If anyone needs sauce lemme know
I mean, you can honestly just post the name if you know it. People can find things themselves if they really want to. You can probably even find enough to work with on that one from reverse image searching the bit posted here.
"Game on, Bitch!" is the name on its official Fakku translation, it's by Itsutsuse. In Japanese it was also released as part of "Babbyu Babyu Babyu" or "ばっびゅ~ばびゅばびゅ" If you honestly can't find it from
that information, then I guess feel free to message that dude for what I assume is either a link to some aggregator or like a private Imgur folder or something. I've probably got the thing somewhere on my computer, but I can't be bothered to help people even lazier than me any further than this.