Remember when Hachi had no talent, and worried that even if he gave it his best it wouldn't he wouldn't see any results? And everyone else agreed that he had no talent, but that that was somehow charming in its own way?
Yeah, that whole thing just went away at some point, and now he's just a standard shounen protagonist.
"He's getting better every page!"
"There's no way he's a D-rank."
I wonder if Masuda had to speed everything up because it wasn't doing well or something. I'm still enjoying this so far, but I don't think it's anywhere near as good as Jitsu wa Watashi wa.
Jitsu wa set a really good pace with character and relationship developments. Things happened slowly, and there were plenty of joke chapters to cushion the emotional moments, but the gradual build up really made the payoffs feel rewarding. It was a genuinely funny romantic comedy that knew when to get serious, and could really pack an emotional punch at times.
This though. When this started it felt like it was addressing the generic philosophies found in shounen sports manga, and bringing in a dose of reality at times along with a fair share wacky hijinks to keep things light.
Right now we have just a generic feel good shounen about the main character putting in the most effort and being amazing while everyone helps out because of how much they love him and how they want to see his "true potential". It just feels like we've skipped about 50 chapters of buildup at this point.