Freakay sweet thang, ain't she?
I find this whole situation funny, in a morbid way... Jusui, is a pawn for some third party in HuangLia that wants to seize power, as she is being used by the present family in power to keep it... as HuangLia is at the brink of being no-man's-land with practically ALL the superpowers of the world making it their personal playground for shooty-shooty bang-bang dick measuring contest... and all those involved seem to think they have everything under control... well, except Victorious, the guy is smart enough to know that he is personally fucked, to think he is in control of anything.
This country is downright fucked if something big doesn't happen... that something being Kai obviously, but at the same time... unless this it is an asspull to make this story entirely prolapse I have no idea how that will happen.
There is too much interest turned to this country, too much firepower... and Koenig showed that they are developing ways of countering the god-curse, and worse yet... those ways may be mass-producible.