Sousou no Frieren - Ch. 132 - Pursuit

May 31, 2023
There will be no Frieren next week
... immediately halving my joy from getting a new Frieren chapter

Oh well, I didn't expect them to pursue a street vendor for a refund going from the title :huh: No more Übel & Land :meguuusad:

Frieren just insulting Sense, one of the most powerful mages, like she was nothing but a noisy little brat (might be the case from her perspective).
Honestly, if they got an expert opinion on the authenticity of their purchase, they should've done so before sealing the deal. I think Frieren was mainly mad about receiving a false compliment rather than the lack of authenticity of her new vase though.
I like how Sense is already familiar with handling elves from being Serie's disciple :dogkek:

Can't wait for our trio to completely crash the meeting not next week. This chapter was pretty much setup only but it was nice to see Frieren and friends again...

Thanks for the upload!
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2019
Yep, was a small mistake. Sorry about that. Will be fixed shortly.
Oh lol
Well, that's fine too, cool and pretty Woman with sharp eyes is always a treat.
Thanks for the correction and all around work put into it ^^
Wait where are you getting they are a guy? Not that a mind btw. It’s just I’m confused cause they refer to them as “her” on the last page so did I miss something?
but didn't iris called schritt "her"? am i missing something?

It orignally said "him" on that page, which sparked my surprise
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2024
I also think it is odd for her to say those things, but that doesn't make her a pathological liar. But when faced with the alternative of plot holes, you don't go picking plot holes.

You actually think people are more persuasive if they are "unpredictable" instead of using valid arguments?

I have already referred you to hairy-arc arc. Specifically that final boss-fight there. Where we got to see her actual capabilities.

I dunno about stark. I could believe the dwarf, but stark still seems somewhat low in the power-scalings to me, aside from his endurance.

In hairy-arc arc we see that she has no issue reacting near-instantly to ambushes and casting magic in time to protect herself and even throw in some attacks. While we saw her fight a shadow warrior in that one village, and he was far slower than ferns ambushes.

And that is why we know she intentionally opted to not attack. Because we have seen before that she is not actually that slow in attacking.

Did you entirely forget that when fern woke up and said "frieren-sama" before looking over, frieren was already up and ready on the floor, ready with her staff in hand? Like I said, even if she didn't sense his mana, she clearly had already noticed him somehow.

ps: Finally, I noticed you keep on putting words into my mouth, which are in such bad faith/false that I didn't even deign to respond to them beyond this paragraph. But to give a short answer that mostly covers them as a whole: No, I never claimed she is invulnerable or such, just that she is far enough up the power-scaling that she has no issue dealing with pretty much any everyday average (relatively speaking) human. And that this includes warriors as slow as those "shadow warriors".


Eh, I will admit I didn't memorise cut-girls entire skillset. I merely remember that they made a big deal about her killing the super-barrier-specialist early on.

I mean, it is a name, so it is not as if that would be surprising that I don't remember. Add to that how it is outside main-cast, and it's obvious it is forgotten.

I was actually mostly talking about earlier in that fight, before that. Where we saw fern's ambushes fail multiple times. But sure, you are right that that thing would also have made her even faster.

that is still a whole 3 panels (4 actually, if we count the door exploding as well), so there was way more time than other moments we compare it to. And as for her shown arsenal, iirc she has shown the ability to cast magic without her staff before? Though tbf that part might just be me mixing up characters (like when we saw Cut-girl do so in ch131).

"I also think it is odd for her to say those things, but that doesn't make her a pathological liar. But when faced with the alternative of plot holes, you don't go picking plot holes."

There are no plotholes, you're just overestimating Frieren and downplaying the old man shadow warrior all the while going against obvious narratives the author is building up and calling Frieren out as a pathological liar who can never say the truth. So basically you're the one creating plotholes that don't even exist in reality

"You actually think people are more persuasive if they are "unpredictable" instead of using valid arguments?"

Valid arguments, now that's funny, since you haven't presented any. You're purposely choosing to discredit factual informations the manga has presented just because you "think" it shouldn't be that way

"I dunno about stark. I could believe the dwarf, but stark still seems somewhat low in the power-scalings to me, aside from his endurance."

This is not a matter of opinion. Frieren said that if Stark were to launch a suprise attack at both her and Fern from close quarters, they'd both be dead because they wouldn't have time to cast any spell. I'll say it again: stop assuming the characters are wrong/deceiving you when they say things simply meant to give context. The author is trying to convey a message and give information to the audience here and you're being dismissive about all of it because "nuhh! not my frieren! she can react to anything!"

