"But all things excellent are as difficult as they are rare."Long wait is over. Perfection takes time.
Should I remind you what was this manga about at the beggining, for first ~40 chapters? Like, you know, when majority of the people started to read this? Or would you just take a look yourself.To some of y'all
oh no a slow slice of life with themes relating to at author how horrible.
I'd totally agree, if only not one thing - all of this took way to long, every aspect of Gojou's development was overdragged, overexaggerated than it should be and the symbol of that is unfortunate "black piece of cloth" that was main character of the story for like what, 4 months? Half a year?You're kind of right about most of your points but at the same time we had some progression here in that Gojou made the request this time, for the first time too. This arc is more about him, his ambitions and showing that their relationship goes both ways.
Go ahead dude post it; I've reread this several times; and like a majority of them actually READ the contents or just here for the ecchi? 'glad this arc is over', 'that's it', 'glad this filler stuff is done', yeah sure my opinion is bad. Seems like you need a cliffnotesShould I remind you what was this manga about at the beggining, for first ~40 chapters? Like, you know, when majority of the people started to read this? Or would you just take a look yourself.
Sure then show the actual cosplay details then? Not some over the top dramatic pondering over a piece of fabric for 6 months? We didn't even get to see how he actually did it lol.I think people forget that one of the main point of this manga is to develop Gojo further as Hina doll maker through cosplay.
Do I love romcom? Yes. Do I love character development? HELL YES.
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said your opinion is wrong. But if you read this series multiple times, then you should have in mind, that there were multiple things, that attracted people's attention. Not only this one, specific aspect you like.Go ahead dude post it; I've reread this several times; and like a majority of them actually READ the contents or just here for the ecchi? 'glad this arc is over', 'that's it', 'glad this filler stuff is done', yeah sure my opinion is bad. Seems like you need a cliffnotes
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said your opinion is wrong. But if youwroteread this series multiple times.
Which kinda smells like projecting and I don't like this, that's why I'll drop this"discustion"disscusion with you.
Don't put words in my mouth. I never said your opinion is wrong. But if you wrote this series multiple times, then you should have in mind, that there were multiple things, that attracted people's attention. Not only this one, specific aspect you like.
On the other hand, your comment suggest that other people should just drop this series, because they don't get what made them pick this up. So basically it's kind like you're saying that their (well, our) opinion is wrong. Which kinda smells like projecting and I don't like this, that's why I'll drop this "discustion" with you.
Still waiting for perfection to arrive.Long wait is over. Perfection takes time.
One day I hope you are able to be as passionate as Gojo to the point of being a perfectionist, and be able to relate to Gojo's frustration of trying to reach what you're visioning instead of half-assing it"but i didn't wanna read few chapters just for gojo to find that one piece of fabric"
But that arc was much better than this one.But there's also the church arc.
As someone who's on occasion a perfectionist, I can't relate to his frustration due to how clumsily it was portrayed. He was portrayed less like a perfectionist, and more like someone who get a fix idea about how to go about something, but can't seem to be able to think of other ways of how to accomplish the exact same thing.One day I hope you are able to be as passionate as Gojo to the point of being a perfectionist, and be able to relate to Gojo's frustration of trying to reach what you're visioning instead of half-assing it