Sensitive Boy - Ch. 58 - I'm the happiest now

Jan 19, 2018
I don't really understad where this is going, it was just before that izumi having a fight with his friend but now all of sudden he meet his friends again and with a confused tone too
Guy fights his friends who want to help -> gets sad that he pushed them away -> girlfriend is sad too -> guess what doesn't feel sad? Drugs -> happy because high -> let's run away before anyone can make us feel sad again -> NOBODY EXPECTS THE FRIENDSHIP INQUISITION!
Active member
Feb 20, 2023
ohhh how exciting! i really wonder if they ended up with a dizzy kind of suicide or if they really did just lightly fall asleep on her meds and elope to anywhere/anything!
i'd be excited if he has a real discussion with his friend in that kind of "we didn't plan but we're here" kind of way, but even if it's just his imagination and it helps him figure out what to do that'd be good.

i very much enjoy the less than usual lens for each of their situations and personally hope for a less bittersweet close than the last story. but if they go down together that has its own charm.

also an earlier comment mentioned that they don't really see drug use in stories outside of other situations and that's true! though they were facing some criticisms before they truly seem to be doing their best to tell their own unique story with elements others don't get to handle so much. it's got my heart racing a bit in advance for the third boy's story!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2023
WE'VE ALREADY SEEN THIS BEFORE. A Couple going somewhere far away to runaway from their problems. One of them gonna leave the other one hanging around.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 15, 2023

But in all honestly tho, no matter how good they are, no series could keep their numbers to not decrease. The longer it goes, the more it will decrease. This was obvious even on mangadex when it still has the numbers before the site going through reborn. There could be various reasons, dropping is just the most contributing factor, but rereading also improves earlier chapters' numbers.
Re-reading isn't a factor here since you can only like a chapter once. On June 19, I posted the like count for chapters 1-51. If you look at chapters 2-6, there's only a 3,000-like increase over three months. Below is a graph showing the current like count for chapters 1-57:


I made the graph vertical due to the forum's image width limitations. Here is the data for your reference. Excluding the data from the first three chapters, we see a drop of 89.41% in the number of likes from chapters 4 to 57. That’s a brutal decline. It looks like the author lost a big chunk of the audience after the Kaede arc (chapter 35), and with this latest arc, the decline has only deepened.

I believe two main factors have led to this decline:
  1. It seems there was an unintentional genre shift by the author between arcs, moving from drama to outright misery porn.
  2. In hindsight, it appears that splitting the story of the three boys into separate arcs was a mistake.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2023
Monster energy really isn't going to like Page 6
Also I thought they just committed a lovers suicide, but then his friend see them at the end?
What's going on, is he hallucinating?

Thanks for the translation Tanzanite Scans
Feb 11, 2018
What I’m so confused on what just happened didn’t they just take a load of drugs with energy drinks shouldnt they at least be knocked out??? Where is this even going
Thanks for the TL
Maybe it represents the passage of time while
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2020
What I’m so confused on what just happened didn’t they just take a load of drugs with energy drinks shouldnt they at least be knocked out??? Where is this even going
Thanks for the TL
Maybe the friend found them unconcious on the floor or smthng? Having for some reason entered that apartment? idk
Double-page supporter
Jun 11, 2023
There should be some redemption for this two, but not in the form of suicide.

If they know they are for each other, they will do their best for each other even if others doesn't seems to ignore their situation or don't see life as they have experienced.

also, a true friend will understand, and words pass words.
May 6, 2020
Re-reading isn't a factor here since you can only like a chapter once. On June 19, I posted the like count for chapters 1-51. If you look at chapters 2-6, there's only a 3,000-like increase over three months. Below is a graph showing the current like count for chapters 1-57:


I made the graph vertical due to the forum's image width limitations. Here is the data for your reference. Excluding the data from the first three chapters, we see a drop of 89.41% in the number of likes from chapters 4 to 57. That’s a brutal decline. It looks like the author lost a big chunk of the audience after the Kaede arc (chapter 35), and with this latest arc, the decline has only deepened.

I believe two main factors have led to this decline:
  1. It seems there was an unintentional genre shift by the author between arcs, moving from drama to outright misery porn.
  2. In hindsight, it appears that splitting the story of the three boys into separate arcs was a mistake.
It’s really telling. There’s such a dramatic shift in quality from the first arc to the second. The first arc dealt with a complicated topic with rarely-seen sensitivity, providing interesting and unique perspectives among the characters while also highlighting societal views and pressures.

The second arc reads almost like a parody of these tragedy-porn mangas. It’s not quite Boys Abyss (an absolute disaster of a manga), but it’s pretty bad. No depth to the characters, a wildly contrived backstory for the girl, cartoonishly terrible father character; etc. Just bad writing all over.

I had thought the author was going to examine toxic parasocial relationships with the same level of care as they gave to male SA victims. I guess I expected too much.

Dropped this manga back when the mom got pushed down the stairs but caught up again in the hopes that it would have gotten better. I guess I’ll check in again in a few months.
Active member
Jan 28, 2024
I’m so ready for this arc to be over. This guy is so gullible and weak and she’s just annoying as hell. She wants somebody to go down with her clearly and she’s too dependent. HE WANTS to be dependent and like her too but he’s faking it. Anyway I’m sick of both of them right now
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2024
So she drugged him and is now trying to get him to run away with her, shes even worse than I thought 😭
Jan 6, 2024
I think double suicide is more to show what could have happen with these two NOT what actually happened. Cause you know this manga raises awareness of many issues, sometimes better or worse. Probably
we will see friends saving him from doing suicide or getting into bigger trouble

Edit: Nevermind, I read it again, they did it. What is weird to me how are they not dead. Maybe I have wrong imagination how strong drugs really are.
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