Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Draht

Double-page supporter
Mar 4, 2018
I guess Frieren's so old she's by now outleveled the entire Monster Manual, including the Outer Planes appendix.

And the demons be like:

Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Only Frieren who is the only person who understand demon's nature because she lives for thousand year with vast experience
Jun 21, 2019
@RexNemorensis I said that because the nazis had propeganda which literally depicted Jewish people as demons (yes, Christian demons) that were there to manipulate and terrorise the "innocent aryans". I get that demons in Christian mythology are supposed to embody evil, but I recommend thinking about what purpose that concept serves and how it has been used. Also the demons in this manga are totally pretty boys (and girls). Thanks for the comment.

@Sandycat135 You make a good point with the predator and pray point which I completely understand when talking about animals of different species but am a bit conflicted with when it comes to what I perceive as a different race or sub-species.
I guess it all comes down to intelligence, I have no problem with eating a cow because I see it as insignificant and unintelligent but if It could speak English or express emotions in a way we do I would refuse to eat.
I guess this also applies to appearance where if a human had the same intelligence and behaviour as a cow I wouldn't want to eat it even if logically I should have no problem.
It reminds me of Parasite, where a similar situation exists, humans are prey who see parasites as evil and the parasites are more intelligent and logical predators but since they somewhat share language and behaviour (even if it is adopted) empathy and friendship is still possible. Especially if the parasite was "raised" in a environment with human contact such as with the protagonist, this makes me think that even the demons in this universe (which are more similar to humans than the parasites) should be capable of peaceful coexistence even if its just one of them.
I Don't think I made a convincing argument and should probably think about it more. Also might have accidentally made myself a vegan hahaha. Also thanks for the reply and for reading.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2019
this manga straighten the reason why DEMON race are called DEMON.

some fantasy mangas describe demon race like elf, highly powerful magic, arrogant, etc.
just to look cool they butcher the genre.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
>People are STILL white knighting the DEMONS even after this chapter
You seriously can't make this shit up.
Jun 21, 2019
@justhide don't feel attacked at all and your vocabulary is great! no need to worry. I do think that fiction is capable of changing our perspectives, morals and beliefs just as much as non-fiction can. Not in the sense that we will start believing in dragons and magic but more through subliminal analogies and messages, hypothetical situations and ultimatums. When a fictional character is developed part of ourselves develops along with them. As cringy as it sounds I've learnt alot about life through reading manga.
Feb 18, 2019

But demons don’t want to kill all humans. They just want to stop the current war that humans are waging so that they can resume hunting them without having to fear for their existence.

Don’t attribute too much intelligence and breadth of view to the demons, in this manga they are painted as intelligent creatures but with a very low capacity for long-term perspective.

“I want something, I understand that if I say this&that I can get it, I say it. It doesn’t matter if I’m even three minutes away from being discovered. I’m a demon. I’m the predator. I don’t care if my food can go unconcerned because I lied to him or killed some other human in the meantime”


No, you're wrong about the assumptions. It's not that the humans are Caucasian and the demons are Asian or African. The difference is not only in skin colour or certain facial features when 99. 99% of the genetic code is the same. So this is non a racial issue from the start.

Here we are talking about two completely different species, as can be humans and mosquitoes or starfish. Only both have the same outward appearance (and this is probably due to the fact that demons use deception to hunt. what better deception for a predator to completely camouflage itself with its prey?)
Active member
May 19, 2019
I'm really appreciating seeing the difference in species. Demons use human connections (empathy, family bonds, loyalty) as weapons against them, and their perception of the world is completely different. Elves, from my view, aren't all that different from demons when it comes to not making close bonds like humans do, so I think that's why Frieren actually has a better understanding of what the demons are doing. She knows that they have no intention of playing into human values because the first humans she truly understood were in the Hero's party, and she still thinks humans are strange. I'd also bet that one of the main reasons why she wants to protect the town is because the heroes would have wanted to protect it. Before she met them, she probably would have thought it would be too much effort, and would only attack the demons who attacked her.

It 's really nice to see a fantasy writer--in comics, books, manga, etc--who understands that just because fantasy species look similar doesn't mean they are the same. And if they are the same, there should be an explanation for it. Demons aren't just humans who can shapeshift. Elves aren't just humans who live long. It's so refreshing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@gundulgondrong : In those races' defense, the specific term used is generally 魔族 (mazoku, lit. 'ma' race) which while not wrong to translate as 'demon' (as 'ma' can mean evil, so it can mean evil race/specie), it is mixing it up with the specific term for demon/devil 悪魔 (evil, 'ma')

The 'ma' in both of those are also the same as ma in magic/sorcery (魔法/魔術 depending on series)

So one alternate, and while uncommon has been done, interpretation of mazoku is actually 'magic(al) race'
i.e. In some series this is simply a race with high magic power (elves, the 'demons' in Kumo) and not inherently 'evil' ones.

@Lucrecia :
>what better deception for a predator to completely camouflage itself with its prey?)
A literal wolf in sheep's clothing :p
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2020
Damn, I wasn't expecting the Skeleton Knight manga to be the 4# best-seller. It sure doesn't deserve to be above Frieren.

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