Surviving as a Maid - Ch. 5

Jun 17, 2019
Dropping this tbh, the only person I like Is the queen
[/t seem that nothing bad will happen to the two bastards and what's the point if you're going to let the queen die when she's literally the only person that's likeable?the MC is useless,if you don't wanna get involved then quit,she's extremely bland and having her marryingf a duke that appear out of nowhere?seriously?it would be wayyy better if you make the queen and the maid fall in love or some shit, this is extra frustrating ]
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Rayster I've seen this in a few stories without the bl element where basically all characters in the white lotus's side are essentially irredeemable cartoonishly horrible people.

I do agree that it leaves a big sour taste seeing this kind of depiction though, I find subversive /swapped perspective settings insanely interesting but this doesn't even fit most "tyrant screws with his unwanted fiancee" settings bc she isn't even *doing anything wrong* she just /exists/.

Imo it would've been less frustrating to read if the 5 "antagonistic" characters at least were characterised better but then some of these "the mc and associated parties get trampled into dust before they make a great resurgence" are so popular so the combo is just.... An extra wind up.

Also as a lady reader, I don't like this kind of characterisation, there isn't really a need to make a rival group of people ALL antagonistic. Maybe I'm too soft or I've been spoiled by better writers but it just feels so shallow, esp bc I don't believe this white lotus has really made people fall for him normally. Like wasn't the addition of mentioning black magic super weird..?

That knight brain washing a tiny baby to hate his mother takes the cake though. This story just makes me sad and stressed :c
Jun 17, 2019
@spiderbait I think I saw a video about LGBT Royals and one of them was some dude who married a woman and still sleep around with men and the thing is that his wife and him are friends, they have a great relationship with each other and still support one another even if their marriage is just political, this story would be better if it's somewhat similar to this
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2019
i hope he has a painful death jesus... also queen better get a happy end or ill have to mf drop this
....... reading the spoilers down here. haha im dropping this shit. bye!
Apr 18, 2020
Well I had a feeling this would be a dumpster fire add on all the spoilers I was already thinking might happen even before I saw them so yeah... DROPPED it's not worth the time I'll put in to read it if it's just trash set on fire and abandoned in the street to smell up the place and rot nah, I got better things to be doing bye ya'll.
May 2, 2019
Not this sniper drama again... The Black Market you guys did a great job translating this, godspeed.
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2018
quote for reference, hidden for reading convenience:
It hasn't gotten too bad yet. These stories rarely make political sense, but he's not raised his hand against anyone with any kind of political authority thus far. He's locked up his wife, but it's a political marriage and those were pretty sad. It was not uncommon for Sultans or Asian Emperors to not allow their concubines and wives outside of the palace. The king is diligently fulfilling his role of joining the two families and is keeping his baby factory functional. That's unfortunately how society used to work.

Another great example is Marie Antoinette. She became hated due to her husband actually loving her and being asexual. So he did not take any mistresses, but French high society functioned based on the existence of a mistress. The queen was the baby factory and sort of the Mother Mary of the state, while the mistress would be the one with the king's ear and the one that could be blamed if anything went wrong. So instead she received both roles and the blame for the lack of children and for any mistakes the king made.

Yeah I get what you mean, ancient societies did work like that objectifying women as baby factory, unfortunately 😟. The thing is, my frustration wasn't about the roles of the king/queen and the purpose of their marriage though. My frustration was more about how self-contradicting the setting is given how the king/concubine act without any political consequences/concerns yet somehow the queen is still an obstacle to them when she's already basically a shadow, and how shallow the characters are to the point that the male characters are so easily charmed, love-blind and simp, the maids are so carefree working there don't look like they are anxious for their life 24/7 when the head maid can be just removed on the spot with a made up case like that, the mc lacking a sense of urgency to recall all the necessary plots from the novel so that she can plan what to do strategically given her easily killed situation while being there still acting slowly and more concerned about being 'professionally smiley'... and where are the rest of the nobles and their reactions to the queen's treatment? If it's not a tyranny then there's no way that there's no political impact from the queen's poor treatment, even if it's a political marriage, and even more so if it's a political marriage because there's political concerns and benefits that what it makes the marriage political, especially queen political marriage candidates generally have to come from influential noble houses, and so her poor treatment would affect her family's reputation and standing, regardless of whether the family likes her or not. So it's just so weird how the story is self-conflicting without making much proper senses from the characters and thus causing plot holes, but yes I suppose you're right that "these stories rarely make political sense" 😅. I suppose I've read some better royalty/royal harem/castle drama stories that have better characters and proper senses and they raise my expectations, but even then there are some fantasy/isekai stories that involve royalty/nobles dramas and if the author isn't really good in writing political stuff, they generally would focus more on other aspects like magic/war/monsters/disasters/diseases and less on politics...

quote for reference, hidden for reading convenience:
I've seen this in a few stories without the bl element where basically all characters in the white lotus's side are essentially irredeemable cartoonishly horrible people.

