Hey, you! Yes, the one reading this right now! Did you know? MC isn't a simp!
Fun fact: A simp is one who'd do drastic things, like spending thousands of money, just to get a girl to notice him, with their main objective to have fun time with her!
ahhh finally, someone who know basic of what simp mean. @PolarMeow, yes MC not simp, you can call that MC a bit of awkward with social stuff due to some trauma in the past. definitely not simp.
I can see why weebs are regarded as bad by the normies. Jesus, the thing that comes out of their mouth is...something. And what's more is that they're not aware of what they're saying, or at least don't mind it.
@Someguywithhair are weebs actually like that irl though? I consider myself a weeb and the that I talk differ from what kind of person I'm talking to or am I just a fake weeb?