Sensitive Boy - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - Limit and Blockage

May 6, 2020
Funny too cause a lot of people would say the same thing about women. "Girls get wet when they're raped so they must've liked it. She could've put up a fight if she didn't like it. She dresses with almost no clothing what'd she expect?"

I think she'd take back her words if she grew up a little and understood that what society thinks isn't something to be believed in some cases.
Yeah, I agree with you. Regardless the gender of the victim, the narratives and excuses we (society, humans, etc.) make around SA are not always grounded in the reality of the situation. How many of us can honestly say that we've always made the best and most correct decision in every single situation we've ever been in? You get into an argument with a friend and then two days later you're wide awake at 3AM thinking "I should have said this instead of that, that would have been so much better."

Ask any SA-survivor, "Why didn't you just do this one simple thing to stop it from happening?" They'll probably tell you, "Well I dunno, maybe because I was confused about what was happening and then I was also scared out of my fucking mind."
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
The double negatives are confusing here. Do you think they get back together or not?
yeah i think they will get back together
from the people spoiling things they made it sound worse, but to me it looks like the author aims to have her work through the issue rather than it being a complete and total dealbreaker for her, which imo would be crossing the line into territory where she wouldn't even deserve him (betrayal)
and since that hasn't happened yet i can still see it reasonably going in their favor
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
yeah i think they will get back together
from the people spoiling things they made it sound worse, but to me it looks like the author aims to have her work through the issue rather than it being a complete and total dealbreaker for her, which imo would be crossing the line into territory where she wouldn't even deserve him (betrayal)
and since that hasn't happened yet i can still see it reasonably going in their favor
I think it would be a herculean task to write them back into being boyfriend/girlfriend again without undercutting more or less the entire story before it. Not saying it’s impossible, but that girl hit Kaede where it hurt. Even if they can hang out again. I really don’t see them having that same intimacy again, there’s no trust anymore
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2020
I want to see the Tsubasa defenders now.

This is why she's an ass. Right here.
I am still right here dude.
Constantly read how she is a bitch for what he said, and everyone agrees that was a horrid, damn Even in the story's universe she is still looked down on for what she did. And I am still here to say, you're just mad for mad sake.
Over and over again I have said, you're judging a teenager (not the most stable period of time for any human being) in the middle of a mind-shattering revelation that, surprise!!!!, people fuck, and everything she believed was wrong. And to top it all, her first romantic partner just revealed his trauma, something so irrevocably heavy that full-grown adults can't deal properly with it, and expect her to behave like a professional therapist.

Do you see how dumb that take is?

was I angry at her when I first read this? You bet,
was I glad when she was admonished for her actions? I fist-pumped so hard I hit the wall.
Do I hold her against her? no, because something most spoiler providers have conveniently left out of their biased takes is that she is feeling like shit, she is depressed, she KNOWS what she did is wrong, she's still having her break down and yet, she wants to understand the MC. damn, she hasn't revealed anything when pressed about why she broke up with Kaede, it is not like she is mocking him for it, or blackmailing him with it she has kept everything bottled up.

Was it a shit move? absolutely
Is she satan incarnate and deserves to be lynched? Hell no, she is a sheltered teenager that said something horrible on the spur of the moment.
Wanna be mad at something, be mad at the real-life examples Tsubasa portrayed in this chapters, There's plenty of people out there who truly think like this, and i am talking adults, not teenagers.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I am still right here dude.
Constantly read how she is a bitch for what he said, and everyone agrees that was a horrid, damn Even in the story's universe she is still looked down on for what she did. And I am still here to say, you're just mad for mad sake.
Over and over again I have said, you're judging a teenager (not the most stable period of time for any human being) in the middle of a mind-shattering revelation that, surprise!!!!, people fuck, and everything she believed was wrong. And to top it all, her first romantic partner just revealed his trauma, something so irrevocably heavy that full-grown adults can't deal properly with it, and expect her to behave like a professional therapist.

Do you see how dumb that take is?

was I angry at her when I first read this? You bet,
was I glad when she was admonished for her actions? I fist-pumped so hard I hit the wall.
Do I hold her against her? no, because something most spoiler providers have conveniently left out of their biased takes is that she is feeling like shit, she is depressed, she KNOWS what she did is wrong, she's still having her break down and yet, she wants to understand the MC. damn, she hasn't revealed anything when pressed about why she broke up with Kaede, it is not like she is mocking him for it, or blackmailing him with it she has kept everything bottled up.

