Teisou Gyakuten Sekai no Doutei Henkyou Ryoushu Kishi - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Lady Astarte

Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2020
You know if this is a female dominant world I ask what makes women more dominant? Are they stronger? More propensity for violence? Are there more women than man? Just trying to understand how this world works because otherwise. I don't see how a man like Faust isn't pushing these women down (Including the 2nd princess) and taking them as his wives other than they're royalty. Hell I don't think they would mind it either other than they be the dominant ones in the relationship.
Probs somehow trough some weird evolution fanaglin with that made man less strong or you know in the same evolution thing made it so the weaker men were more probable to be laid in comparison to the normal man and then you add social atractiveness and thats it but it still doesnt make complete sense since at least till they would be able to make tools they would need men because of just how much overpowered testosterone is , either that or woman are just stronger than men, which made it men didnt need to be strong and the woman became the new men, those are the 4 to two scenarios i see on how it happened .
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2023

Thanks for the scanlate!
Dex-chan lover
Sep 12, 2019
You are correct. But other than that. Why are women dominant? There simply being more of them makes sense on it being female dominant sure but shouldn't men still have some upper hand? Unless the women are the stronger sex and have more propensity for violence. ie. More testosterone than the men while still looking very feminine.

Edit: Reading the novel review idk if him being a virgin is going to be a running joke since if he does fuck the title wouldn't be quite accurate
Don't fuck up your brain trying to make sense of this.
The whole world serves as a gimmick so that the story can even happen.
That being said, let's try to make sense of this: This is another world and seeing as people die young, science and medicine might as well not exist here. So we don't even know how people's bodies work. Hormones might be different and shit might be magical so there can be something hidden here about woman being stronger than man.

Other than that: If there are less males, they are more valuable than woman. So it makes some sort of sense to leave guys to householding and less perilous jobs while woman who are more abundant go to war, hunt and etc. If woman hunt and fight more then they can, with time and a hand of culture and society, to show more traits we attribute with masculinity, like short tempers, trying to solve things with their arms and etc. As to why, while more powerful and brute they're still cute and have huge badohadonkas, I can't explain that other than that this right here is a ecchi manga my guy.
Group Leader
Nov 24, 2019
Don't fuck up your brain trying to make sense of this.
The whole world serves as a gimmick so that the story can even happen.
That being said, let's try to make sense of this: This is another world and seeing as people die young, science and medicine might as well not exist here. So we don't even know how people's bodies work. Hormones might be different and shit might be magical so there can be something hidden here about woman being stronger than man.

Other than that: If there are less males, they are more valuable than woman. So it makes some sort of sense to leave guys to householding and less perilous jobs while woman who are more abundant go to war, hunt and etc. If woman hunt and fight more then they can, with time and a hand of culture and society, to show more traits we attribute with masculinity, like short tempers, trying to solve things with their arms and etc. As to why, while more powerful and brute they're still cute and have huge badohadonkas, I can't explain that other than that this right here is a ecchi manga my guy.
One of the biggest differences between men and women are testosterone. It makes men more aggressive, and it makes it easier for men to gain muscle than women. Testosterone is the main reason that it's hard for women to compete against men in sports, and why men than has converted to women and compete in women sports have an unfair advantage over women. I don't think this world could be this different without some differences in how hormones work honestly.

For the reason than just 10 percent born are boys instead of the usual 50/50 (okay, for boys it's actually a little over 50 percent because the Y chromosome is lighter than the X chromosome, but it evens out since more boys die than girls), it's kind of hard to find a good reason. If I had to guess it'd be because a lot of the X chromosomes in this world are weak, and for girls it doesn't matter that much since they have two X chromosomes, but boys only have one X and one Y chromosomes, so X chromosome faults causing spontaneous abortion might be the reason for the difference.

It's important having the scientific facts straight in ecchi. Can't fap without it being scientifically correct.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 1, 2023
This is great.
I love this already.
Thanks for the translation
:meguusmug: :meguusmug: :meguusmug: :meguusmug: :meguusmug:
Group Leader
Jan 8, 2023
Another manga with giant breasted women who dress carelessly is always a good thing to have. I'm reading this manga for tits of course.

Those two were boys??? I wasn't aware so I got a bit lost reading the dialogues lol
Aug 22, 2020
I thought this would be some ecchi mess, but it is going a route i didn't expect and in the best way. Plus the art is great. Honestly just great
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2023
The idea of "chastity reversal" (that's what's 貞操逆転 means by the way, not "gender reversal") is something that's surprisingly hardly done; the only other manga I remember doing this is "World of Moral Reversal"-- as in, they depict a world where the supposed sexual norms of men and women are reversed, which is different than merely having a world where society is different because men are rare compared to women.

The reader may want to consider "chastity reversal" to be otaku jargon that actually means "lol, the men are herbivores and the women are man-eating perverts", because otherwise it becomes awkward to consider that the author really thinks that men would generally act like the women do in this chapter without being thugs or extreme weirdos. Like, in a non-chastity reversal narrative, that stuff would normally be written as the "kick the dog" moment for male stock villains, because nobody wants to hear about men trying to rape women-- at the very least, that's some Rance shit. though, I guess that would be something some women readers may find attractive if such men were written with charisma and not brutishness-- look, I'm trying to account for the fact that women can be as perverted as men even in real life

Don't mind me too much-- I do like the art style, and the juxtaposition of the protagonist and the apparent female lead so far.

Man this manga seems to bother some people. Always seems to when men are the weaker ones out of the bunch, lmao.
That's the issue: there's no indication that they are, which undermines the worldbuilding if you make the mistake of choosing to take it seriously rather than as a fundamentally necessary step in establishing the gag-tier premise.

This is a soft-H manga that plays around with the idea of a society of very unabashed maneater women and herbivore men, so this doesn't especially matter if you're in it for the long haul-- you just shouldn't waste your time trying to justify it, because the only answer is "it doesn't make sense, now shut up and wish that was you".

Probs somehow trough some weird evolution fanaglin
Evolution obviously hasn't done jack-- none of the women are built any different than regular women and the protagonist is built like Baki Hanma. If I have to think about this for a second more, I refuse to believe that the men of this world didn't largely decide to take advantage of their rarity to become pampered femboys, because that's the only way patriarchal oligarchies didn't happen.

...w-wait, why do the women have them dressed up and socialized like fembo-- no, I need to stop trying to make sense of this.
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