"In hairy-arc arc we see that she has no issue reacting near-instantly to ambushes and casting magic in time to protect herself and even throw in some attacks. While we saw her fight a shadow warrior in that one village, and he was far slower than ferns ambushes."

What are you talking about LOL. What ambush by Fern was faster than the old man? Go reread chapters 53, 54 and 55 immediately. The chapters where the battle between fake Frieren vs Frieren and Fern happens. Fern is shooting her from a distance and by the time it gets to hit, fake Frieren has already conjured a magic shield. The old man is in front of her in one panel and in the other panel he's already blitzing her. It seems reading comprehension is not your only problem, you also DON'T KNOW how to read a manga.

"And that is why we know she intentionally opted to not attack. Because we have seen before that she is not actually that slow in attacking."

She did NOT choose to not attack. STOP making shit up just because you can't accept reality for what it is. She's not slow in attacking, the old man is simply faster. Chapter 126 is the following chapter to when she got blitzed and the AUTHOR decides to make a VERY OBVIOUS point that warriors can KILL even the strongest mages if they are CLOSE ENOUGH because the mages wouldn't be able to REACT IN TIME. And guess who said those things to the audience... FRIEREN HERSELF. Like, get a grip already. This is storytelling 101. Frieren got blitzed and in the following chapter we get an explanation of how highly skilled warriors can kill any mage in the world if they launch a suprise attack at close quarters, Frieren even goes on to say how important warriors are to a party because without them mages would be extremely vulnerable targets. Stop pretending to be oblivious. Are you just unable to accept the story as it is?

"Did you entirely forget that when fern woke up and said "frieren-sama" before looking over, frieren was already up and ready on the floor, ready with her staff in hand? Like I said, even if she didn't sense his mana, she clearly had already noticed him somehow."

Frieren is LITERALLY getting out of bed after Fern called her, we can see her blanket still flying in the air, she just like Fern had either noticed Stark getting knocked out or was able to hear him falling on the ground. You previously said she noticed his mana and now you're backpaddeling because there's a limit to how much of a liar you can make her out to be. Your own words:

"so it would need to be something really out-of-the-norm to truly bypass her mana detection. And indeed, said priest did get detected before he even entered the house."

It gets bad to say she noticed his mana while in canon she's saying she didn't notice his mana, huh...

"No, I never claimed she is invulnerable or such, just that she is far enough up the power-scaling that she has no issue dealing with pretty much any everyday average (relatively speaking) human. And that this includes warriors as slow as those "shadow warriors"."

They are so slow yet one old, semi-retired shadow warrior was able to blitz her ass so hard it got you caught up in a world of headcanons and got you making tons of excuses that don't make any sense and go directly against the narrative and explicily stated affirmations

"I was actually mostly talking about earlier in that fight, before that. Where we saw fern's ambushes fail multiple times. But sure, you are right that that thing would also have made her even faster."

We did NOT see Fern's ambushes failing multiple times, stop making shit up and stop talking about stuff you clearly don't remember. Go reread chapters 53-55. The fake Frieren only blocked ONE ambushed, the rest of the time Frieren was trying to create openings for Fern but she was failing to capitalize in any of them. And even if that was the case, Fern's attacks from a distance were NOT reaching Frieren faster than Radar's closing in the distance. This was NEVER stated so, again, just stop making shit up. You only think this is a plothole because YOU are creating a plothole by distorting the story to something different than what it was written as

"that is still a whole 3 panels (4 actually, if we count the door exploding as well), so there was way more time than other moments we compare it to. And as for her shown arsenal, iirc she has shown the ability to cast magic without her staff before? Though tbf that part might just be me mixing up characters (like when we saw Cut-girl do so in ch131)."

Your argument is incredibly dumb and it really shows you don't know how to read a manga but I'll use your own poison against you: Fern's attack that gets blocked by fake Frieren had a total of 5 PANELS to reach her with a big ass flashback between Serie and Frieren among them (it starts in chapter 53 page 8 with Fern charging up the attack and ends in chapter 53 page 18 with the attack hitting). I guess NOW you're gonna say Fern's attack is slow as f*, right? lol

Radar was able to reach Frieren in less panels than what it took Fern's attack to reach fake Frieren, lol.