Was it a shit move? absolutely
Is she satan incarnate and deserves to be lynched? Hell no, she is a sheltered teenager that said something horrible on the spur of the moment.
Wanna be mad at something, be mad at the real-life examples Tsubasa portrayed in this chapters, There's plenty of people out there who truly think like this, and i am talking adults, not teenagers.
It's really weird how you're blaming me for the statements of other people. I never once previously talked bad about Tsubasa, and yet you're blaming me. It looks like you're getting mad at me just to be mad at someone.

The issue is that you think it's either love her or hate her. You're literally and explicitly said I expect her to behave like a professional therapist.

How about this? She shouldn't leave a victim of rape crying alone on the street in public (the bridge is basically part of the street) after she said that he's to blame.

Look at the literal word I used. I said she is an ass. Did I say she is the worst human being in the world, worse than someone like a Japanese war criminal? No, I never said anything like that. I called her an ass because it is justified.

You didn't even read what I said and just lumped me in with other people.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2020
I think it would be a herculean task to write them back into being boyfriend/girlfriend again without undercutting more or less the entire story before it. Not saying it’s impossible, but that girl hit Kaede where it hurt. Even if they can hang out again. I really don’t see them having that same intimacy again, there’s no trust anymore
I do think she is gonna be the end girl. The author is still focusing on her story, slowly but the attempt is there.
She'll probably have a lot of character development, showing how she is growing and changing her views, and later on reconnecting with the MC in a friendly manner. That would be one of the last barriers to break, a traumatic event for both because they're each other's first romantic partners, and the breakup relates to painful memories for both, showing that both have grown past this incident and can face the future head-on.
Even if she is not the end girl, I hope she is well-written, there are so many pitfalls ahead for cheap drama, and she being SA too is the one I am most afraid of because that is just the wrong message to portray in this story.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Yeah... After reading up to 28, I gotta say... Yikes.

Imagine someone that, their parents are super racist. They just grew up in that environment, they don't know better. Then they go and do something racist. Is it really their fault?

That is Tsubasa. What she did is horrendous, and honestly, in my opinion, ignorance is never an excuse.
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2023
I want to see the Tsubasa defenders now.

This is why she's an ass. Right here.
I don't think she is an ass honestly.... No one is entitled to know how to deal with something this bad, everyone will react bad when with them... its never easy, in a way its normal for her to feel like that, it happens, she is THAT naive, it was not out of malice.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2023
they're really straightforward, just like if they weren't Japanese :pacman:
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2020
It's really weird how you're blaming me for the statements of other people. I never once previously talked bad about Tsubasa, and yet you're blaming me. It looks like you're getting mad at me just to be mad at someone.

The issue is that you think it's either love her or hate her. You're literally and explicitly said I expect her to behave like a professional therapist.

How about this? She shouldn't leave a victim of rape crying alone on the street in public (the bridge is basically part of the street) after she said that he's to blame.

Look at the literal word I used. I said she is an ass. Did I say she is the worst human being in the world, worse than someone like a Japanese war criminal? No, I never said anything like that. I called her an ass because it is justified.

You didn't even read what I said and just lumped me in with other people.
You're right I was in the wrong for using you as the face of every antagonic take I found here. for that, I apologize
It's just that many people have read the spoilers and most of them are biased (not only yours, I give you credit that you admit yours are biased), so when the chapter comes, people are already expecting to be angry.

Being angry and ditching a character for being a cunt deletes all possible attempts at discussion and finding the real cause for conflict.

Leaving Kaede alone on a bridge crying, is an absolute dick move, however, it's on character, not excusing her, she is still a teenager and is afraid of things she doesn't know and even when she wants to face them, she still runs from fully embracing change and facing consequences, something she has to accept to truly change her ways.

Once again you're on the right, I was wrong lumping your opinion with others much, much more egregious than yours and painting you as the bad guy or the owner of such bad takes.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I don't think she is an ass honestly.... No one is entitled to know how to deal with something this bad, everyone will react bad when with them... its never easy, in a way its normal for her to feel like that, it happens, she is THAT naive, it was not out of malice.
Even if something is normal, that doesn't make it justified. Littering is normal. A lot of people litter. It's not good. It's pretty much objectively bad.

Newer chapters go into length about it. Another character specifically explains what was bad. It is one thing to have these thoughts. It isn't Tsubasa's fault for thinking this way. It is her fault for SAYING it. She blamed a victim. That's what was bad.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2020
Yeah... After reading up to 28, I gotta say... Yikes.

