@morsealworth That only applies for genetic diseases. Undortunately though, hereditary diseases is not only consisted of genetic diseases. Even from small things like colorblindness and mentall illness can be traced by heredity. If it's incest, no matter how 'healthy' the parents are, moreover if they're sibling, the kids will turn out with at least several of those diseases/illness without a doubt, just ask your friend who studies medicine. Else, why do you think it's illegal to marry, even so far as 1st cousins?
Yea, I know it's fiction. I just don't like the fact that some people in the comments section actually encouraging the idea of incest and child of incestous relationship. I mean, even the author didn't think it's okay.
Yea, I know it's fiction. I just don't like the fact that some people in the comments section actually encouraging the idea of incest and child of incestous relationship. I mean, even the author didn't think it's okay.