The joke isn’t funny, “she is just so horny she can’t help raping people Lmao haha so funny”. It’s going to justifiably give this series the sexual violence tag.
You mean this series didn't before? With the Skill Eater?
I'll admit, much as I love Daniella, it is a shame no one properly reacts to having such a horny nutcase on the team. She very much the other extreme of Philo and her's master, a jokey end on "hurt people hurt people". Having everyone ignore that does a disservice on both her character and the fanservice. Imagine Philo coming up with a bunch of anti-horny devices for these scenarios~.
Ultimately, this series never really been about consent, Daniella just knows it and plays into it. There already a variety of rapey or dubious consent scenarios from loads of characters. Philo herself constantly pushes her devices onto Lavi and incessantly teases him (being locked to Level 1 stats would be an outright disability were it not for the training bracelets). Lavi's sister has zero regards to his autonomy. This arc already started with two birds doing a death game trap for the Skill Eater. There is an entire succubus hallway... While this bit is definitely Daniella at her worse, it's not like she is an anomaly to this series.
Also she's a focus this arc cause Lavi is literally paired with her master and is meant to be Philo's foil. Not exactly hard to figure out...