Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 32 Ch. 130 - Humanity's Breaking Dawn

Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2019
If only Humanity have discovered Nuke.

Maybe 100 Megaton Nuke will put Eren Down..
No more Titan

Along with 3/4 humanity🙃
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
@Werebearguy I thought it surprising at first too, but then I realized that it was established that titans are a lot lighter than they really should be for their size. Meaning, they should have a low density and should be able to float fairly easily.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2019
@papperless I'm starting to doubt myself whether it will be a code geass trick. There's still a chance it is that, but the problem is that people of the world fear the Eldians because they can become titans. No matter what happens, that can't change. At least in Code Geass it was aimed at Britannia's nobility, which Lelouch dismantled and then setup himself up as the one person everyone could hate. Here though, the world hates the Eldian people, no matter if they are man, woman or child.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
We got some cool things this chapter, ngl. We finally get to see Eren's huge ass titan! He may have looked less messed up If Gabi didnt blow his head off before finally achieving the ultimate power lmfao but yeah amazing stuff.

And damn did they really confirm Historia and Eren had a kid together??? I mean ok but also it felt so out of nowhere. Poor Mikasa lol

Floch's claims being proved right, swimming titans, and flashbacks of past events were nice additions. We finally see what Eren really wanted all along, and his decision reminds me of the concept of "world peace" the grail in Fate/Zero was trying to offer Kuritsugu: Kill everyone but 2 people and there you go, world peace. Except in Eren's case he wants to get rid of everyone outside the island, to make sure nobody ever tries to kill them in the future ever again. In Eren's vision, he just wants his people to survive, peace among themselves may not be possible, but at least they wont be at risk of dying by wild titans eating them or people with more tech trying to steal their resources.

Shit is wild.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018
So, Eren wants to make a graveyard and call it peace. How villainous of him ....
Dec 11, 2018
At this point , I respect floch more than the avengers..

He keep true to his word " we need the devil " and he follow the devil to the bitter end.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 3, 2019
ive been wondering, in that one page with someone cutting off their leg and putting a bullet into their eye, was that eren? and why was he injuring himself? did he put a bandage over the bullet to make it stay there? since it would normally heal fast?
Apr 20, 2019
@ImSoBoss Imagine simping over someone for your entire life just to have that person impregnate some random ass bitch lmao🤣
Aug 21, 2019
@NGOtaku Yes, that was Eren. Remember how he infiltrated Marley and manipulated Falco to get the War-Hammer Titan? Well, that is how he got his "disguise". He made himself look like a crippled soldier. I guess his control over his powers is good enough to stop the regeneration?
Double-page supporter
Aug 25, 2018
Eren's new titan has a puppet like structure and has a string like substance that supports its inner body, and eren got decapitated by gabi before eren transforms. And when he finally transforms his body connects back to its head via the spine thingy, coz eren's new titan has no nape, meaning the titan's head contains eren's head which controls both his titan and the colossal titans (dunno but its just my theory)
Yea cutting one of those strings will surely kill eren, unless he uses the warhammer's hardening ability to create spikes to prevent the strings to be cut.
Jun 13, 2020
How the fuck do these giant strips of bacon learn how to swim?
I always thought they were gonna walk on the Sea Floor or something
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Never go 100% stupid. Otherwise you will end as Eren, wanting to commit genocide and calling it peace. 😒
Dec 27, 2019
Man, reading these self righteous, higher than thou comments is painful. You people would kill a man and his entire family for running over your dog, let alone what Eren went through. Peace was never an option, Marley had their chance for peace when they had all the power in the world and instead chose to be an empire and sent brain washed child soldiers to genocide an isolationist nation. "lmao just be better get over it so your mom got eaten in front of as a kid big deal" doesn't cut it. He gave the world a chance for peace, and every single representative was hell bent on scapegoating the Paradis island inhabitants for the greater """good""". Eren isn't good, by his own admission and every criteria imaginable, but he's right and justified.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
Eren is and was never about any of that "peace" shit.

He just wants to survive, at any cost. And yeah he doesnt want his people to die (people of paradis, and specially his friends). But he developed a very "i did what i had to do" mentality in the process.

He also became extremely hopeless. Whether because he saw the future and how all would lead to this no matter what, or because he observed long enough to realize (and he actually points it out this chapter) that the world wouldn't forget generations of prejudice agaisnt the Eldians just like that. And even more so If we keep in mind the world wanted and excuse to wipe them out the planet and steal their resources.

The plan of sending Reiner and co to get back the coordinate? It was basically Marley trying to keep titan power to themselves while continuing to oppress the Eldians in the mainland. It was just a way to keep an asset for their country at the expense of Eldians. When this failed, it gave another reason to nuke/attack Paradis.

It was a "damned if you do, damned if you dont" situation. If Erwin had been alive, MAYBE they would have been able to use his charm and experience to talk to other people and form better diplomatic relations. But welp they didnt have that. They tried to rely on a Marley representative (??) Of Eldians but in the end they just shat all over Paradise (that one scene when Eren just leaves lmfao).

My point is Eren KNOWS he is being an extremist asshole, but what choice does he have? He didnt see any hope for his people to survive in the current political environment. And again, is not even about any actual peace, because they all know that the people in Paradise will have some beef with power at some point (I mean look at what happened when they kicked the royals out).

I think the entire picture is really complicated, but I apprecite the author really showed Eren's reasoning and how he knows what he is doing is fucked up, yet he will do it because he is that much of a hopeless, angry bastard.

@RC1138Boss He doesnt give a shit about peace. He just doesnt want to die first or give them the chance so he will just nuke the whole world because he is angry and has no hope anymore.

@OnePunchDio It gets explained at one point that titans are actually lighter than they should be and thats why they can float. The funny thing is that they swim, I guess because Eren is controlling them.

@Watapon This is actually a super interesting thing. Marley is oppressing and has been oppressing Eldians for generations, but they continued to further delude themselves in this victim mentality. You cant change something so systemic like what Marley had built in so little time.

Also smart move on Eren's part to keep his seemly frail titan body sorrounded by the titans so the absurd amount of heat acts as a "fuck you" barrier. I wonder If they will try to drop bombs on him from a plane though.

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