And just to explain how your argument is dumb: Radar shows up among the smoke, there's a close up to his face and next panel Frieren is already charing up her attack. There's no such thing as "it took 3 panels, 4 panels, 10 panels.." to measure up the amount of time it passed. That's not how it works. By the time Frieren's spell fires off, Radar has already blitzed her. THAT is the information conveyed through the paneling, it's insane how you managed to miss the point so badly and instead decided to believe "Radar was slow and Frieren let him blitzed her because of the amount of panels" lol.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 12, 2023
Once again Frieren playing 4D chess. What is the author cooking? 🤔
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
There are no plotholes, you're just overestimating Frieren and downplaying the old man shadow warrior all the while going against obvious narratives the author is building up and calling Frieren out as a pathological liar who can never say the truth. So basically you're the one creating plotholes that don't even exist in reality

Valid arguments, now that's funny, since you haven't presented any. You're purposely choosing to discredit factual informations the manga has presented just because you "think" it shouldn't be that way

This is not a matter of opinion. Frieren said that if Stark were to launch a suprise attack at both her and Fern from close quarters, they'd both be dead because they wouldn't have time to cast any spell. I'll say it again: stop assuming the characters are wrong/deceiving you when they say things simply meant to give context. The author is trying to convey a message and give information to the audience here and you're being dismissive about all of it because "nuhh! not my frieren! she can react to anything!"

What are you talking about LOL. What ambush by Fern was faster than the old man? Go reread chapters 53, 54 and 55 immediately. The chapters where the battle between fake Frieren vs Frieren and Fern happens. Fern is shooting her from a distance and by the time it gets to hit, fake Frieren has already conjured a magic shield. The old man is in front of her in one panel and in the other panel he's already blitzing her. It seems reading comprehension is not your only problem, you also DON'T KNOW how to read a manga.

She did NOT choose to not attack. STOP making shit up just because you can't accept reality for what it is. She's not slow in attacking, the old man is simply faster. Chapter 126 is the following chapter to when she got blitzed and the AUTHOR decides to make a VERY OBVIOUS point that warriors can KILL even the strongest mages if they are CLOSE ENOUGH because the mages wouldn't be able to REACT IN TIME. And guess who said those things to the audience... FRIEREN HERSELF. Like, get a grip already. This is storytelling 101. Frieren got blitzed and in the following chapter we get an explanation of how highly skilled warriors can kill any mage in the world if they launch a suprise attack at close quarters, Frieren even goes on to say how important warriors are to a party because without them mages would be extremely vulnerable targets. Stop pretending to be oblivious. Are you just unable to accept the story as it is?

Frieren is LITERALLY getting out of bed after Fern called her, we can see her blanket still flying in the air, she just like Fern had either noticed Stark getting knocked out or was able to hear him falling on the ground. You previously said she noticed his mana and now you're backpaddeling because there's a limit to how much of a liar you can make her out to be. Your own words:

It gets bad to say she noticed his mana while in canon she's saying she didn't notice his mana, huh...

They are so slow yet one old, semi-retired shadow warrior was able to blitz her ass so hard it got you caught up in a world of headcanons and got you making tons of excuses that don't make any sense and go directly against the narrative and explicily stated affirmations

We did NOT see Fern's ambushes failing multiple times, stop making shit up and stop talking about stuff you clearly don't remember. Go reread chapters 53-55. The fake Frieren only blocked ONE ambushed, the rest of the time Frieren was trying to create openings for Fern but she was failing to capitalize in any of them. And even if that was the case, Fern's attacks from a distance were NOT reaching Frieren faster than Radar's closing in the distance. This was NEVER stated so, again, just stop making shit up. You only think this is a plothole because YOU are creating a plothole by distorting the story to something different than what it was written as

Your argument is incredibly dumb and it really shows you don't know how to read a manga but I'll use your own poison against you: Fern's attack that gets blocked by fake Frieren had a total of 5 PANELS to reach her with a big ass flashback between Serie and Frieren among them (it starts in chapter 53 page 8 with Fern charging up the attack and ends in chapter 53 page 18 with the attack hitting). I guess NOW you're gonna say Fern's attack is slow as f*, right? lol

Radar was able to reach Frieren in less panels than what it took Fern's attack to reach fake Frieren, lol.

And just to explain how your argument is dumb: Radar shows up among the smoke, there's a close up to his face and next panel Frieren is already charing up her attack. There's no such thing as "it took 3 panels, 4 panels, 10 panels.." to measure up the amount of time it passed. That's not how it works. By the time Frieren's spell fires off, Radar has already blitzed her. THAT is the information conveyed through the paneling, it's insane how you managed to miss the point so badly and instead decided to believe "Radar was slow and Frieren let him blitzed her because of the amount of panels" lol.
At this point I am fairly sure you are just trolling, looking at the argumentation you are using.

