I have a lot of thoughts on this chapter in terms in of the composition. Every panel wonderful.
The bottom left panels for pages 19 and 21 both being Sendai's reaction, but page 21 being more detailed as the situation escalates and becomes more real.
Pages 18/20 mirroring each other of Miyagi pushing the boundaries and pages 19/21 being action pages where Sendai pushes back.
Bottom left panel of page 17 positioning Sendai in a way that makes her look like her arms are bound. Playing into the aspect of not being allowed to use her hands but also playing into the escalation to come.
Bottom left panel of page 15 positioning Miyagi's hand by Sendai's cheek, as though caressing it.
Not to mention the bottom left panel of page 13. Which taken out of context can be seen as very sexually charged.
Mangaka is doing a fantastic job making simple acts look and feel much more intimate than they are in the story proper because they ARE more intimate. The author prizes "closeness" and the mangaka is delivering it in spades.