initialized by one side, and a useless person messing up is not he same as someone who knows better messing up. Power = responsiblitiy and whatever. Also I didn't see anything about the mercs trying to coordinate with the soldiers either, so even that doesn't seem like it's mainly the soldiers' fault. The mercs knew how OP this thing was and they just let the soldiers pridefully face it. How could the naive party possibly be equally at blame here? It sounds like blaming a child for running into traffic and not the parents (the one's experienced in the area) for allowing that child to get into a bad situation without knowing.

@Kyxr They were reasonably held back because the MC deliberately lied about his abilities. The soldiers didn't have a chance to retreat, they were dead from the moment the monster saw them. I think it was the main duo's fault because THE MANGA SAID IT WAS THE MAIN DUO'S FAULT.

@budifelt That just sounds like you're admitting you didn't read the last chapter. Go read it.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 15, 2018
@mommunism lel i see you are typical to show off your power eh hero-kun lol
you're overreacting, take it slow hero-kun. how pathetic.
i just see a moron who got wiped out & and blame woman for his defeat lol
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
@mommunism so what if if the MC hide his true ability? There s nothing wrong about that. Have u ever thought that they kingdom probably demand him to teach the magic to the army? under the pretext of serve the country. nah man, i dont dig that shit. His sword magic is powerful. so if there are many others who can use it and in the army, they ll start a war. since a person can control up to 3-4 swords, killing people is way too easy.

the knight captain s pride was too high. and he was being greedy. A commander s judgement determine the the troops sirvival. He lost all of his unit because he too slow giving order and he barely had any info what Grinder can do. They should just retreat when a few of them become minced meat right in front them.

you keep saying the manga deliberately show its the mc fault. the troop were decimated because of the knight captain stupid judgement. its plain to see, if i must say.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2018
there is nothing wrong if they want to keep their full potential as a secret. in a world where u kill or be killed., its perfectly fine. we dont want our enemies know about our full strength and device a counter measure, would we?
May 31, 2019
Bruh, what's this guy's problem? You're so stuck on your pride that you can't comprehend the fact that she's more capable than you? Bro, if you got a problem with the fact that she's stronger than u then just work out more or something
Active member
Feb 9, 2019
@mommunism yes...... yes it can be BOTH sides fault. both sides made mistakes. youve even admitted to them making mistakes.

you wanna know why the mercs didnt tell them about their shet plan? because the knights treated the mercs like shet after their pride got hurt. this treatment angered the mercs who then chose not to warn them about how f'd they were. even if they had tried its doubtful the knights would have listened to the group they were openly hostile towards.

the mc is at fault for over hunting
the army is at fault for not asking information about the monster despite having MULTIPLE chances to do so.
the knights are at fault for being babies and treating all the mercs badly because their "best got beaten by some girl in a single hit"
mc hid his powers because the last time an army took interested in them he refused and the leader of that army turned hostile towards him.
him not wanting to deal with that didnt go all out as it likely would have led to a repeat only worse with the army already being hostile towards him and his party. his reason for not going all out. right here.
the leader of the knights is at fault for being over confident, panicking, and being the leader.

ignorance is not a justifiable excuse for an error outside of school. its not when you break the law and its not when youre leading an army. thats why armies gather intel on the area they will be fighting against and what theyre fighting as best they can. thats not what happened here. the knights in order to restore their pride dashed off like knights do in these stories and without planning anything, was openly hostile to the PROFESSIONAL hunters that came along to hunt the beast which the army knew nothing about and these hunters knew alot about, the knights in their arrogance charged into a fight they couldnt win, panicked, and lost badly. a loss which was made worst by the soldiers demanding the mercs heal the wounded / dying instead of letting them immediately rush off to intercept the monster before it engaged the next unit which would have been COMPLETELY avoided had they not been ordered to split up in the first place.

ive now covered all the mistakes i can remember. if you still think the knights / their leader arent at fault at all or even remotely close to equally after this then theres no point in continuing and im going to learn more towards youre just trolling or for w/e reason youre just unreasonably biased towards the mc in which case you might want to drop the manga.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Aran1 I didn't see the knights being mean to the mercs in the manga, but it doesn't matter whether they did because you just argued against your own position. If the mercs didn't inform the knights because the knights were mean to them, do you know what that means? The mercs were too prideful. In other words, you just justified the knights' behavior by defending the mercs. Both sides were prideful, but only one side knew for a fact that their pride could easily cost dozens of lives, and that side just happened to have initialized this entire problem by bringing the threat to civilization and refusing to solve it because they were afraid of a request (that they're clearly strong enough to deny) to train the army.

