@DeadKinginHell There's a very crucial part you are missing from your thoughts on government overall: human nature.
All types of governments will function "perfectly" in a vacuum with "perfect" people leading it. Education won't really matter per say, but it provides a means for humanity to keep "progressing".
...Human nature doesn't work like that though. Every person has their own personal agenda. You can work tirelessly your entire life helping to benefit everyone, but there's also another guy whose life mission is to make sure only they (and possibly those like them) have access to the best life possible at the expense of others.
While I personally want the best for all of humanity going forward, not everyone agrees to that notion. I'm not going to call it okay, but I at least understand why some (many?) people can only live life through outright... "superiority". It's something I find wrong, but there are those that quite literally take life as a "game" and they want to "win" at all costs with their 1 life. Any threat to their "progress" they would shut down as hard as possible. I am a videogame entertainment kind of person, so those are the terms I use to describe it. There's probably a non-game way of describing it.
Guess what types of people tend to rise to power by that thought. It's definitely not as simple as that, but being in a position of power requires a mindset that desires it. For those that try for it "for the good of everyone and everything", their choices in doing so while abiding to that idea are limited. Especially compared to those who use any means possible to put themselves at the top.
Anyway, looping it back to this manga here, the lady interacting with the main girls isn't definitive mastermind/plotter now. You just don't really know what you're actually dealing with until you dig deep. Fortunately, for the purposes of storytelling here, that is created and shown for the readers' enjoyment. In reality, it's almost always a shitshow you can only speculate on (though usually pretty accurately with some digging) unless you're in that position yourself.