So I'm a Spider, So What? - Vol. 7 Ch. 34.2

Nov 1, 2018
anyone know roughly what chapter this is in the LN or WN whatever it is I am too impatient to wait until march lol
Oct 16, 2018
It's been a while since I have read this scene so I have forgotten some of the details(I mostly just skimmed through the manga chapter by the way), so thank you for that. But, taming here does not mean a friendly relationship but a more master/slave relationship.

From what I recall during the oni's point of view when he was still a goblin; after taming, loyalty must be increased in order for them to listen to orders. In order to increase a tamed monster's loyalty, you must first break their heart.
So I believe that their intention, whether their aim is taming or killing, is aggressive. Besides, taming a sentient(or otherwise) creature is already an aggressive move as no creature would willingly want their freedom restricted.
Thus, I believe that there is no misunderstanding.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Home invasions are treated as crimes in the real world, I don't see why there's a misunderstanding here: she was minding her own business, and they were sent to eliminate the threat. They were clearly breaking and entering, and even attacked her in her own home. How are people saying there's a misunderstanding?
Oct 16, 2018
I also don't know why they think there was a misunderstanding.
Though this is a really good and valid point, I don't know why it never entered my mind. Must be my lack of sleep.😀
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 20, 2018
By the shadow and position compared to previous chapters, it would seem that the spider in the last page is a different one.
They probably beat that one (a greater taratect of some variety) and thought they had the job complete and its power was exaggerated ... and then Kumoko teleported in on them. RIP.
If anything this chapter just estabilished the notion that Kumoko is absolutely broken in the current state... and she's still gonna evolve, oh god.
Aggregator gang
Nov 9, 2018
@Kronous she can? pretty sure she can't or else she should've talked to those humans if she wanted to coexist with humans
or if you meant the one from back then when she interact with the demon lord or the character behind the phone.....pretty sure it was them using telepathy on her
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 28, 2018

Uh, about that....
the Queen Tarterect (Kumo's "mother") literally just busts a hole through the dungeon to go outside in an attempt to kill Kumo after she leaves the dungeon.
Jan 18, 2018
I haven't read spoilered stuff because I haven't read the novel and don't want to be spoiled, but as a manga reader my money for that spider shadow we see is on it being one of Kumoko's high level siblings she killed previously and hasn't eaten yet.

Cue the humans freaking out about what kind of a monster could easily kill such a high level spider and/or thinking that body is the spider they're here for.

Novel readers are tenacious with spoilers so let me reiterate, if you already know because you read the novel, don't tell me, I'm theorizing, not asking in a strange and roundabout way for you to @ me with stuff that hasn't been revealed in the manga yet.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018

As a manga reader, I am pretty sure that spider is Kumoko. It is unlikely that a monster at a high level like her would look cute and she doesn't have a mirror so the cute spider image from previous chapters is just her imagination or how she views herself. From the human's perspective, I guess she is really terrifying like those bosses we see in RPG.
Aug 2, 2018
@miyako19 I think it's another spider in the last page. (Chapter 33.1) Kumo-Chan back to nest by using teleportation magic, she spotted by human while hugging stalactite in ceiling, not standing on the ground.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Yeah kumo usually looks cute because, if you remember, it's (mostly) narrated by herself, so we goes by her rose-tinted glasses.

If you guys remember, Ede Saine is called "A creature that symbolized death". Would a creature with such a description looks cute?
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
i really hope we get to see human perspective of kumoko. just this horrifying death spider.
Mar 31, 2018
I really hope we get a fully-detailed panel of Kumoko from the humans' perspective, because the design is so freaking cool.

Well, I'll link an image of the bestiary page if we don't get one that's up to par.
Jan 18, 2018
@miyako19 I like that theory and it would be interesting if that were the case, but I'm inclined to think that aside from her face being made cuter through being more expressive, her depiction is fairly accurate.

The reason I think that is because even if she can't see herself, she (as well as us the audience) has seen her siblings, and some of them do look a lot like her. Aside from small, lesser taratects, we also see a poison taratect in chapter 31.2 when her mom sends a bunch of her siblings to kill her:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
@Doodmandood :

I didn't knew how taming worked. Thanks for the clarification.
There is plenty of people who willingly restrict their own freedom if it means gaining something in exchange, see any people who signed a job's contract, I just thought it was something similar.

@Wildstag :

Home invasion is a crime but the punishment of this crime is really really rarely the execution of the criminal...
And they didn't wanted to burn her house down, that's one of the misunderstandings: They weren't "clearly breaking and entering", they were searching for her house and when one got trapped in one of her trap they ended up, unwillingly, burning her entire house.

And they didn't attacked her first. If you look at "chap 33.1 page 10" you can see they only draw their weapons and it's Kumo who attack first and kills them (unintentionally). It's worth noting that kumo has her aura that frighten other monster, aura which must work against human too.

So in the end :
- They didn't wanted to burn her house down.
- Maybe they didn't wanted to attack her and were just cautious or afraid of the spider because of her aura and the fact she was angered by her house burning down.
- Kumo didn't wanted to kill them at first.

So yeah, the first events which led to the human massacre were bad luck and misunderstanding.

Maybe they would have attacked her anyway, maybe Kumo would have killed them whatever they would have done. But in the end these three events weren't done willingly and were just a misunderstanding.
Jun 9, 2018
This chapter is "The Nightmare of the Labyrinth" in Volume 3 of the LN. In the WN, the chapter is in 4 parts, and the chapter title is translated as "The Labyrinth's Nightmare" by Turb0 Translation. There was also another chapter before this which was also from a human POV, "The Great Elroe Labyrinth Disaster Investigation Corps" / "Elro Great Labyrinth Abnormality Investigation Team", which was about the group that Kumoko encountered after defeating the Earth Drake / Wyrm (the T-rex-like monster), and who ran away the moment she eyeballed them. They were the ones that reported that there was a super-strong mysterious spider-type monster in the labyrinth, which was why Buirims and Ronandt and the rest were sent.

Regarding the taming, to add to what @Doodmandood said,
by "first break (their) heart", it's basically mind-rape.
That character he mentioned was SPOILER!
mind-raped into first killing and then eating his beloved younger sister. While he was completely awake and aware of what he was being made to do.

Since the humans were there to "subjugate" or "tame" her, they certainly were not an innocent party, whether or not Kumoko was aware of it.
Jan 28, 2019
@bigcunt @Taiyin04 highly advice against reading Turbo0 Translation. It is so bad that I dropped the Story after a few chaps. Only came back to it thanks to blastron. Rather get the LN, and even if you can't afford to buy it(for whatever reason ) there are ways to read it on the internet

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