Aug 23, 2018
Don't read then. Your post reeks of the typical "I'm entitled to my opinion!" bs.

Kinda reminds me of how comic books got screwed by people who never even supported the industry.
"How dare you enjoy something I don't? "

Additionally, having more nation heroes who are more diverse would’ve been nice to see too. Like the different national heroes in Africa, SEA, South America, etc. But instead all we get is Eurocentric nations with Japan and China... Wow, the diversity.
Also this lmao. You could tell the dude was from the US by the way he writes and then drops this. Oh the world doesn't revolve around the US for once? Boo Fkn Hoo.
Nov 22, 2019

I read it to all the way through to try and give it a fair chance my guy, I’ve read the reviews and everything online to see if I should continue reading. It has so many mixed reviews saying it’s garbage or it’s amazing. I stayed because some comments said it was really good as you read on, and so I did, I read through the manga to the latest chapter before posting that brutally dicky honest comment.

The reason for why I said “I wish it would get axed” is because I’ve seen series that are beloved and amazing get axed and cancelled that are great. Beelzebub for an example. There’s probably a lot of good other shounen manga that’s lined up that should get a chance to be featured because the story plot in this was just bland. But if it has a loyal fan base and if y’all reading, sorry if I took a shat on your favorite manga atm.

I probably should’ve stated my opinion better and looking back it was a dick move. @COF

I’ll probably change it to “Damn I wish another series gets the spotlight instead and other authors can get a chance to debut they manga over this one” or I’ll just delete it.

But yeah, my bad y‘all.

And if the world doesn’t revolve around the US it’s fine haha. My heritage comes from SEA anyways, guess I was biased when I added the more diversity part. I’m sorry if that upsets you tho, it’s annoying to push diversity sometimes and I get it. Just would’ve been badass to see us darker ppl represented. Maybe in the future if this manga succeeds but it’s fine Ig, the character designs are cool. I like Stardust a lot too.

And damn mate, if you enjoy reading it thats cool. Entitlement or whatever, I just don’t like it and I have my reason lmfao. I get its a bit harsh at the start but when I read through it, it was just so cliche brother.

But overall I just didn’t see the appeal even reading through it. I was gonna read it again to see if it gets better if I actually read through the lengthy bubbles. But just bc I was critical and didn’t like it, I shouldn’t try and read it through to give it a fairer chance.

Also sorry for the paragraph, I tend to do those. Sorry for offending anybody and this entitled pos can’t have my own damn opinion backed with reasoning. Why don’t you attack others who wrote “garbage” or “trash” instead. Damn mate.
Mar 11, 2019
Anyone know who the artist is from? The art looks so familiar but i can't put my finger in why it seems like that was the artist like an assistant of someone famous or something?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Great art shit story. Could have been great though with the world building in chapter 1 but its just too boring to read onwards.
Dec 31, 2019
Aaaaand the story setting of "heroes returning home" is already getting recycled and recycled. Maaaan, why are these mangaka always so fucking lazy? What a shame
Feb 10, 2019
Read up to chapter 9 and agree with the general sentiment of "Great art, but ass story/characterization."

This manga actually had some potential in chapter 1 where the main conflict was mostly internal as opposed to external. That looked REALLY interesting to me at first. Then it just became a pile of generic rubbish as the chapters went by lol. The world building doesn't really make much sense and the characterization is poor. The fights are also very prone to plot convenience and deus ex-machinas due to how the nature of the heroes' powers work. Overall 3/10 as far as I read.
Active member
Mar 15, 2019
@redsox02 Do they? The manga still got a high rating, and most of the comments on the chapter themselves are positive both on here and on reddit, and it’s actually doing well in Japan.
Mar 11, 2019
@extralie yeah most of the comment here is negative tho, the actual manga not each chapter. Every time i open the chapters all i see is complain that the art is good but the story is shit/bland
Which makes me wonder if its trolling coz u right this has good ratings and its really not that bad.
Active member
Mar 15, 2019
@redsox02 I don't think it's trolling. My guess is that people see the superhero tag or the high rating and expect something, but when they read it and find it different from what they expect and get disappointed, and most people thinks that anything they don't enjoy is bad instead of just not being their cup of tea.
Dec 19, 2018
feel like this would be much more interesting if it was more slice-of-life focused, centered around SHY and how she's a 14 year old girl living as a superhero, as opposed to having
having the constant threat of the destruction of everything
May 1, 2019
@taxxicaab Couldn't agree more. The amalareiks plot and forced shounen fightans are definitely not the mangaka's strong point. Every chapter leading up to the vastly more important character drama is honestly a chore to read.
Sep 13, 2020
just checked the author's twitter, so hyped for chapter 51
Active member
May 14, 2018
Are the scans late? The official twitter is already teasing chapter 55 yet we're still in chapter 50.

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