Suicide Boy - Vol. 2 Ch. 56 - My Back Hurts 1

Dec 27, 2018
You're reinforcing it dude. It feels like you skipped a lot of the context here, given your quick reply.
As you said, it could have been resolved both ways. Either the sniper contacted the team before uploading it, or Yohan contacted him with the right response. It still doesn't excuse Yohan of starting his initial message like that. and that one would assume that the scan dev came to a halt if it exceeds it's own acceptable time compared to the Raw material.

> They went that extra mile, the sniper didn't so he's scummy.
If nobody else translated it first during the beginning, then how would anyone know of this manhwa existence?, uploading doesn't apply to this. One has to tread within the line in that case. once the manhwa is recognized by the audience, then you would contact them. Especially if an Official Release is planned in the future. Otherwise we wouldn't have any material to read in this site, dude.

> Why support typesetting?
If you want to polish your work, you would proofread the translation before releasing it. then do the typesetting later to make it better to read. LBS didn't do that, so it's their own fault there for not double-checking the translated material. It's common to make mistakes, but when the issues are noticeable at first glance, that is a problem.
It's important to double-check.
> His answer.
I already explained it on the bottom of my previous message. No one wants to be in that position. So it was a valid response to not join them. Exposing the pms... that is another level. And a dangerous one at that given how the situation concluded.
> No right reason.
Taking an unusual amount of time to translate a 20~ page is one. It would be justified if it was a long chapter that exceeded 100 pages. considering that chapters with that amount of pages could take months. If translation has ceased development or came to a halt, then it would be fair to continue in your own regard.
> Sniping and the Group of translators including status.
There were many solutions to this and none of them were taken or executed accordingly. Hence how the whole thing escalated out of proportions on both sides. Yohan could have defused this and recruited the guy if he had chosen his words carefully. and none of this would have ended this way, same with the Sniper if he indulged much further on the status of the translation and why it was taking so long.

There is no good or bad side here, man. Only poor decision making and execution.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
>"As you said, it could have been resolved both ways. Either the sniper contacted the team before uploading it, or Yohan contacted him with the right response."
Yeah sure but which one comes first? Which one is reasonable? Which was was done due to others action? Like seriously dude? You're telling me Yohan didn't deserve to get angry? There's literally no reason for the sniper to snipe the manhwa but he still did. No reason to expose the 'private' messages but guess what he did? And guess where his group name came from? Tell me that's reasonable.
>"Taking an unusual amount of time to translate a 20~ page is one." / "If translation has ceased development or came to a halt, then it would be fair to continue in your own regard."
Yes. Let disregard that the translator have their own lives. Like come on dude. The manhwa wasn't even dropped. Lonelyboy scans literally posted theit version a few days after the sniper did his. Say the group dropped this manhwa for real, are the sniper and you gonna continue it?
>"Only poor decision making and execution."
Yeah. By the fucking sniper. You're telling me Yohan had no right to be angry? No right and reason to PRIVATELY message the sniper? And the sniper had any right and reason to expose the PRIVATE message? Seriously dude? Give me one good reason why he exposed those PRIVATE message and named his group like that other than for attention and I'll drop my argument.
>"LBS didn't do that, so it's their own fault there for not double-checking the translated material. It's common to make mistakes, but when the issues are noticeable at first glance"
Yeah. Probably because they need a typesetter in the first place. If only there's a person willing to do it and enquired them about it instead of sniping the whole chapter. And the mistake wasn't noticeable at first glance. Lol. Talk about exaggeration. You said all that but doesn't bother to give examples of the "mistakes". Cool dude. Tell me that sniping the chapters was more reasonable than enquiring the group about the translation status and I'll drop my argument.
Dec 27, 2018
Because it is, getting angry over sniping is really silly. And you do know some of the groups in this site really like to blow this out of the water, this isn't the first time that happens in this site, other groups suffer this 'sniping' scenario and they suffered consequences by letting it burn.
It's like competition is banned here unofficially, instead of focusing the work on transcribing and translating the material to a readable state, they have to fight over chapters instead of cooperating with each other.
Also, if you dig a little further, the group name was changed after Yohan engaged with the sniper after the 1st chapter he published was released. So he wasn't named FYYh in the beginning, provoking someone is asking for trouble, and that's one that the sniper responded to. Yohan rubbed them off in the wrong way and the fire spread around.
> The life and translation.
It's a sizable group vs one. both have their pros and cons, if one or more persons in the group were affected by life problems, a chunk of them would've been assigned to work on the halted chapter and the team would resume like normal.
When you're doing it alone, you have to focus on life problems before resuming translation, which is why it would've been halted for one man. But it doesn't seem right for the group to also come to a halt too.
I am not exactly sure what LBS does closed doors with their management. So i can't really pinpoint the exact reason why it took so long. It's easy to resume a work that has been dropped because there is no real trouble there.