Ignorance absolutely is an excuse when you break the law, and I just gave you an example of how it is in my last comment. Parents are almost always blamed for the actions of their children because the parents know better and the kids don't. There are also legal terms like "willful blindness" and "involuntary manslaughter" that wouldn't exist if being ignorant wasn't an excuse. Libel and slander laws also require the accuser to prove the defendant knew better. Let's say person A is a citizen who's an expert at diffusing bombs but is keeping that a secret. He puts a bomb on the highway, and the governor tells person A and person B, to get rid of it. 2 days later, B goes in without asking for help because he hates A and all of his coworkers are killed by the explosion. Do you know who gets charged in that situation? A, 100% of the time, because he brought the threat to a public space, not to mention neglecting to tell people the severity of the threat. In the eyes of the law, it is absolutely never B's fault for dealing badly with a threat that should not exist. B would probably get reprimanded, but nothing else.
Active member
Feb 9, 2019
@mommunism ok troll ^,^ i wasnt arguing against my position because my position is ALL of them are at fault. i explained very clearly why both are at fault, how both sides messed up but instead you just want to blame the mercs while absolving the knights of all blame. my side isnt the knights are at fault for everything like you seem to think it is nor am i saying the mercs arent to blame for anything. im very clearly stating BOTH sides are at fault and youve admitted that just as much as i have but still deny it.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Aran1 Calling people a troll just because you're losing an argument is seriously pathetic. Trust me, you're not saving face. Your argument is not that everyone is at fault. Your argument is that everybody is EQUALLY at fault. Do you even understand the difference between those positions? Your evidence is that both sides were prideful, despite one side knowing for a fact their pride would get people killed and that same side caused the entire problem to occur in the first place. That is not even remotely close to equal responsibility. Pride on both sides with plenty of other issues on side A means side A is more at fault. This is a very very simple concept to understand, yet you keep missing it. I haven't once denied that both sides share SOME blame, your comprehension skills are just utter dogshit. Try to quote me saying that, please. I don't understand how you can possibly realize I've said both sides are at fault and then manage to fabricate that I believe the opposite without a shred of evidence. If your next comment doesn't substantiate it with a quote I'll happily leave knowing another comment would just be time wasted on an illiterate moron.
Aug 20, 2019
Man, why can't we all just enjoy the manga without having keyboard wars? well they are interesting reads so it's a win-win for me.
Active member
Feb 9, 2019
@mommunism thats not why im calling you a troll but ok troll ^,^ what ever makes you feel happy. i actually said the same thing about ending it, seen a couple comments up, but i decided to keep you company. my point was actually they were AT LEAST at fault equally or the army was more at fault with the mercs/mc still being at fault for things as well. the only part where i said theyre equally at fault is the mc and knight leader. thats not the same as saying theyre "all" equally at fault like you said.. you could have ended this awhile ago by agreeing they were at least equally at fault because we're never going to convince each other the other is wrong.

can you also address some of the topics youve completely brushed off instead of answering? even if you feel like you answered them i feel you didnt:

1: the lord, the army, and the knights failing to even ask for information on this monster
2: splitting the army when the army was mostly new recruits with little combat experience is what caused the massacre
3: brought up by boogle, if the entire adventure guild knew everything about this monster why didnt the army? why wouldnt the army know about the dangerous monsters from the surrounding area even if its a bit further away then right next door? the knight leader or the squad captains should have asked information about this but didnt
4: why was the army even sent out for this? knights defend lord/family/castle. army defends city/ from enemy armies, adventurers hunt monsters. just send in the experts and all this avoided.
5: the mc and the girl with him were delayed to heal the soldiers they originally went to help by one of the other soldiers possibly a squad captain. this lead to the main force and at least 2 other squads being wiped.
6: this is the most important one. the knight leader is at fault because hes the leader. it was his job to plan and lead the battle against this monster. apart of planning is gathering information on your enemy. as the leader his responsible for victory or defeat. the entire time before engaging the monster all hes thinking about is restoring his honor and when he finally fights the monster he has a break down preventing him from being useful at all as well as getting more people killed.