But I want to make some points clear just in case (though only going to bother with a few at this point), mainly the first [point] because it is important to admit when you are indeed wrong, and the rest is just while I am at it:

no, I was not backpedaling, I was saying that even if it was true [that the mana detection failed], then she still noticed him early somehow with some other method. But yes, looking back at that chapter it appears the blanket is indeed still midair, so I must have missed that detail (good catch) and thus I probably did indeed infer the order of events incorrectly for that scene. In that case, it actually is possible (or even likely) that frieren's detection failed, I will grant you that.

Storytelling 101 is that not everything a character says is true. Either because they are incorrect, or because they are outright lying (particularly when talking to some enemy). And sometimes they simply say things in a general sense as if it applied to a specific situation, when it didn't. No, that does not make them pathological liars, particularly not if they have taken on a mentoring role, or overall is very cautious and considering worst-cases.

We do see it fail several times, examples are 22:40 in ep25, and then 02:50 in ep26. And they were obviously faster than a mere human, it is literally beam attacks/projectiles (and iirc it was a whole plotpoint about it being one of the fastest attack magics, with her being abnormally fast at deploying it), a human is never going to beat that (even if we assume they are magically superhuman). And the assassin in question was clearly slow enough that he stood still for several moments before even trying to rush her. And no, my argument was not that panels is some fixed time-frame, it is that kind of bad-faith interpretation that makes it clear you are trolling. My argument was that multiple panels with no change between them, as well as the fact that he is clearly standing there between actions with no inertia, implies that a moment has passed, and that one panel had a huge explosion of the door, that they first had to let abate a bit (though it hasn't finished by the next panel) before we could see him that well. And I intentionally put the latter (the door panel) in parentheses because often for dynamic action the rule-of-cool means they will be given more panels and allowing vision to clear, so I tried to make it clear that part was not really part of my argument.
But either way, even assuming we read it like you suggest, where the door being busted, him standing there, and then him standing there in a close-up, was all in essentially the same time-instance (with him then having blitzed frieren close to same time-instance), I would still argue that I really doubt he can outrun their offensive spells, or even close to it (making him still slower than fern's attacks). But sure, at least then [with that interpretation] I would not be calling him slow.
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Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2024
At this point I am fairly sure you are just trolling, looking at the argumentation you are using.

But I want to make some points clear just in case (though only going to bother with a few at this point), mainly the first [point] because it is important to admit when you are indeed wrong, and the rest is just while I am at it:

no, I was not backpedaling, I was saying that even if it was true [that the mana detection failed], then she still noticed him early somehow with some other method. But yes, looking back at that chapter it appears the blanket is indeed still midair, so I must have missed that detail (good catch) and thus I probably did indeed infer the order of events incorrectly for that scene. In that case, it actually is possible (or even likely) that frieren's detection failed, I will grant you that.

Storytelling 101 is that not everything a character says is true. Either because they are incorrect, or because they are outright lying (particularly when talking to some enemy). And sometimes they simply say things in a general sense as if it applied to a specific situation, when it didn't. No, that does not make them pathological liars, particularly not if they have taken on a mentoring role, or overall is very cautious and considering worst-cases.

We do see it fail several times, examples are 22:40 in ep25, and then 02:50 in ep26. And they were obviously faster than a mere human, it is literally beam attacks/projectiles (and iirc it was a whole plotpoint about it being one of the fastest attack magics, with her being abnormally fast at deploying it), a human is never going to beat that (even if we assume they are magically superhuman). And the assassin in question was clearly slow enough that he stood still for several moments before even trying to rush her. And no, my argument was not that panels is some fixed time-frame, it is that kind of bad-faith interpretation that makes it clear you are trolling. My argument was that multiple panels with no change between them, as well as the fact that he is clearly standing there between actions with no inertia, implies that a moment has passed, and that one panel had a huge explosion of the door, that they first had to let abate a bit (though it hasn't finished by the next panel) before we could see him that well. And I intentionally put the latter (the door panel) in parentheses because often for dynamic action the rule-of-cool means they will be given more panels and allowing vision to clear, so I tried to make it clear that part was not really part of my argument.
But either way, even assuming we read it like you suggest, where the door being busted, him standing there, and then him standing there in a close-up, was all in essentially the same time-instance (with him then having blitzed frieren close to same time-instance), I would still argue that I really doubt he can outrun their offensive spells, or even close to it (making him still slower than fern's attacks). But sure, at least then [with that interpretation] I would not be calling him slow.

