Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 32 Ch. 129 - Nostalgia

Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
I actually have to agree. I think this might have been necessary purely for set-up, but the drama and action were weightless. Could have made things go smoother with less combat/fake action and ended on the emotional conversation at the end and I wouldn't have noticed that there should have been more defenses at the port.

Or kill off a few allies, probably would have worked too.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018

Yes, Eren has gone rogue for no real reason .... and kill or get killed situation is one of his own making. May I remember why Paradis was attacked before Eren decided to unleash the giants? Wasn't it because Eren decided to go to Marley capital and make some human mincemeat? You might argue that Marley was planning to go against Paradis for resources, but , if you read between the laines , it is clear that Marley as a empire is starting to go on the way out and it is unknown if they would actually try a full scale invasion like they did if Eren didn't gone Bin Laden on their capital. It is not that Paradis diplomacy hasn't arranged a bunch of allies against Marley exactly to put Marley quiet ... That is the worst part of all: everyone in Paradis was working hard to leverage their position with the rest of the world, inviting experts from other countries ( like the non-Japanese in this chapter ) and actually building new weapons ( like planes ). Paradis did not needed what Eren did to survive ...

I'm not saying that the rest of the world is on the right , but seriously, all the problems Paradis had since they broke out of the walls was because Eren ( by the author's decision, not because anything of actual solid plot reasons ) decided to change his "kill all Titans" singlemindess view to a "kill all non-Titans" singlemindess view as soon as he seen salt water. ... and the explanation the author gives for that, while it was sold as briliant foresight, if you look at the timeline, it doesn't make much sense ( the bit that he got his visions of what happened in the past when he touched Historia ... there is a lot of stuff he did after that that does not link that well with that ). And all of that because of ... what exactly? TBH I don't see any reason why Eren chose to create this situation besides he wants to burn the world because of his pain of having his mum dead.

Just for reference, imagine that instead of Eren, it was Armin, Misaka, Connie, Sasha ... heck, even Levi, that got the Coordinate powers. Would any of them do this ? If you can say yes, then yeah, , Eren is right, the world must burn, anyone reasonable would do the same. But if you can't say yes, Eren is doing this because of his own reasons ... and the only constant of his psique since the beginning is that someone must pay for his mother death ( because he feels guilty for not being able to save her ... that part is quite well established ). Hence my emo comment: IMO Eren wants the world to burn not to save Paradis, but because someone must die to pay for the attack that killed his mother and killing Reiner would not scratch that itch, because Reirner was just a soldier ...


If tis story has a point is that Eren remains as much of a hero as he ever was. ... in other words, he was never one. That has been somewhat consistent on this story atleast: there are no heroes in this story. Seriously , the author passed a chapter not so long ago pretty much saying that for dozens of pages :p

Also, nice revisionism. Are you sure you're not a Yeagerist that jumped out of the story? :p
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

Everything I've said is what's in the manga. If you interpreted it wrongly, that's on you, bucko.
Jul 21, 2019

Yeah Paradis was SO safe from any conflict if not for Eren's action...
Wall Maria didn't fall, warrior weren't planing on destroying Rose, Will Tybur declaration of war didn't happen.

If you really have such a bad case of selective memory then I feel sorry for you as you are missing some of better plotlines of this story (like Eren struggle to prove that his future memories aren't set in stone).

...Jesus, no seriously. After reading you comment I just feel sad that someone can simplify this to "emo Eren want's vengeance for his mom". What is this "Life of Naruto's villain"?
Apr 18, 2020
I hate Gabi just as much as I ever have, and I'm not rooting for the traitor group at all. To see Reiner and Annie die is something we have been denied for too long. Especially Annie.
Apr 29, 2019
I don't the author has the balls to allow Eren to suceed. I would rather allow "our people" to live and prosper than to let them die.

There isn't a way to save them now. No matter if the Paradis people stop Eren, the world will still kill them all. Sacrificing themselves for a world that despises them is not gonna bring them anything other than utter despair at the end.
Feb 10, 2018
I'm gonna be honest with you guys I've totally lost track of what the hell is going on.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018

I was calling your text revisionist not because you were wrong, but because it was comming the very common and unfortunate error of revisioning the old wisdom ( that btw is probably wrong ) by not only coming out with new information, but primarily by tossing out the fact old wisdom used to shore it's case out just because. All you said was true, it's wasn't just not all of the Truth.