so far every time i brought this up you brushed it off either ignoring it or said the mercs should have just told them/helped which isnt addressing the point at all. all of your comments can be summed up as "ya but the mercs should have just _____" and "its the mercs/mc fault because____" why does it surprise you this led me to think you were denying the knights were at fault at all. your comments include parts of the knights f'ing up but then you go on to say its the mercs/mc fault. it was only on page 5 you actually included comments about the knights messing up. your original comments have been all about the mercs/mc causing it and nothing else. youre entire argument prior to page 5 has been mercs mercs mercs.

also, " justified the knights' behavior by defending the mercs" so, youre saying that because the knights made no attempt to work with them, who were professional monster hunters, causing the mercs to not tell them their plan sucked is totally justified for the knights to choose not to work with them because the mercs chose not to tell them their plan sucked after the knights chose not to work with them. incase that was too confusing. a caused b, b justifies a. seen in chapter 6

"Just because the knights went out for their own reasons doesn't mean "any" of this is their fault. "
please reread the section starting with "so far" as that covers this. and again. incase you didnt read everything. prior to page 5 youre comments didnt include any fault of the knights/army. which is why i said youre saying they f'd up but still saying its the mercs fault.

"Power = responsiblitiy and whatever."
positions of authority are forms of power. such as the knight leader, the squad leaders, the general, lord and the guild leader.

"This is a very very simple concept to understand, yet you keep missing it."
this is how ive felt about you since the 2nd comment.

"I'll happily leave knowing another comment would just be time wasted on an illiterate moron."
^,^ this is how ive felt since just before calling you a troll. well not totally since ive had fun with this :D you however seem to not be having fun
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2019
See scratch on huge griffin's leg😶
"It's injured! Let's kill it!"😏
Get annihilated💀☠💀
Blame others👿
May 7, 2018
@doggymann there’s links to a few ebook stores where you can get the available two volumes containing the first 11 chapters already here on the site.
Chapter 12 complete with colour pages is in the latest Big Gangan:
You can, of course, read the whole series through the magazine, but the tankoubon are much cheaper.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Aran1 Arguing is fun, but not when you realize the other person is just a dumbass that's been attacking a strawman this entire time. That's when it becomes frustrating instead. You didn't provide a single quote substantiating that I held the position you've been arguing against. You provided one that dismissed a single point of blame (not relevant) and backpedaled the rest of the way, ignoring the fact that you acknowledged that I said the knights share some fault (which proves you've been wrong about my position). Come back when your reading comprehension is higher than that of an elementary schooler. It is not worth my or anybody else's time to talk to you if you can't understand what anyone else is saying. If nothing else, I'll thank you and the rest of this thread for proving I'm not in good (intelligent) company while reading this.
Active member
Feb 9, 2019
@mommunism no i listed a bunch of points for you to reply to and once again you brushed them off. i explained why i held the opinion on your argument that i did and you brushed it off. i did what you wanted me to do and you still refused to answer any of the points i wanted you to respond to. i said very clearly that before page 5 your entire point was "just" mercs was at fault. YOU CHANGED YOUR ARGUMENT starting on page 5 to include they shared some fault but still blamed the mercs for everything. you asked me to prove you said the knights were never at fault and i did but you once again just brushed that off. i did exactly what you asked and you just ignored it. you keep insulting me but your doing the exact same things youre accusing me of doing.

either respond to the points i brought up or just admit to being wrong since you cant make an argument against them.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Aran1 I know you listed a bunch of points that I ignored. I already said I'm done unless you give me a quote that substantiates your main strawman. You didn't give me one. Bye.

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