Surviving as a Maid - Ch. 5

Jun 21, 2019
Okay prediction is concubine-kun is a black magic user then seduced king-san...
Oct 1, 2019
I’ve decided to drop this story because lord I can’t with the author. Please take these spoilers as a warning.

The queen dies in the end because of an illness. She does become friends with the MC but I’m sorry, this nakama bs is not going to cut it for me.

You do not make a character suffer so much in the beginning of the story, get the readers all riled up to see their growth, then throw them away like they were just a means to an end. The ending being to make the MC look good.

The author did the queen dirty. Point blank. Nothing bad really happens to the king and concubine as well. Unsatisfying ending. Just don’t bother.
Active member
Apr 20, 2019
Why do I get the feeling... that this blonde jerk actually was the one who sired the child and used the queen to 'breed' with her to get this child.

Frick. give me two reasons why I shouldn't drop this carnage plotline
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 20, 2019
@dearbambii... Thank you! You save me from rollercoasters of bad-worse-worst feeling. The spoiler i got not mention the ending for them.

@singingbun you had keen feeling
The king ask the queen to sleep w the concubine so he could had a child look like his lover. F*cking bastard
Sep 14, 2018
Now I'm sorry what the fxck is this story? I can't I'm sorry, I wish the translators the best, thank you anyways, but this is BS.
Jan 30, 2020
Ha. Ha. In conclusion, both king and ***** concubine are losers and cowards.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
After reading the spoiler down below, i suggest you drop this right now, i'm going to keep reading but it doesn't look like it's going to be a good story.
Double-page supporter
Dec 1, 2018
Okay no this is bullshit made worse by the ending spoiler. Did the author even have a plan or point to make with that shitty ending!?
The MC is honestly the worst for me because she has no impact or change on the story and is lesser than a mob.

This feels like a really shit mix of Empty Shelled Duchess, Oppotunistic Princess in charge of problem solving and Lady to Queen. Like the author saw those (good series that I like) and decided to mix it into a blob and added a self insert. Not a good story and the structure is entirely broken. Too much jumping from scene to scene and dumb scenes put in for the sake of impact. If the MC does not get trauma from that then I swear the author should scrap this and start over again.

Tbh I know it's too early to be judging so harshly but this is so frustrating!!

I'm dropping this because
I can't stand that the Queen dies so pitifully in the end after all that suffering and loneliness and the MC who is a MAID gets together with a DUKE!!??? WHATT!?

Thank you to Black Market scans for the chapters so far! Wish you the best in your next project/series!
May 19, 2019
@valknight usually maids that are in the royal palace and close to the queen are usually nobles but yes I understand why you want to drop it shdhf I just wanted you to know cuz I somehow remember this
Aug 18, 2019
Dropping this because the ending is absolute dogshit. FUCK you author.
Nothing bad ever happens to the king and concubine. King forces queen to get raped by the concubine so he could have a child that looked like the concubine. in the end, the Queen dies pitifully. MC has no impact on the story whatsoever other than getting together with the fucking duke??? Where is the justice in this story??? Again: Fuck you author.
Active member
Jan 22, 2019
Thank you for all the dramas spoiler, I’mma drop this. To me an author giving the character their challenges and events is a means to make them grow or turn them worse for the sake of pushing the story to a certain direction. The author suppose to give punishments and rewards according to their motives in the process of developing their work not
killing of characters with out letting them having a proper role or let them make a point about your ideal. And if they’re just letting these morally imparalise gay couples roaming around causing pain and suffering for female casts, then ended up let the female protag marrying a straight male so she can get away with this country’s dilenma (a fucked in the head king killing off women as he pleases) with out actually striving or changing any of her current situation then this doesn’t mean shit. If you tolerate the actions of these mtfk with out letting them having any karmas or suffering then what’s the point of dragging this story on, because in the end if the MC can’t do anything even using her priviledge of being the Duke’s lover to make some positive changing of the situation then don’t write a story at all cuz that’s not how you write novels.

Sorry for the rant, if I get anything wrong or misinformed please don’t hesitate to fill me in and change my opinion. And I’m not homophobic, I’m just really mad at how the author will eventually don’t punish any of their act for blasphemia, killing people off without a proper reason, or taking away a child from his loving mother, I mean bad mouthing a kid’s mom when she did nothing wrong is gas lighting yo
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2018
The settings and how characters do things don't really make realistic political sense, the whole thing feels like an exaggerated villainization of the 2 main male characters while the rest of the important characters are like dolls without sufficient emotional capacity, especially the male characters all completely lose their rationale and easily fall in love with the concubine just by meeting because it's oh so angelic like what, and just like that all the male characters will flock to the concubine's side like bees trying to appease him despite he's already unofficially the king's lover like how they tryna appease him without inducing the king's jealousy and thus it's risking their life when the king's like that.

If the king gonna act like a tyrant, it doesn't make sense how the queen is in his way when he can just do whatever he wants, but if he's restricted politically, then there's no way there are no nobles especially family and supporters of the queen (the maids are likely to come from noble families too especially the head maid) and etc would just stay silent like that all this while. It might make sense if there's magic/curse involved that the concubine has charm/manipulation abilities or something but so far there's no sign of magical involvement, and the phenotypical appearance of the baby.

There better be some convenient magical explanation because it's almost as if the author has some sort of resentment or something towards bl stories/gay couples or have experienced rejection from a gay crush or something. It's just so weird that the story is not making good senses from many aspects that it's like a resentment fantasy the author wrote for themself to indulge in without a good story.

Edit: Is this novel/manhwa popular in Korea? Popular or controversial? Do the majority of female readers really like this plot? I'm so confused if that's the case.
Dec 26, 2018
Reading these spoilers... I'm feeling indignant.
I still want to read the story, but I'm feeling hesitant. It is that feeling when you know you will regret doing something.

Oh well.
Jul 6, 2018

It hasn't gotten too bad yet. These stories rarely make political sense, but he's not raised his hand against anyone with any kind of political authority thus far. He's locked up his wife, but it's a political marriage and those were pretty sad. It was not uncommon for Sultans or Asian Emperors to not allow their concubines and wives outside of the palace. The king is diligently fulfilling his role of joining the two families and is keeping his baby factory functional. That's unfortunately how society used to work.

Another great example is Marie Antoinette. She became hated due to her husband actually loving her and being asexual. So he did not take any mistresses, but French high society functioned based on the existence of a mistress. The queen was the baby factory and sort of the Mother Mary of the state, while the mistress would be the one with the king's ear and the one that could be blamed if anything went wrong. So instead she received both roles and the blame for the lack of children and for any mistakes the king made.

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