As usual, when you don't have any arguments and all of your claims have been debunked, just say the other person is trolling.. lol

"In that case, it actually is possible (or even likely) that frieren's detection failed, I will grant you that."

oh. my. god. No, it's NOT just "likely", it's a FACT, frieren EXPLICITLY SAYS that her mana detection DIDN'T sense him. Like, there's NOTHING to debate here. Are you REALLY thinking "maybe she was lying"??? what kind of story do you think the author is trying to write here? Why would she even lie ABOUT THAT??? IN THAT MOMENT??

"Either because they are incorrect, or because they are outright lying (particularly when talking to some enemy)."

And Frieren wasn't doing EITHER of these. She was being used as a device for EXPOSITION. The author was establishing a CONCEPT. Frieren highlighted the value of warriors in a party and explained how even the strongest mages can lose against highly skilled warriors under certain scenarios. Like, bro, just REREAD chapter 126. She was talking to Fern, Stark, Sense and Falsch.

"We do see it fail several times"

We do NOT. It only happened once in the manga, and since we are debating the old man here who's manga-only, it's what matters (on top of the manga being the SOURCE MATERIAL written directly by the creator).

examples are 22:40 in ep25, and then 02:50 in ep26.

LMAOOO. so for the old man you even go as far as counting the panels in the manga, but for Fern's attack you pull up the anime? Even though there's ALSO a manga and you can GO THERE to see just "how fast" Fern's attack actually is? And you say I'm the one trolling or using bad-faith argument here, lol. The moment I said Fern's attack took place over 5 panels you switch to the anime... Well I'm sorry to break out this news for you, but in order to see what was the intention of the CREATOR of the story, you gotta look at the source material. The anime is there to make things look cooler, prettier, and ultimately is just an adaptation of the work. They even got Frieren teleporting in that fight even though CANONICALLY she can't teleport (chapter 108). And most of all, you're comparing the anime to something that is manga-only as of right now. smh

Your disingenuous argument aside, it seems you're failing to understand something quite obvious. Radar doesn't need to move at a FASTER SPEED than zooltrak (the beam) to be able to blitz Frieren. He needs to be CLOSER and he needs to intercept her BEFORE she casts a spell. Which is EXACTLY what happened and is exactly what Frieren explains in chapter 126. He doesn't need to outrun their offensive spells, he needs to close the distance BEFORE she has the chance to fire it off.

If a highly skilled warrior were to attack a mage from a close distance in a surprise attack, the mage would be rendered useless given the fact that they wouldn't have the time to activate any spells. Frieren says that STARK could do that to take out BOTH her and Fern in one fell swoop and she goes into details, showing the DISTANCE where he would be able to pull that off:

"At about this distance, precisely. If Stark made a surprise attack against us at this range, we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves. We'd be dead. We wouldn't be able to cast any spells in time" - Frieren, chapter 126, pages 14 and 15.

There's a fraction of time needed for a mage to cast a spell and if the warrior is able to close the distance on them before that happens, it's wraps. And highly skilled warriors can pull that off IF they are in close quarters, which is exactly the situation between Radar and Frieren.

But let's ignore ALL the exposition, what really matters is that MY FRIEREN would never fail to guard against Stark, I just don't believe it, I don't believe in her words and no amonut of exposition can convince me otherwise.. right?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Everyone: We don't know anything.
Also everyone: We know everything.
Feb 7, 2024
I always find it fascinating that people are discussing Frieren power level and combat abilities when Frieren herself would like to avoid fighting as most as possible. She will defend herself if needed, but she doesn't really like it and does not seek more power either.
She is in this because Fern is a First class mage under Serie. Otherwise, they would not spend time here.

Regarding Sense, I think she focuses a lot on inflicting debilitating wounds in one shot. But from the exam arc, she seems to never go for the kill at first and she claims to be a pacifist. Frieren's remark on the blood scent on Sense's hair might hint something other than killing.

This arc is still in its exposition part, so I assume it will be a very long arc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
As usual, when you don't have any arguments and all of your claims have been debunked, just say the other person is trolling.. lol

oh. my. god. No, it's NOT just "likely", it's a FACT, frieren EXPLICITLY SAYS that her mana detection DIDN'T sense him. Like, there's NOTHING to debate here. Are you REALLY thinking "maybe she was lying"??? what kind of story do you think the author is trying to write here? Why would she even lie ABOUT THAT??? IN THAT MOMENT??

