Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Ch. 170 - And Yet...

Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2019
Wow, so that reason why she relieved when invited Kaoru and see his reaction after invited to her room. And that scum man gall to say that? it isn't like she your girlfriend or something and even she is your girlfriend there a limit what you say and what you want into her.
Give me his address, and I will beat him in his face to point his parent wont able recognized him anymore.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
What kind of imbecile doesn't like gamer girls? Did he get owned by one in an FPS or something? Bet it was just some non-gamer girl with a gamer boyfriend who wanted her to try it out a bit to see what games are for a non-gamer. Seems about this moron's skill level.

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