Suterareta Tensei Kenja ~Mamono no Mori de Saikyou no Dai Mateikoku wo Tsukuriageru~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - Alraune Raid

Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
That was easy and I wonder how long until the MC realizes the three stooges are missing (I understand at least one of them isn’t an idiot, but three stooges sounds funnier).
Nov 22, 2020
@OtaKael 1st if it upsets you so much, you could always not read it. 2nd if you are so much better at translating please make your own manga translations. We could ALWAYS use more translators, and "translating correctly" would be a MUCH better use of your time than angry commenting. SERIOUSLY THE MORE TRANSLATORS THE BETTER! START TODAY, the world needs you!
Jan 26, 2018
Please don't mis-characterize my comment. I was not angry; I was confused.
It's one thing to take, say for example, a line that's incredibly difficult to translate literally, and changing it so it works in english. I can understand that, I've even done it before myself.
I don't understand the idea behind taking a perfectly functional thing and changing it to something else.
Taking "Legion Ant" which is a perfectly functional name, that works fine in english(and I would argue even sounds cool), and changing it to "Giant Ant" which is kind of simple and uninteresting-sounding, makes no sense to me.
The invading people weren't Elves. They are plant people. In the raws they are called Alraune. Any simple google image search can easily teach someone who doesn't know what an Alraune is. I don't understand why it was changed to Elves.

While I honestly would love to help out on translating, as it is I already have way too many hobbies.
In addition to reading manga (Both translated and raw), I also read Visual Novels (Both TLed and raw), Read Light Novels (TLed only), play various games like Minecraft and Bloodstained, tinker a bit in hobby writing, and have even considered getting a little into game design because of some ideas I've played with regarding what my ideal RPG would be like.

To put it bluntly, I don't think I could devote any time to translating unless I get paid for it.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2019
Belamus proving once again humans are superior. These creatures should bow to him.
Nov 22, 2020
@OtaKael Most translators on this site have full time jobs and don't get paid for it either. These volunteers just do it as a hobby because they want to share stories. On occasion they MIGHT get a couple dollars donated but nothing worth the hours of work. But instead of you being willing to translate yourself, you just came here to complain about the work some other people did and gave to you for free? That's messed up. I've read some terrible translations with tons of miss spelling, grammar errors, and even some where it's clear that the translator doesn't even speak English well. BUT IT WAS FREE SO I WAS GRATEFUL. I'm not telling you how to live your life but you may want to be more grateful for what you got instead of just complaining.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 29, 2019
Why're y'all calling the alarune elves? They're plantfolk.
I think in Japan, pointy ears is just shorthand for "dis is a magical humanoid"
Aug 30, 2018
Okey. My first thought of this elves, all of them are female? How about the male? Or they just like orc ? That can't be described with human shape? XD
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@Avalicia They are supposed to be all female to my knowledge, but this universe made orcs look more like a giant, oni or ogre. Unless you say orc from elder scrolls with horns

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