And Frieren wasn't doing EITHER of these. She was being used as a device for EXPOSITION. The author was establishing a CONCEPT. Frieren highlighted the value of warriors in a party and explained how even the strongest mages can lose against highly skilled warriors under certain scenarios. Like, bro, just REREAD chapter 126. She was talking to Fern, Stark, Sense and Falsch.

We do NOT. It only happened once in the manga, and since we are debating the old man here who's manga-only, it's what matters (on top of the manga being the SOURCE MATERIAL written directly by the creator).

LMAOOO. so for the old man you even go as far as counting the panels in the manga, but for Fern's attack you pull up the anime? Even though there's ALSO a manga and you can GO THERE to see just "how fast" Fern's attack actually is? And you say I'm the one trolling or using bad-faith argument here, lol. The moment I said Fern's attack took place over 5 panels you switch to the anime... Well I'm sorry to break out this news for you, but in order to see what was the intention of the CREATOR of the story, you gotta look at the source material. The anime is there to make things look cooler, prettier, and ultimately is just an adaptation of the work. They even got Frieren teleporting in that fight even though CANONICALLY she can't teleport (chapter 108). And most of all, you're comparing the anime to something that is manga-only as of right now. smh

Your disingenuous argument aside, it seems you're failing to understand something quite obvious. Radar doesn't need to move at a FASTER SPEED than zooltrak (the beam) to be able to blitz Frieren. He needs to be CLOSER and he needs to intercept her BEFORE she casts a spell. Which is EXACTLY what happened and is exactly what Frieren explains in chapter 126. He doesn't need to outrun their offensive spells, he needs to close the distance BEFORE she has the chance to fire it off.

If a highly skilled warrior were to attack a mage from a close distance in a surprise attack, the mage would be rendered useless given the fact that they wouldn't have the time to activate any spells. Frieren says that STARK could do that to take out BOTH her and Fern in one fell swoop and she goes into details, showing the DISTANCE where he would be able to pull that off:

"At about this distance, precisely. If Stark made a surprise attack against us at this range, we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves. We'd be dead. We wouldn't be able to cast any spells in time" - Frieren, chapter 126, pages 14 and 15.

There's a fraction of time needed for a mage to cast a spell and if the warrior is able to close the distance on them before that happens, it's wraps. And highly skilled warriors can pull that off IF they are in close quarters, which is exactly the situation between Radar and Frieren.

But let's ignore ALL the exposition, what really matters is that MY FRIEREN would never fail to guard against Stark, I just don't believe it, I don't believe in her words and no amonut of exposition can convince me otherwise.. right?
It should be obvious already, but the reason I picked the anime for that was simply because it is easier and more exact to refer to timestamps for discrete short moments in a scene (as well as is a better source when discussing timings and speed), as opposed to manga where the best resolution you can get is "chapter" (and approximate page, but often be somewhat off due to MD-ui and credit pages). Even in the manga we see it multiple times, like the very start of ch54, and page ~9/10 of ch55, which- you know what, I am tired of trying to explain things to you I am certain you already know or understand, and just choose to interpret in bad faith. So I'll stop.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
Seems like Frieren wasn't actually sulking but rather, was focusing on the tagged coins. She just didn't want to be bothered and once they all assembled, she immediately started to move. And of course, she brought Stark with because he's the only Warrior among them (so the only one that can fight them head-on).

Frieren really needs to tell her intentions to everyone. She's too used being solo.
Fern already knew what Frieren was doing... Her job was to lay the smokescreen for the other association magicians while Frieren "sulked", so that they couldn't suss out Frieren's real intentions.

Almost everybody underestimates Frieren and falls for her goofball act/persona. There's only a couple of people, including Denken, who have a decent idea of what she really can be if she so decides.
And invariably are very polite to her and endeavour to not be in her way if remotely possible...
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2024
It should be obvious already, but the reason I picked the anime for that was simply because it is easier and more exact to refer to timestamps for discrete short moments in a scene (as well as is a better source when discussing timings and speed), as opposed to manga where the best resolution you can get is "chapter" (and approximate page, but often be somewhat off due to MD-ui and credit pages). Even in the manga we see it multiple times, like the very start of ch54, and page ~9/10 of ch55, which- you know what, I am tired of trying to explain things to you I am certain you already know or understand, and just choose to interpret in bad faith. So I'll stop.
It's absolutely INSANE how everytime you just choose to ignore ALL of my arguments and give me a tangencial response that disregards everything

The anime is in fact NOT more exact because it is NOT a creation of the AUTHOR. Did you even read my comment? How did you miss that?