I do agree that it leaves a big sour taste seeing this kind of depiction though, I find subversive /swapped perspective settings insanely interesting but this doesn't even fit most "tyrant screws with his unwanted fiancee" settings bc she isn't even *doing anything wrong* she just /exists/.

Imo it would've been less frustrating to read if the 5 "antagonistic" characters at least were characterised better but then some of these "the mc and associated parties get trampled into dust before they make a great resurgence" are so popular so the combo is just.... An extra wind up.

Also as a lady reader, I don't like this kind of characterisation, there isn't really a need to make a rival group of people ALL antagonistic. Maybe I'm too soft or I've been spoiled by better writers but it just feels so shallow, esp bc I don't believe this white lotus has really made people fall for him normally. Like wasn't the addition of mentioning black magic super weird..?

That knight brain washing a tiny baby to hate his mother takes the cake though. This story just makes me sad and stressed :c

I've read some of those too 😅 Some are so annoying but still acceptable overall because there are at least some solid characters or developments or at least interesting enough settings, and that generally such white lotus and their bees are punished one way or another eventually and give readers satisfaction somehow. Not this one though based on the spoiler, which is... unusual and confusing. I like swapped perspectives too because it builds characters and gives more explanations etc to the readers on the characters' beliefs, motives, backgrounds etc that in some ways what they do would make enough sense and what their objectives are, which they are willing enough to act after sufficient considerations of risks and rewards, like basically it just make the story more... alive, relatable and realistic, I'm sure you know what I mean lol. So yeah, I think this one is just not executed well and not well thought out that many aspects are neglected. I get what you mean too with "there isn't really a need to make a rival group of people ALL antagonistic", like evil for the sake of being evil kind of characters are just so shallow and boring and immature... there can be anti-villains and anti-heroes too, because humans and humanity are mostly complex and not purely black-and-white, and well-written antagonists can be iconic and make the story successful as much as the protagonists could (Sephiroth, Joker, Hannibal Lecter, Darth Vader, Voldemort, seriously all have their own solid backstory and stuff that don't make them evil for the evil's sake). It really reflects the storytelling and writing skills of the writer/author... The introduction of this story seems interesting and uncommon, but how it's executed so far kinda disappointed me for how the premise is wasted, maybe this story is meant to target the younger female audience, not shounen kind of edgy but shoujo kind of edgy, idk, maybe I'll read a chapter or 2 more to see how it goes.
Oct 14, 2019
okay. i like her now that i know she hates the dirty concubine and that bastard emperor too. oml this chapter pissed me off
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
Fuck I just read the spoilers below and there's no way I'm reading this after that. Dropped.
Jul 1, 2018
Okay reading the spoilers and holy heck this story is frustrating. It like all of the women in this story exist to get abused by men!
Apr 5, 2019
If the spoilers I'm reading are true I'll be pissed
apparently the blond concubine rapes the queen with the king's permission so they can have a baby. Queen dies pitifully and MC married some duke. Plus the king and concubine get a happily ever after no consequences for their actions. Hope this isn't true. is this based off of a novelboa that how people know spoilers
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Rayster I honestly just started looking for more wholesome series after dropping this one, makes me too mad!

Remarried empress like is.... Just soul crushing but you at least have the certainty that the empress is going to get away from the two people undermining her (with actual political ramifications too) but this one... I'm not so sure. The spoilers made it irredeemable in my eyes at least.
Jun 1, 2019
for once im glad for spoilers literally the another didn't have to make the queen have such a horrible life just for the mc to gain absolutely nothing from it like I want a reincarnation story for the queen
Fed-Kun's army
May 24, 2018
I know that feeling too lmao Trying to find wholesome stuff to "heal" and "cleanse" our reader soul to calm the frustration and not stay mad 😅
Oh, Maybe you could try reading The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes. It's a bit slower-paced and seemingly challenging for MC at first but the story progress is pretty fine with more and more wholesome stuff. Bakarina and some other villainess otome ones are pretty wholesome too. I wonder if there could be a subgenre/theme/tag for wholesome series so that it's easier to find...
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
thank you for the translation!!

and whats with BL fantasy worlds being a woman's nightmare!!! At least MC isn't a fujoshi who overlooked this issue because shes salivating over the BL narrative!
Active member
Mar 10, 2020
The sunmary makes this out to be a comedy but tbh it just feels like a lackluster drama. Like what is up with the cartoonishly evil male characters? Also is the author criticizing the 'angel can do no harm white lotus' trope or what? I'm confused like what even is the point of the 'king, queen & concubine' drama being the setting if it's not utilized in some ways? Also the character we know most about and thus the one we can most empathize with so far is the queen and she is so damn passive. I guess that's the intention of the author but it's not just her. Everyone is either a doormat or a mustache-twirling villain and the characters are so one-note. I'm gonna stick around just to see how this goes but I'm dissappointed in the series. Good art + confusing plot = ???

Many thanks to the translators though!

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