Imagine someone that, their parents are super racist. They just grew up in that environment, they don't know better. Then they go and do something racist. Is it really their fault?

That is Tsubasa. What she did is horrendous, and honestly, in my opinion, ignorance is never an excuse.
Agreed, however, while she wasn't at fault for her upbringing, she is at fault if she doesn't change.

so far she seems to want to change, but is still afraid of taking the plunge and facing her problems head on. Still, progress is progress, I hope she develops well
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2020
Even if something is normal, that doesn't make it justified. Littering is normal. A lot of people litter. It's not good. It's pretty much objectively bad.

Newer chapters go into length about it. Another character specifically explains what was bad. It is one thing to have these thoughts. It isn't Tsubasa's fault for thinking this way. It is her fault for SAYING it. She blamed a victim. That's what was bad.

I fist-pumped when Aya laid her out for being a dick. She isn't at fault for her upbringing, nor for thinking what she thinks, but for voicing it out loud and blaming the victim.
I hope this brings out a real change in her, seeing that even her friends found what she did despicable.
I hope the writer doesn't go the easy way of having her experience a SA just to "empathize" with the MC.
So far she's been cornered and isolated, her friends retired her support on her, she can't really talk to her mom, and she has no other person to rely on. The looming threat of the "tutor" her mom hired is still up, Theories say it may be Kaede's abuser, which is fucking weird, but the alternative is even worse, a male that will take an isolated child, groom her, and abuse her. and that is really, really fucking bad, both for the story, and the message it gives to the reader.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Expected, because neither of these two are the definition of the word Normal because of their experiences, but that was sad and depressing. Jesus christ...
The only difference is that he's the true victim here, what kind of trauma did she even go thru? Her mom forbidding her from seeing lewd shit or getting groped on a train?? (which compared to Kaede's situation is tame af)

I just woke up and this is the first thing I read, left a bad taste
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2019
Bruh... Fuck her man. Just cause he is a male does not mean he can't be the victim of sexual assault.

Oh, cause he got it up means he was a willing part of it? Same logic as, Well she got wet so she most have enjoyed it.

Man, what the fuck, not your perfect prince... My boy deserves better then these hoes that are for the streets.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2020
lol, It's funny how some people try to defend her, yes, maybe she didn't actually mean it, but she basically told him "you are used goods, and I don't want to deal with this!"... lol... I bet they wouldn't defend her if the roles were inverted...
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Fed-Kun's army
Jun 27, 2023
Tsubasa defender are going strong in these comments I get devil's advocate but damn let the author do it first
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I fist-pumped when Aya laid her out for being a dick. She isn't at fault for her upbringing, nor for thinking what she thinks, but for voicing it out loud and blaming the victim.
I hope this brings out a real change in her, seeing that even her friends found what she did despicable.
I hope the writer doesn't go the easy way of having her experience a SA just to "empathize" with the MC.
So far she's been cornered and isolated, her friends retired her support on her, she can't really talk to her mom, and she has no other person to rely on. The looming threat of the "tutor" her mom hired is still up, Theories say it may be Kaede's abuser, which is fucking weird, but the alternative is even worse, a male that will take an isolated child, groom her, and abuse her. and that is really, really fucking bad, both for the story, and the message it gives to the reader.
Honestly, it's these kinds of discussions that I wanted to have. That's also part of why I posted my spoiler summaries.

I strongly agree with you that it would be really weird if the author made the tutor either the rapist teacher or a completely different rapist. It would seem like added drama that is just unlikely to happen in the first place, even if there's some sort of explanation like the tutor is the rapist teacher because that's a relative or something.

It's that kind of weirdness that I felt when Kaede fell in love with his boss, Rio. Like, on a certain level, I get it. He's fundamentally on the rebound. He sees a nice, kind woman who takes care of him. And it isn't wholly uncommon for victims of sexual abuse to be attracted to the same general type of person as their abuser. I mentioned that before that it would be a mature, older woman for Kaede.

But it still felt weird to see the author take that route. The time frame is unclear, but it was like a few days? A few days since his breakup that he started romantically liking Rio.

One possible good route is that Kaede explains his past trauma to Rio and she explains to him that he is not really in love with her, that he is projecting the idea of a mature and trustworthy woman on her and getting that confused with love. I think that would be a good development, but that's just me.

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