"The anime is a better source" - The anime can look DIFFERENT depending on the TEAM STAFF working on the episode. For instance, a high-priority episode is going to have better animation quality than low-priority episodes, as opposed to the manga where the SAME PEOPLE (the CREATORS) work on every single chapter.

The speed of an attack can look DIFFERENT depending on who's in charge of the storyboard for the episode, among many other things. And ultimately the VISION of the CREATORS of this universe (the manga author) is what holds the most weight when you're trying to debate canonical evidence. I gave you an example of how in episode 26 the anime has Frieren TELEPORTING, but this is something she CANONICALLY is NOT capable of doing as per chapter 108 of the manga. But I just KNOW you're going to ignore this reply of mine which completely debunks your claim of the anime "being a better source" and you're either: a) not going to replay anymore or b) force your way through ignoring this comment and still somehow say the anime is a better source

You're not certain of anything, my guy. Stop playing around. YOU are the one who's constantly ignoring ALL of my arguments to make your way through, as if ignoring OBVIOUS NARRATIVE PLOT POINTS wasn't enough already.

"Even in the manga we see it multiple times, like the very start of ch54,"

LMAOOOO. You really did this? The attack at the beginning of chapter 54 is just a CONTINUATION of the attack that hit fake Frieren at the end of chapter 53, it's NOT a new attack that got blocked, it was THE SAME attack. What are you doing here, man? Did you really believe this was something new or you're just saying whatever now?

When faced against arguments you can't debunk, just accuse your opponent of acting in bad faith or trolling. Great tactic.

What about your answers to the exposition the manga presented through Frieren? Nothing to say, huh?

It's better to stay in delusion, going against the story itself and the narrative being built up, making Frieren look like a pathological liar who tells lies even when there's no point in doing so, than acknowledging that Frieren got blitzed by someone.

In this very chapter (132) she HESITATE, stopped to think for a second and asked Stark to tag along before going to talk to the merchant dude who was a shadow warrior in disguise. In your mind, I bet this scene either: a) meant NOTHING or b) didn't make any sense, given the fact that you're BLINDING yourself from reality.

"No, Frieren LIES when she says a highly skilled warrior could take her out if they were to attack at close combat! That gotta be a lie!!"

Meanwhile the story KEEPS throwing in your face what is happening here.

What about my point of how Radar DOESN'T need to travel at a faster speed than zoltraak, but rather he just needs to close the distance on Frieren BEFORE she fires off the attack, which is exactly what happened in chapter 125 and is exactly what GETS EXPLAINED in chapter 126? Nah, ignored.

What about Frieren dialogue where she tells how warriors are essential to a party and without them mages would be way more fragile than you think, going as far as saying this statement must be true even for SERIE? Nah, meaningless speech. We don't care about that. That liar was just telling lies.

You say YOU are certain I already understand? How about YOU look at yourself, because there's simply NO WAY a person can read chapter 126, where Frieren goes as far as SHOWING THE READERS the DISTANCE where STARK could take BOTH HER AND FERN out and completely ignore it. Like, how did you manage to do that? What purpose do you think that scene served? Do you think the author was just wasting page time or what?

What else are you going to dismiss? How much more obvious does it need to be? How long the delusion must go on?
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Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2024
I always find it fascinating that people are discussing Frieren power level and combat abilities when Frieren herself would like to avoid fighting as most as possible. She will defend herself if needed, but she doesn't really like it and does not seek more power either.
She is in this because Fern is a First class mage under Serie. Otherwise, they would not spend time here.

Regarding Sense, I think she focuses a lot on inflicting debilitating wounds in one shot. But from the exam arc, she seems to never go for the kill at first and she claims to be a pacifist. Frieren's remark on the blood scent on Sense's hair might hint something other than killing.

This arc is still in its exposition part, so I assume it will be a very long arc.
At this point it's not even about powerscaling, but rather about how some people are willing to DISCRET and DOWNGRADE the story itself if that means they don't have to admit Frieren took a L or that someone managed to best Frieren in some type of way.

My guy over there is choosing to IGNORE all the obvious exposition that happened in chapter 126 on how the dynamics between mages and warriors work because he can't bring himself to admit Frieren got blitzed. He also can't bring himself to accept Frieren's own words, making her look like a pathological liar. "oh, Frieren SHOWED the distance where Stark could take her out in a surprise attack? Nah, I don't believe it. She would 100% be able to block it. That's a lie".