> Why would he expose such thing to the public?
When you're well known in the community, you will have an audience that assumes who you are in their own eyes, if you tread away from what they consider right or wrong, you lose them gradually. Yohan's bad attitude was shown in the pm's due to their initial response, if he took it calmly at that time, the tone of the conversation would have been drastically different, and the outcome in the situation changed. Shoving your anger towards one person will cause retaliation, no one wins there. If you keep adding fuel to the fire, it will get out of control. If nobody addresses their own problems, it is gonna become a bigger one down the lane.
Again, the sniper was assuming they stopped development, compare both chapter 54 and 55 timeframes, would you think of contacting them to expect a response?
Highly unlikely. There's been also scan groups that silently dropped other works and simply disappeared. Once the sniper uploaded it, that's when the three days caused everything to screw around. And since he was a new user to the site at that time, a response would've been slim. Once he gained traction with the audience, that's when he got contacted by yohan.

> Typesetting.
Let me say this once.
It's not rocket science. Everyone can do it. Let it be a man with experience, or none. And yeah, you can excuse me for miswording there on first glance, What i've meant is first impressions on the chapters, you can say the 1st one was shoved right in after the sniper did his in those three days.
I am not certainly sure if it has been fixed post-incident, but i gave a good look at chapter 55 and a few are still there, some few grammar (and maybe wording?) issues and text size/placement that looks either off, or is proactively trying to get out of the speech bubble on one page.
Since the sniper chapters are lost after the deletions, i can only remember one issue with it, the scan was a bit low-res compared to the other, which is to be expected. The translation was fine and it had no issues, and overall, it was okay for a first time translation.
You can go ahead and check CH 55 if you feel the need to it.

Sniping could have been a tool for competition, but given how it usually starts and ends. it is near impossible to cooperate with each
other at this time. The more they fight over a work, the more drops it will cause. Take a look around the site and check what groups have pulled out for sniping-drama.

To conclude, we can only review what has happened here, but none of us can change anything. The damage is already done. No one can go back and change history, the only thing one could do is prevent stuff like these from ever happening again, or defuse it before it gets out of control.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Let me fix that conclusion for you.

All this was caused by an attention seeking immature person who acted without thinking. Afterward, the affected party which had the right to be angry, admonished him. That person, acting like an immature brat again decided to do more unreasonable stuff in hope of gaining more attention. After gaining enough attention, he decided to pretend like he's the one being wronged and sulked even though the other party decided to call a truce and asked for a collaboration. Soon afterwards, the translation continued as usual. However, some people decided to resume the drama and provoked the affected party again despite them doing a good job. That the gist of this incident okay?
>"prevent stuff like these from ever happening again, or defuse it before it gets out of control."
Let me quote your comment before you delete it.
"Damn, you guys redid it but somehow you did it so much worse than the other guy.

Legit fuck you, Yohan."
Defuse it before it gets out of control? Lol. What a hypocrite.
Look man. I'm not looking for a fight or anything. I just wish we as the reader could stop supporting the sniping of manga with a dedicated good group behind it. That's the least we could do as readers. And if we do want to criticize them, do so in a constructive way and consider their group situation instead of shitting on them (like your comment). Can we agree on that?
Dec 27, 2018
Why would i delete something that i posted during the events of the former chapters being erased? I legit have no reason to do that.
We're clearly having a difference of how we view the situation here, but at the end of the day, this happened, that happened, and others engaged like in a playground fight and now there is no playground for anyone.
There was a reason why i posted it though, i was mildly peeved that the other groups chapters vanished in a few days, and i didn't review the chapters problems at that time, since some of them already pointed these issues out in the comment section.

You can call it sniping or not, but i want to see full cooperation in translation instead of fighting for the chapters, i just want to read.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
"i just want to read."
The why the fuck did you make that comment in the first place? Seriously dude. You're really becoming more and more hypocritical by each passing reply. Please dont reply to anymore comment. I read enough. Apparently it takes an idiot to defend an idiot. Sorry if I offended you.
Dec 27, 2018
Sure, like a reader has no reason to complain about 20+ chapters being lost in other works. (Returner's Scans/JB)
I'll leave to your own devices, i have stuff to read.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I don't care who scanlates it. (Honestly, I liked both groups, but they're both defunct. It's a shame because this is one of my favorites and we were only a few chapters away from some really interesting developments.)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2018
- what is keekekeke?

- amazing how their 31 years old teacher looks 50

- I just legitimately feel bad for this main character
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
@gum_rummy "kekekeke" is just another way of laughing or like a laughing sound effect commonly used by Koreans

And jesus the controversy in the comment section I don't mind who scanlates it ill read as long as it's on mangadex 😶
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
Ah yes... Public school beatings. If thay ain't the best way to guide children toward progress...

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