Yes , Wall Maria has fallen. Yes, people were planning on conquering Paradis island for resources, yes, Tybur said something akin on "Paradis must die because scary Titans ". And all of that was being taken in account by the governement that the Yeagerists took down and actions were being taken. Paradis was rearming itself with something more than Titans and was working with countries that hated Marley, like our resident not-Japanese of this chapter, besides the fact that Paradis has, due to ncessity, the best anti-titan weaponry of their world.

Eren decided, wrong or right, that all of those effort were for naught and decided to go to Marley and force History to go in one direction by making a nice display of what a Titan can do in a urban enviroment, justifying the warmongers in Marley to launch a full scale invasion to Paradis. In fact Eren just gave them the best excuse possible to do so

Now, point one, would Marley actually invade for resources if Eren had not intervened? No one knows, TBH, but the cooler heads in Marley were somewhat concerned about Paradis anti-Titan weaponry. The hotheads were surely pinning to bomb Ira ... Paradis, though, but it was probably not the full scale invasion we see happening in here that they wanted ... Marley has other enemies that are just bidding for a opportunity ( all of this is in the manga BTW ) and overcommiting to conquering Paradis would not be wise. And , as shown on how hard of a time the Marley forces were having when they actually invaded, anything besides a full scale assault from Marley would probably fail ...

Second, and the reason I called Eren emo, are Eren actions more borne out of necessity or of his own very human judgement? In other words, if you had put any other person in place of Eren, would he consider the actions Eren took as the rational way of doing things, something that had to be done, regrettably or not? And in there even the mangaka says that no, it did not had to be this way ... hence the whole Zeke arc ... not that Zeke idea not was also harebrained IMO, but it proves that Eren proposed path was not universally acepted by someone that knew as much as him, that is my point after all .

And let's be honest, Eren, since the wall fell and his mother died, was always a barely contained ball of anger and not exactly the more rational guy around ... we would call it PTSD if was in our world. His whole worldview since Wall Maria fell was always that someone had to pay for it, Titans, Marley, God, it didn't mattered which, .... and for some reason, the mangaka decided to flip his "Must kill Titans" switch 180º around during the time skip. You can argue the flip is justifiable , maybe it actually was ( I don't think it was , but that is a opinion ), but pretending that Eren badly resolved emotions did not had anything to what he did and that what he did was a rational and calm decision anyone would take is disingenious.
Aug 24, 2019
I get that they want to stop Eren, but it's just not gonna end well either way.

If they don't succeed at stopping Eren then he'll wipe out the rest of the world except Paradis.

If they do succeed at stopping him somehow then they will have to deal with a world that has a renewed hatred for Eldians. Even moreso than the hatred that existed before this. The world will still be their enemy and people will still persecute them. In fact, this time around they will probably be more determined than ever to wipe out Eldians completely rather than just "containing" them. And now they don't have 50m walls protecting them.

It's a very hopeless situation either way.


Thank you, Gabi. Thank you. Starting to like you more and more. Someone needed to shoot that little POS Floch already. However, seeing as we didn't see him die and it looked like he just lost an arm he's probably, and unfortunately, still alive. I want him to die already. He is really overstaying his welcome.

Phew. I really thought Connie was about to die there.

There's something amazing about seeing the Armored and Female titans teaming up with the people they had once set out to kill. It's so a horrifically gruesome way.

Dayum. Falco's Jaw Titan looks badass!

RIP Keith and Theo. Not how I imagined Keith would meet his end, but o7 regardless.

I'm interested in seeing how the author will handle this going forward. Will it be a disaster or will it be good? I'm personally not too bothered with what's going on right now. So long as the author makes it all make sense in the end.
Apr 18, 2020
I wonder how anyone can still follow this and hope for success for the characters to whom the story is currently applying all this plot armor. The entire traitor group is just so irritating.
Dec 27, 2018
@Z3DT Me too. This chapter in particular felt just like "stuff happening" and couldn't be able to interpret any motives, feelings, nor anything. I forgot who the characters were and what they want, and the drawings just makes it difficult to realize who is who. Maybe I need to re-read it all when it's finished...
Double-page supporter
Mar 8, 2019
Best girl Gabi racking up the bodies yet again. Honestly, if Floch died from that, then I count that as her being totally redeemed for Sasha now. That fucker's needed to die for a long time.
Shadis gets his hero moment.
Was it just the perspective, or was Falco's Jaw titan fucking huge?
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2019
I just wanted to see Floch dead. Is it too much to ask? That fucker should have died together with the other scouts when Erwin made the suicide attack against Zeke.
Aug 23, 2018
This plot armor is a complete ass, zero stakes involved for the traitors on top of being unlikable shits.
Mar 24, 2020
Is it even by the author herself? The drawings are just horrible, I don't suppose a professional would do it that way.

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