You see the problem these type of people can cause to the quality of the narrative itself?? They'll go as far as distorting the whole story if it means for them they get to keep Frieren on this Goddess-level pedestal the manga never put her on.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2020
Wonderful, a new dozen characters introduced on the last page for us to have to remember and get long and tedious backstories for. I loved the other parts with Frieren but talk about padding.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 21, 2020
Frieren going on hiatus every chapter for a week or two is certainly something that is happening... anyone knows a reason as to why ? Is the author sick or something ?
They're probably running dry of inspiration and ideas (other than introduce another dozen new characters) but the editors whipping them to continue because the title is popular right now.
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2023
Frieren intuition is on point in this chapter, from the stall keeper, asking Stark to escorts her in case, to Sense's hair.
Unfortunately it doesn't translate to her ability to appraise item
Aug 12, 2024
It's absolutely INSANE how everytime you just choose to ignore ALL of my arguments and give me a tangencial response that disregards everything

The anime is in fact NOT more exact because it is NOT a creation of the AUTHOR. Did you even read my comment? How did you miss that?

"The anime is a better source" - The anime can look DIFFERENT depending on the TEAM STAFF working on the episode. For instance, a high-priority episode is going to have better animation quality than low-priority episodes, as opposed to the manga where the SAME PEOPLE (the CREATORS) work on every single chapter.

The speed of an attack can look DIFFERENT depending on who's in charge of the storyboard for the episode, among many other things. And ultimately the VISION of the CREATORS of this universe (the manga author) is what holds the most weight when you're trying to debate canonical evidence. I gave you an example of how in episode 26 the anime has Frieren TELEPORTING, but this is something she CANONICALLY is NOT capable of doing as per chapter 108 of the manga. But I just KNOW you're going to ignore this reply of mine which completely debunks your claim of the anime "being a better source" and you're either: a) not going to replay anymore or b) force your way through ignoring this comment and still somehow say the anime is a better source

You're not certain of anything, my guy. Stop playing around. YOU are the one who's constantly ignoring ALL of my arguments to make your way through, as if ignoring OBVIOUS NARRATIVE PLOT POINTS wasn't enough already.

"Even in the manga we see it multiple times, like the very start of ch54,"

LMAOOOO. You really did this? The attack at the beginning of chapter 54 is just a CONTINUATION of the attack that hit fake Frieren at the end of chapter 53, it's NOT a new attack that got blocked, it was THE SAME attack. What are you doing here, man? Did you really believe this was something new or you're just saying whatever now?

When faced against arguments you can't debunk, just accuse your opponent of acting in bad faith or trolling. Great tactic.

What about your answers to the exposition the manga presented through Frieren? Nothing to say, huh?

It's better to stay in delusion, going against the story itself and the narrative being built up, making Frieren look like a pathological liar who tells lies even when there's no point in doing so, than acknowledging that Frieren got blitzed by someone.

In this very chapter (132) she HESITATE, stopped to think for a second and asked Stark to tag along before going to talk to the merchant dude who was a shadow warrior in disguise. In your mind, I bet this scene either: a) meant NOTHING or b) didn't make any sense, given the fact that you're BLINDING yourself from reality.

"No, Frieren LIES when she says a highly skilled warrior could take her out if they were to attack at close combat! That gotta be a lie!!"

Meanwhile the story KEEPS throwing in your face what is happening here.

What about my point of how Radar DOESN'T need to travel at a faster speed than zoltraak, but rather he just needs to close the distance on Frieren BEFORE she fires off the attack, which is exactly what happened in chapter 125 and is exactly what GETS EXPLAINED in chapter 126? Nah, ignored.

What about Frieren dialogue where she tells how warriors are essential to a party and without them mages would be way more fragile than you think, going as far as saying this statement must be true even for SERIE? Nah, meaningless speech. We don't care about that. That liar was just telling lies.

You say YOU are certain I already understand? How about YOU look at yourself, because there's simply NO WAY a person can read chapter 126, where Frieren goes as far as SHOWING THE READERS the DISTANCE where STARK could take BOTH HER AND FERN out and completely ignore it. Like, how did you manage to do that? What purpose do you think that scene served? Do you think the author was just wasting page time or what?

What else are you going to dismiss? How much more obvious does it need to be? How long the delusion must go on?
Boboyo I agree with you on the shadow warrior thing (UBEL is not beating Frieren lmao) but please calm down It doesn't make your arguments look good
Double-page supporter
Jan 2, 2019
Been too long since I've seen a true discussion about a single chapter anywhere. What a treat. I'm now more interested in who'll be humiliated when the next chapters drop than the chapters itself.

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