Just make part of the site registered user only.
Only Featured Manga (currently airing as an anime) should be viewable to non registered users.
>but that's just a temporary stopgap
Upgrade to larger infrastructure or, OR, spend a few weeks intentionally breaking things and fixing them, ie. optimize the site.
>it is optimized
Teasday explained why the Stats page was disabled, the reasoning given was more than enough cause to believe that this site is wildly unoptimized.
5 sec refresh w/ all user input custom setting? You guys handle way too much for that kind of feature with that rate, especially when you rely on p2p hosting, crypto donations and regular "sit tight, its just Wednesday."
>too much work
Then run a donation drive so you can afford more servers to lessen the load on current servers. Try to partner with a vtuber or something, I dunno, just something.
>its one day of the week, calm down
Ok, but what happens when we get more Solo Levelings? Wednesday becomes Wednesday + Sunday, etc. You'll lose users if this becomes more common. Frieren is shaping up to become Solo Leveling 2: DOWNTIME BOOGALOO
>all according to keikaku
...I wouldn't be surprised.
If you want another incentive for why you should do this: You guys operate in a grey area. Lawyers can't target you directly so long as you follow the book. BUT, they can target you indirectly by shutting down other sites and forcing you to bear an ever expanding user base, with them fully knowing you probably can't match the exponential growth.
Lawyers would go out their way to crush you under your own success.
>that's dumb they'd never do that
D-do you actually believe lawyers might be decent people? Have you ever met one?