@tedy2004 I will tellmu why I said I onky check for comedy... it ismoretty easy. Im an adult who knows very well what i kike, dislike. And I'm jot like most that are immature and let themselves to be influenced by friends, books, movies, news. I have been like this since I was a child. Very mature for my age...
I know this book is just fictional and is not real so I can only focus in the aspects I want and no one is getting affected in reality. In fact if you see things in a more rational, mature, and scientific aspects you can see this story as an example to analyze a hypothetical possibility of how incest can occur and how much the environment affect the person. In most cases, a person can have a strong will but will be abnormal aka weak in some aspects.
If i become all emotional and let it affect me in an emotional level, I will never learn things. A book always have more than one meaningful meaning, hidden message that was to send to the readers. If these type of thjngs would influence me that means I am a weak person this aspect. I might be strong in other aspects but I'm very weak in this. Since I am not and dont get influenced, I dont fear reading it.
Like drug users, and alcoholics who has the probability or tendency to get addicted to those liquors or drugs , you should avoid them. Some of them have a high inclination to fall for it because genetics[their parents were addicts and when the baby were in the womb got that] , other people are just weak
. Good that you know your weakness and that will influence you and you don't want to go down that road.
Understanding things, and learning things and their conclusions doesn't mean that you agree with it. That is what I wanted to shared.
P.S Sweetie, this is how science develope all by curiosity and the desire to understand the unknown. Some people are weak and get influenced so will affect them . We can see in history how bad they got, but that doesn't mean science stopped. There are many others that had a strong will in that specific aspects and instead invented or left a structure of how things works for the future generations. Thanks to do many people who are their descendants didnt have to suffer thru the rough path. You can use any other thing not just science, but music, art, architecture, etc.