Brooooooooo, people saying others are getting pretty serious about the drunk and consent, but, IMAGINE: he's drunk ass, they intent to do something, and his body remember he has alcohol inside his stomach...... NO IT'S NOT ROMANTIC uhauauhauauha
In Brasil we have a saying: Cú de bêbado não tem dono... (A Drunk's ass has no owner). Yes, it's real, and it is a saying you hear all over your life in Brasil. Basically, if you drink, you gave consent for everyone who wants you (please, I don't say I agree with this, it's something you frequently hear in my country).
So, I thanks the qc for the note. Teenagers sometimes think those type of actions are cute but it's not, it's not cool or fucking great drink your ass out and don't even walk alone.
In Brasil, we say he's TRÊBADO kkkkkkk It's a person who surpass the drunk stage and turns into a superrrrrr drunk